Chapter 14 - Fold

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Dipper didn't sleep that night. He tried to think of ways that he could kill Bill Cipher himself. It would be saving the world...right?

Right! He urged his mind when his mind rejected him, a doubtful spark at the back of his head. It would be saving the world. And his family.

Turning 13 wasn't as exciting as he thought it would be. He used to be so excited of all the possibilities of this age. Of growing up. Growing up was just the way of life and he learned that he didn't actually have to grow up but now...he didn't have a choice.

It was Weirdmageddon. The apocalypse. Bill Cipher ripped his family out of his hands and imprisoned him in his pyramid. Dipper was now a demon. Everything was either life or death at this point. He shouldn't be thinking about this at 13. He should be thinking about girls or homework or how to hide a certain treacherous thing during class.

That was gone. His life was changed forever.

He replayed memories of his family in his head. Mabel being happy and covered and glitter and bright colors, dragging him around everywhere to help her get a date for a boy that she was crushing on (and Dipper reluctantly admits to himself that even he thinks they're cute too). Stan in his undershorts and boxers, lounging around on the faded and ripped orange sofa, lazily holding out the remote to change the channels on the TV. Ford showing him a mechanism that he invented that could do cool things like mind-control and all that. He even missed Waddles, that stupid pig who always licked him like an excited dog. He was adorable. He missed them. He was supposed to betray and trick them.

But doing it would keep his family and friends safe. All of them. It would also—

There was that doubtful spark again! He groaned and flopped onto the cold floor. He then weighed the possibilities in his head.

Don't trick and betray them: Bill probably could enter his mind. That would be the last time he'd spend with them ever if Bill finds out that he won't do it. Do trick and betray them: they'll be kept from harm, like Bill had promised him. The world will end and erupt into unending chaos.


His head shot up from the floor. Maybe if he could trick Bill into thinking he could trust Dipper, then Dipper would be able to learn some of Bill's secrets and weaknesses and to let him visit his family. Ford and Dipper could come up with a plan to destroy Bill!

Then he would have to penetrate his family's mind for his plan to work. He would have to tell his family about his plan if it does actually kick off.

His head hit the floor again with a thud. He didn't care for the pain—but Bill could step into Dipper's mind at any given moment. Maybe if there were a way to shield his mind, like Ford did, with not metal but magic.

Dipper immediately sat up, getting a head rush and he blinked his eyes vigorously to get rid of the dizziness, and he sat against his bed. The metal plate. Maybe he could imagine a metal plate around his mind and it would happen!

Phew. Here goes nothing.

He inhaled and exhaled slowly. Now, he envisioned a metal plate forming around his mind, bolting and melding together to make a strong and thick forcefield. This would stop anyone from getting inside his head. He felt it. It was actually working!

Then there was a moon. And stars. And planets. Only did he then realize that his metal shield was accompanied by them. They were...all around it. The metal was forged with them and all around. Space. The Big Dipper sat above it all.

He opened his eyes. Yeah, he could definitely feel the shield. It was real. It was real.

His mood immediately darkened when he thought, like everything else. Weirdmageddon.

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