Tying Loose Strings

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Kate had went out to get the box of things Javi was bringing home for her, hoping to make them some breakfast. Fortunately, someone had set it on their porch to help ease the situation. There was a white note attached, apologizing for what had happened with Javi. The letter said that Will had manipulated them, coming into their minds, and making them do things they didn't think they were capable of.

Kate sighed as she refolded the letter and went back into the kitchen. She sifted through the box, seeing some pancake mix on top. That seemed like the easiest option, so she began to make some pancakes for Javi and herself. Her mind drifted to everything that had just happened, and she was feeling extremely sad about it. A few tears fell unwillingly from her eyes as she grew distracted, quickly wiping them away. It just so happened that this resulted in burned pancakes.

Kate quickly tossed the burned ones on her plate, opening a door to ventilate the room. "What's wrong with you Kate...." Kate spoke to herself, moving to pour some new pancakes for Javi. It took a few minutes, but soon she was flipping the pancakes for Javi on his plate.

She knew he liked some added sugar on top of the already sweet pancakes, so she dug around and sprinkled some on top. She was so focused on making his breakfast how he liked it that she barely heard him come in.

"Just wanted to make sure you weren't burning the house down." Javi spoke, leaning in the doorway and looking nothing short of a male model. He was so handsome, sometimes she forgot just how lucky she was. He was a great person all around, inside and out.

"Jesus, Javi!" Kate spoke, turning to him with wide green eyes. She laughed nervously to herself as she turned back to the pancakes, pouring some syrup on the side of his plate, like he liked so that the pancakes didn't get soggy. "You scared me.." Kate spoke, moving to carry his plate of pancakes to the tiny table, returning for her own. She had put the burnt pancakes on her plate.

Javi was sort of watching her with an amused expression, seeing how frazzled she had gotten by his appearance. Javi made his way over to her, smiling as she gently nudged him to the plate that was his. He sat down, ever so slowly, glancing to the perfectly prepared plate. He then glanced to her burned breakfast, and up to her with confusion.

"I told you I'd bring breakfast up." Kate spoke, pouting some as she moved to sit across from him. She took her fork, digging into the pancakes. But Javi wasn't pleased. Instantly, he grabbed her wrist.

"First off, I was worried the house was burning down. I couldn't let you die the first day I met you." Javi spoke, holding her wrist, still, and looking into her eyes.

Kate cringed at his words, mainly because he reinstated just how he didn't know her. "Not the first day.." Kate whispered, her gaze shifting down. Javi dropped his hand from her wrist.

"Second, you're not eating that. You can have one of mine, or I'll make you more. That's that." Javi spoke, resolutely as he shifted his gaze down to his perfectly made pancakes.

"Thank you so much, Kate. It's exactly how I like them." Javi sighed, knowing how hard this had to be for her. He didn't know how to make it better, so he cut into his pancakes and shoved a large bite into his mouth.

"I don't mind these pancakes. I don't like to waste food." Kate spoke, thinking back to how this conversation would have gone with David. He would have first screamed at her for burning the pancakes and making the house smell bad. He then would have reinstated how she should eat them so that they wouldn't waste the food or money. It just proved how different Javi was than David.

Javi, as if sensing there was more to it continued on. "I know that you don't want to waste food when there is so little left...but it's okay. I'm not letting you eat that." Javi moved his hand to tug her plate away, pushing his plate between them.

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