Chapter 15 - Home

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Dipper woke up in the forest. He looked down on himself—he was in different clothes than what he had on before he went to bed. These clothes...they were normal, but not his usual clothes. These were jeans and a navy hoodie. He could feel his hat on his head.

But why was he...on the ground in the burning forest instead of in bed? Oh, wait. Now Dipper remembered—today was the day that he will go back to his family.

Dipper's heart slammed against his chest. He was excited and nervous at the same time. He was excited to see his family and be with them for a few days, but was nervous about how his family would react to being a demon...perhaps he wouldn't tell them. Yeah. But he wondered how he would get the information out of them.

Why, I'll be there to help you! Bill said in his mind.

Dipper jumped. How did he get into his mind?!

The boy could sense Bill shrugging. Oh, your mind was open. Dipper started. Kid, don't freak.  Just keep your mind open from me and close everything else out.

Dipper made sure that happened. He finally stood up and leaned against a tree.

You're awfully quiet, Pine Tree.

"Because I don't want to do this!" He protested before he could think.

Bill didn't get impatient with him like the other time. You—


Said boy jumped again and saw Wendy. Oh, wow, he hadn't seen her in weeks. She was all dirtied up, but she always managed to look lovely. Dipper ran and hugged her.

The teen chuckled and squeezed him hard and Dipper could barely breathe. He returned the favor. "Um, I-I heard that you got taken," she pulled back a bit to look him over. "You look well taken care of, is this just an illusion by Bill or something?"

Take it easy, Red, of course I took care of him. I couldn't let the poor little boy starve! Dipper ignored Bill's mocking words and he said, "Yeah, he let me eat food and stuff. I even had a bathroom!" Wendy only looked a little jealous of the care he had. Dipper felt guilty then—no one in Gravity Falls that were not stone yet didn't have running water and they couldn't just go to the store to get bread or anything. Meanwhile, he got more up there in the Fearamid.

Don't feel sorry for them, kid. It's their choice of not surrendering themselves in the first place. Now with our stupid deal, they have to worry.

Dipper took a deep breath. He was about to ask if they could go to the Shack so he could see the rest of his family but the redhead looked at him in awe again. "And you've grown taller!" He had? She punched his arm lightly. "I feel like I'm shrinking, dude!" Dipper forced a chuckle.

"So, when are we going to go back to the Shack? And why are you out in the forest anyway?" Dipper asked.

Wendy rolled her eyes and began walking. Dipper followed. "I was on patrol duty, but I've found you, so I guess I've done my job well!"


Dipper felt that guilt again. To distract himself, he just stared at Wendy in front of him.

Like that'd work, Bill chided in his mind as they walked. I thought you were over girls! At least these memories say you are.

Dipper felt heat creep up his neck. "I am!" He said aloud.

"What?" Wendy asked.

"Nothing!" Dipper said. Wendy just nodded and continued walking. Ugh, he didn't know how to think-talk. Bill was embarrassing him two ways at the same time!

Bill chuckled. Hm, I wonder what's in this door? That couldn't be good. 'Private, DO NOT ENTER'.

That really couldn't be good. "Bill, don't!" He tried to whisper shout. He had hoped that the background apocalypse noises drowned out his protests.

Wendy stopped and turned around. "Okay, are you sure you're okay, man?"

Dipper nodded and he heard Bill laugh darkly.

"Alright, well, just around these trees, and...we're home!"


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