Dipper got something to eat and drink after that lesson. Levitation took a lot out of him. And Bill wanted him to learn how to reach into others' minds and gain information right after his small break! What does he want him to do after that? Manipulate minds?
"Stop being cranky, and yes, maybe, we may start on that after."
Dipper jumped from where he was sitting on the dark counter. Bill was there, reading his mind. His presence illuminated the black walls yellow.
Dipper was brave enough to glare at him. He was still afraid of Bill, but he was too tired to think about it.
He said around his bread roll when he stuffed it in his mouth, "Whath do you wanth, Bill?"
Bill raised his eyebrow—how did he even manage that—and replied with equal saltiness, "I just wanted to say that we're starting the lesson in two minutes, so hurry up."
Dipper stared at him and chewed slower, just trying to make sure that Bill knew that he was annoying him.
"You're testing my patience, Pine Tree."
And you're testing mine! He wanted to snap back, but he was reminded that Bill could burn him into ash in 0.002 seconds right on the spot.
He finished his roll and hopped off the counter. Curious and forgetting how afraid he was, he asked, "So, how come I have fire power and the other demons have powers like water and lightning and stuff?"
Bill motioned at him to cover his eyes so they could teleport, and he answered, "Because I turned you and I have fire power."
"Oh," Dipper coughed. That was so obvious. "Cool." Wow.
He opened his eyes and they were in the throne room. There was no one in there. Perhaps it was for their lesson.
Bill glided over to his massive throne filled with human-beings that Dipper could never bring himself to look at. He kept his gaze stuck to the black floor until he heard an oof! and Bill casting some sort of magic—he didn't know, but he heard a crackle of some sort. A whiz and the tang of magic. That grunt sounded familiar... human.
"Look up."
Dipper did and he gasped.
Standing there in all his gloriousness and expensive ripped clothing, was Preston Northwest. He was looking around confusedly, oblivious. It seemed like he did not know what was going on in the real world. He had been stuck in a world of darkness for more than a month, and Dipper could not blame him. He pitied him even though Dipper hated his guts for how he treated Pacifica—like a servant instead of a daughter.
Preston looked at his surroundings some more until his gaze landed on Dipper. The 13-year-old boy wanted to cower under his gaze but he couldn't.
Dipper wanted to laugh at Preston's brown, unkempt and greasy hair. He wanted to laugh because that was what Preston would do if he laid his eyes upon someone like that.
But he couldn't. He knew what Bill wanted him to do. What did Bill do to Northwest? What was that spell he heard that was cast upon him?
Preston opened his mouth—probably to insult Dipper—but nothing came out. Then Dipper understood.
Bill teleported to Dipper with a pleased expression upon his face.
Preston dropped to his knees and began to weep when he saw the demon. Dipper kept his chin up.
"Now, Pine Tree," said Bill, addressing Dipper, "I want you to reach out with your mind and reach Northwest's. Imagine hands reaching into his mind, getting through the walls and finding what information you need."
And that's what Dipper did. He held Preston's stare. He knew what he was looking for.
He lunged. He lunged and imagined talons digging through... and then random thoughts and memories and emotions coursed through him—he was in Preston Northwest's mind.
Now that he knew how to do that, he looked for this: why did he treat Pacifica that way? Pacifica was their friend. Pacifica was his daughter.
Then Bill told him to stop and that the lesson was over.
Dipper didn't get what he wanted.
Preston got turned back into stone and was placed on his spot on the throne. Dipper didn't watch.
Then Dipper started. "Why does he treat her that way?" He spat on the ground. "Why does he treat everyone like we're filth? You didn't let me finish!"
Bill stared levelly at him. "Because the lesson is over. You know how to do it." Then the cheerful gleam went back to his slitted eye. "You learn quick! You'll get teleporting down in no time."
Dipper didn't say anything. He kept staring at Bill.
"Just so you know, Pine Tree," Bill mused, "Sixer has that metal shield built into his skull. You won't be able to get past that. Make sure you get him to tell you the equation or he might have told someone else."
Dipper blanched.
"Welp, until then," Bill tilted his top hat in farewell. "I have some business to attend to! See you later!" Then he disappeared in a flash of white light.
He would never force his way into his family's minds. Never. Or manipulate them.
Pyronica's words were filling his head again.
Corrupted mind. Corrupted soul. There is a way to save him.
Bill Cipher was incapable of falling in love. It was impossible.

Oak Tree | BillDip
Fanfiction"Eeny!" Pine tree. "Meeny!" Shooting star. "Miney!" Pine tree. "YOU!!" Shooting star. "Wait!" Dipper forced out. "I...I wanna make a deal with you." 13+ cover art by elentori #1 rank in #billcipher (AUG 9 2019) #1 rank in #billdip! (AUG 9 2019) ...