Chapter 8 - Pines Are Never Afraid

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"Master Bill, when are you gonna tell him?"

"Is the sapling alright?"

"Look— he's waking up!'

Dipper blinked open his eyes, surrounded by a warm yellow glow that wrapped around him like a blanket.

He groaned quietly. Where was he? Where was the library? He was just in there...

Then he remembered that he picked up this one book in the library and opened it. He remembered that he got a wicked headache and his nose had bled. A lot. He remembered putting the book down and sitting in one of the chairs. He didn't remember anything after that.

His head didn't hurt anymore. He brought a hand to his nose—there wasn't any blood. Someone must've cleaned it off. Wait... he opened his eyes again. Yellow light. He started.

"Woah, kid, calm down!"

Dipper stilled in fear. It was Bill. Had he...

Bill rolled his eye. "Yes, I healed you. For free! Wouldn't you believe it? I don't usually do that."

Dipper was shaking. He sat up and moved to the dark, rainbow-filled wall behind him. Yes—he was in the hall outside of the library. He didn't answer Bill. He stared at the ground instead.

Bill waved a hand to dismiss the henchmaniacs. They went silently. He put his hands behind his back and ominously floated close to him. There was no where Dipper could go. "But," he said to him,"everything comes with a price."

"No. Never." He blurted. Dipper knew what he was going to ask. Everything comes with a price... No matter what Bill was going to do to him, he would refuse every deal to make sure he doesn't become a demon.

He just wanted to go home. To be with my family. For everything to be normal.

Bill came closer. "I'd let you out," he said to him,"only if you go to Fordsy and ask him for a certain equation."

Dipper didn't like where this was going. "W-what equation?"

"To shatter the barrier around Gravity Falls. So Weirdmageddon will spread global!"

Looked like Dipper really was trapped here. Forever.

Bill wagged a finger. "Ah, ah! How about this—your friends and family will stay safe during Weirdmageddon, that means my henchmaniacs are not aloud to hurt them in any way, and you'll become a demon like us!"

Bill would do anything to get him to do what he wanted.

But Dipper blinked. "My friends and family?" his hopeful, brown eyes looked up. "You'll protect them." It wasn't a question.

"Yes!" Bill insisted, holding out his hand. Blue fire licked up his hand all the way to his elbow.

It was so tempting. The luminous blue fire—he was aching to touch it, to shake Bill's hand. It was for his family, right? His family and friends would be safe outside the Mystery Shack. For his family. I will not be afraid. I will not be afraid. I am a Pines. Pines are never afraid.

He told himself and reached for Bill's hand and shook it.

Cold, blue flame licked and wrapped up around Dipper's hand. His arm. Up to his shoulder. Past his shoulder, now dropping down to his chest, his torso, his legs, feet, and head. Excruciating pain followed.

He felt it everywhere. It wasn't like anything he'd felt before. I did this. For my family. He gritted his teeth. Then the pain stopped.

"What..." he sagged against the wall. He didn't feel any different, only that he felt sore all over.

He felt a force that he couldn't explain ripple past him. The deal. His family was safe. Forever. And ever. His emotions felt all over the place.


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