Chapter 21 - Wild Beasts Wearing Human Skins

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"Pine Tree, Pine Tree. Are you okay? Get up."

Warm hands grasped Dipper's face. Dipper felt around his body for any cuts or broken bones...none. Good. "Bill? What...what was that—" But when he opened his eyes, he was met with two glowing yellow ones.

Dipper yelped and scrambled from the stranger. "W-who, who are you, why are you—where's Bill?!" He planted his hands on the now burning grass and held one of his hands up, a flame circling menacingly on the center of his palm.

He got a good look at the stranger: he was naked for one. He had blond hair and tan skin with those strange, glowing yellow eyes. He felt a sense of familiarity but he couldn't put his finger on it. He was still groggy with sleep.

The man's mouth opened. "Pine Tree—"

Dipper's heart stopped. This—this was Bill?

Bill Cipher held his hands out and his glowing eyes tinged with red. "Tad Strange came, he knocked you out and was trying to capture you or something, but I protected you from the blast." Dipper opened his mouth, but Bill said, "Tad Strange isn't actually here. That was just a portal with his power coming out. It was about to hit you."

"Oh my God," was all Dipper could say. He put out the fire in his hand.

Bill stood up and Dipper shielded his eyes. Okay, this is weird, this is not! Okay! "Get some clothes on!" He barked. This entire situation was weird and he just didn't know how to deal with it.

Bill stopped his random rambling and snapped his fingers. Clothes appeared—good, he could still use his magic. Bill chose an outfit that was not too flashy but way too formal—but it looked just for him. It had a yellow and black color scheme. "Happy?"

Dipper scrambled to his feet. "Haha, yeah, definitely. Tad came, knocked me out until morning, and turned you human. Yep. I'm am totally okay with this." Dipper reached for his head and he realized his hat wasn't there. He sucked in a breath and looked around in a panic—until something landed on his head. His hat.

Dipper turned around to see Bill towering behind him—the demon had to be at least a foot or so taller. "This is more than weird," he voiced aloud.

Bill ruffled Dipper's hair. "I'm all about weird, kid! We'll figure this out, don't worry. I won't be like this for long." He stepped away from him and walked around the area and he surveyed the chaotic sky. Weirdmageddon had come to Rome. Beautiful, beautiful Rome. Now it will be more than ruins.

It was odd to see a longing smile on Bill's lips. It was just as odd seeing Bill stumbling a bit while he walked. Dipper could tell that he needed to get used to walking, which won't possibly be long since he'd possessed other bodies. Like mine, Dipper thought darkly.

Bill didn't seem so shaken as he took Dipper's arm in his and teleported them back to the Fearamid.

"We'll figure this out, Pine Tree. We'll make sure I get out of this body. We'll make sure that Tad Strange will be defeated—he won't lay a hand on you. You're my territory, remember? You're one of my own. "

It's been 4 years and they still have not figured it out.

Dipper was now 17. His body had grown, and so had his mind. He felt like he was way older than he was supposed to be. He hadn't seen his family even once after when he got the equation from them. He hoped that they didn't plan anything to get him back...but they'd seen the increased activity of them fighting back ever since. A couple of years ago, Xanthar, Xanthar, came back to the Fearamid injured and Bill, now human, had to heal him because the magic Dipper's family used was...more powerful. He was worried about them, but Bill would keep his promise. Or at least Dipper hoped that he would.

He and Bill's relationship have not escalated, much to Pyronica's disappointment.

Dipper now was in his room, looking out the window of stars that Bill promised him. Time was frozen and it was nighttime forever, but Weirdmageddon outside made everything look like it was the day.

He did this every night after the day in Rome—lay on his bed, look out the window on his ceiling and points out the constellations. Sometimes Dipper would levitate himself to the ceiling window and he could see even more of the night sky. He felt like he ruled the world. The broken, burning, cruel world.

Tad Strange. That name was a curse and no henchmaniac were allowed to say it, fearing it would bring him back. Bill feared that he would come back before he came up with a plan to defeat him. Luckily, Tad had not come once after he turned Bill human. It was even more luck that Tad allowed him to keep his magic.

Bill seemed to be okay with being human, but during the dinners, Dipper would look at him and see this pain that he couldn't explain. It would be gone in a second, though. Dipper knew better than to question it. Maybe when the time is right, he would confront him about it.

Dipper felt tears seep into his eyes for the first time in months.

I just hope my family is alright, he thought as he put his face into his pillow and fell asleep.


"You don't think this will work, do you?"

"We can only hope. We'll get him back. You'll see."

Mabel bit her lip. "Ford," she put her arm on her uncle's gently. "He's been gone for four years...he hasn't come for us. I don't think...he wants to come back."

Ford whipped his head toward her, snatching his arm away. Mabel flinched. "He was taken by Bill. Last I checked, you wanted your brother to come back just as I do!" His eyes seemed more aged than ever.

The girl felt tears threatening to spill. "Of course I still do—haven't you heard what those monsters are saying whenever we are out on patrol? Do you remember what the groups come back telling us?" She took a step back. "They're saying that Dipper seems content there. He's not unhappy. We should be grateful!"

"What have we told you about speaking of his name again?" Ford's eyes flashed.

"I don't care!" Mabel roared. "He's my brother! Stop trying to make it seem like his name is a curse or something! Dipper's not some monster like you make him out to be!"

"Mabel, he told Bill the equation. I believe that he is under Bill's control," Ford said to her calmly. "Remember what we found out a year ago? Bill Cipher is human. My own nephew turned into a demon."

Mabel searched for words. "Why won't you listen to me? Dipper doesn't wanna be saved—"

"Bill Cipher will see not to mess with the Pines—"

"Ford, when does it end?!"

"Whenever the asshole is dead!"

Mabel was done. She was done with all of this. "I'm done talking about this with you. This is a lost cause, Stanford. You know this." She ran up the stairs to see Waddles.

Ford scoffed and went back to his research.

What a time-skip, huh? Don't get mad at me, haha, but the time-skip was important. Nothing happened during those years and this story would have just gotten very boring with no time-skip.

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