Two days have passed. When they needed to go to sleep because it was presumably nighttime, with time being frozen in this encased bubble of chaos, Dipper played with the magic he discovered while Mabel was asleep. Being a demon now, he didn't need sleep. But it was an instinct to him to just shut his eyes and let his conscience float away into the night outside the weirdness. It took him a couple of hours to do so, but he managed.
He also had trouble talking to Ford about the equation. He'd once asked Mabel, but she didn't know what he was talking about. Stan was always too busy talking and working with the other townsfolk and whenever it was finally Dipper's chance to talk with Ford alone, Bill alerting him when he was alone, someone would already be going up to him and asking him what needs to be done and all of that. There were no chances.
Until now.
He had no chances to speak with him alone until Ford invited Dipper to join him while he went to the basement to work on a weapon to weaken Bill. Bill huffed, like that'd work, but Dipper ignored him and followed his uncle.
Ask now, kid. Right now's your chance, the demon told him as Ford finished explaining the (unnecessary) difficulties of the weapon.
Dipper took a deep breath and straightened his back. "So, Grunkle Ford, I remember you telling me one time about an equation that will break the barrier of Gravity Falls?" He willed his voice to wobble a bit as if he was weary of the subject. Like human Dipper would have done. But he's a different Dipper...demon Dipper.
Ford blinked in surprise and took his six-fingered hand off of the gun for a moment. "You remember that?"
"How could I forget?" Dipper shrugged unsurely.
Ford went back to working on the weapon while they talked. "Yes...once the equation is solved and done in the way it is supposed to be solved, then the town's weirdness barrier will burst and the chaos will erupt around the world, possibly our entire universe." Dipper shuddered.
"What is the right way?" He chose those words carefully.
Ford looked around wearily, as if there were eyes and ears anywhere, which was impossible because of the unicorn spell around the shack. Aside from Dipper the now demon and Bill himself inside Dipper's head. The king of chaos was listening intently.
"Well," Ford said, looking into Dipper's eyes and unaware that their biggest threat was with them right now, "To solve it, the wheel must be drawn by human blood. Now, I don't know the incantation," Dipper's heart deflated a bit, "but they must say it in an ancient demon language." But he just shrugged and turned back to his gun.
Bill said, No worries, PT! I already know the incantation.
Dipper didn't know if he should feel relieved or not.
"Great-Uncle Ford, if you don't mind my asking," Dipper fiddled with his thumbs. Right now was the moment. "What is the equation?" Bill sent a hum of approval from the other side.
That was when the man stiffened up. He looked around one more time. He got on one knee in front of Dipper and...actually told him the equation. Dipper blanched. Did Ford really trust him that much?
Then he heard Bill's loud whoops and cries of happiness inside of his head. It was so surprisingly loud that Dipper flinched.
"Are you alright?" His uncle asked, old eyes worried.
Dipper just nodded and tried to keep his voice from yelling over Bill's. "Yeah. Just surprised that it's that simple to submerge an entire universe into chaos..." he lied.
Ford smiled, eyes crinkling, patted his shoulder and stood back up. "I agree. Let's head back up, shall we? It's almost time for lunch."
Dipper knew that he'd be going back to the Fearamid soon. But then he realized something. Bill, how exactly are you supposed to get human blood? I'm not exactly a human anymore, he said uneasily.
Oh, that's an easy question! Just go sneak into the hospital and steal some bags!
Dipper almost tripped up the stairs. Gross. His Grunkle put a steadying hand on his back and he thanked him quietly.
Bill, what do you mean sneak into the hospital?! he thought back angrily.
I mean what I said, kid. Just teleport yourself in, get the bags, teleport out, and bam! We're all set!
Now, Bill was just making it sound easy.
During lunch in the kitchen with Mabel and a few others, he felt Bill leave his mind for a few minutes. He thought back to Pyronica again and her words that didn't sound real at all, but were. Bill needed to fall in love to save him...Dipper knew that no one else was close to Bill, seeing as Bill either spent his time alone or with Dipper.
What if...what if Dipper was the one that Bill needed to fall in love with?
Dipper laughed out loud, startling Mabel. He dismissed it as something funny he heard earlier.

Oak Tree | BillDip
Fanfiction"Eeny!" Pine tree. "Meeny!" Shooting star. "Miney!" Pine tree. "YOU!!" Shooting star. "Wait!" Dipper forced out. "I...I wanna make a deal with you." 13+ cover art by elentori #1 rank in #billcipher (AUG 9 2019) #1 rank in #billdip! (AUG 9 2019) ...