Chapter 8

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It was now 2 period and Harry and I have music together.

"Alright kids, for this assignment I want you to get a partner. Wait, before you choose, this is the assignment. You and your partner have to write a song or pick a song and perform it here in front of the class, and you'll be presenting by tomorrow. Alright go" Ms. Piper said me and Harry instantly grabbed Each other's arm and made a funny face. Like those faces you make with your friend but in a creepy way. Harry and I started laughing at one another faces that we made.

"alright times up once I call your name say your partners name"

"Ok Lisa Anderson"


"Ok. Kaitlyn Brooke"


After my name have been called she noted my name next to Harry's name to let her know we're partners.

"Hey Harry I think I know what song we should do" I whispered to him


I whispered the song that was on my mind and he nodded in agreement.


Once we got out of school Harry and I sprinted through the doors, and ran as fast as we can to get to Harry's car.

"Ready to start the project" Harry asked once we got in the doors. I closed my door and said "yep". I smiled because every project we do is fun. That's why we are so excited to do this project, cause we both know that we are gonna goof around and get a nice score.

We decided to do the project at my room, since my room has a piano and a guitar. I know how to play piano and guitar since I was little, Josh helped me with the piano, and Andy helped me with guitar.

"Ok so what instrument do we use piano or guitar?"I asked Harry

"Let's try with the guitar first then the piano and then we will decide on which one sounded better"

"Great Idea" I said and made my to get my guitar. I placed my guitar on my lap I was sitting criss cross on my bed and Harry in front of me. I started strumming the chords and began the song.

"That sounded good, now let's try the piano" I said and we made our way to my piano that was in my room. We sat on the bench and I started to play the piano while Harry sang and I'll be doing the chorus.

"Oh my god I Love it. I like the piano better than The guitar which one did yo like" I said happy that it sounded really good

"Honestly... the piano" he chuckled and we both agree to do this song


Today was the day that Harry and I are going to perform in front of the class. I was kinda nervous, I sometimes get a little bit of stage fright I really never performed in front of people, except for Harry, Alexia, and Winter.

Harry and I walked into our 2 period class which was music. Right now, after the bell rings, we are going to do our song. I'm not worry about Harry because I know he will do fine, he is in the band called "White Eskimo" and they are pretty good. Harry has an amazing voice but for me, I don't know. Harry says I have a good singing voice, but I don't know if he is just saying that cause he's my best friend.

"Ok so wants to first?" the teacher said after the bell rang and took attendance. Nobody said anything or even moved.

"No one? Ok I'll just pick from alphabetical order" She said

"Are you nervous?" Harry asked me

"Lisa and Luis you're up" the teacher interrupted me to answer Harry's question

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