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"Okay, let's get to w-work," Mr. Grimes announced, clearing his throat as he adjusted himself in his seat.

We sat in the conference room, there were six of us, though based on our prior meetings, less than four of us were actually necessary.

Exhaling deeply, I refrained from staring out of the wall length window like a sullen teenager and instead focused my gaze on the wall above Grimes' head.

"We have t-two new cases, and I plan on introducing at least one n-new face. However, for th-the other we'll need a veteran," Grimes spoke with a grimace.

I rolled my eyes at his behavior — as if we couldn't already guess his issue.

"First we have Ambre M-Musette, she's a new artist with the company. She's becoming a bit of a handful. Running— no. Parkouring away from the p-paps, drinking, and posting, as well as fighting."

A series of mumbles roused from my coworkers around the oval-shaped table, but I kept quiet, knowing that as one of two veterans at the table, I certainly wouldn't be assigned that case.

Veterans were experienced, we knew what to do, and how to stay behind the scenes. Though to some, it may have been logical to only send out veterans, how else were we going to train the newbies?

Ambre Musette— I'd heard of her. Her songs weren't too great, but if she gave up on love songs when she obviously knew nothing about the subject matter and wrote about something she was passionate about, she could make a fortune.

Oh well, everyone has to start somewhere right?

Clearing his throat, Mr. Grimes silenced the chatter around the table. "It's a relatively s-simple fix, so I would like to assign Musette's case to Sloane."

The caramel skinned girl appeared to blush, though it was a bit difficult to tell. It was merely a guess as she attempted to hide behind her thick curly hair that she had worn in an afro today.

"Yes sir," she said softly.

"Al-right," Grimes grunted, as a quiet giggle was heard from beneath the table.

"Next is Russ Mercer. Basketball p-player who for the love of his career can't stop b-eing a manwhore," Mr. Grimes stated, wincing slightly.

It was either me or Johann. The first choice would have obviously been Johann due to the male hierarchy, but with my luck, combined with my big mouth, it was about to be me.

"Now Scarlett, while you do meet all of the—"

"It's Charlotte, sir. Scarlett's the one giving you a blowie under the table," I said nonchalantly, looking down at my neatly manicured fingernails.

A noisy pop sounded from beneath the table, and the gazes of my coworkers went from nervous to incredulous as Mr. Grimes' face flushed all the way from his receding hairline to the last roll on his neck.

"Ms. Woods—"

"Prove me wrong before you say it's unprofessional," I stated calmly, staring him down, just as I had the last time and the last time. I was just too good for Grimes to fire me, not like he actually had that power.

But, determined to act tough in front of the newbies, Grimes stood up in a rage. "Enough is enough Charlotte, you're—"

"Your cock is out. And well would you look at that, it's covered in Scarlett's lipstick," I exclaimed in false shock. "Oh Dennis, It'd be a real problem if HR knew you showed your dingle to five women, as well as Johann. Don't you think?"

His semi-hard junior was standing at attention, pointing straight to the end of the table at one of the new girls, Annalise.

Befuddled and at a loss for words, Grimes sat down, covering his lap with his hands. "We need not share what has happened inside of this room, agreed?" Grimes asked, in a low and grim tone. Not waiting for a verbal answer he announced, "You're all dismissed, Charlotte stay."

I stifled the urge to giggle, knowing I had just landed myself the case that would boost my career higher than Johann's.

"Alright, Woods. You're gonna make that pretty boy sparkle, brighter than his own brother. And you'll do it without complaint or holding back anything. No working through the agent to give him instructions. Hands on experience. Got it?"

"Yes, sir," I responded, still holding back a smile.

Face still red, Mr. Grimes pointed towards the door. Smiling as I turned around, just as I reached the door, I stated without turning around, "Scarlett, you only have four minutes left for your lunch break."

. . .

Penthouse, ha. Of course, he felt the need to own the most glamorous living space in the most lavish building. Located at the very top of a 68-story apartment complex, his penthouse was over seven thousand square feet, with 5 bathrooms, 5 bedrooms, and 3 real woodburning fireplaces. And of course, it came complete with a personal elevator and pool as well as a terrace that added an additional 5,000 square feet.

Taking a deep breath to brace myself for what was likely to come, I knocked on the black wooden door.

Just a few seconds later the sound of things dropping to the floor and possibly someone bumping into the wall came from behind the door, then it opened.

As soon as I looked up, ready to formally introduce myself to Mr. Mercer, I was met with a striking blue gaze. One that put even the clearest of waters to shame. They were blue, icy enough to seem gray in some lighting, but right now, as glazed as they were, they shone a brilliant aqua.

Once I regained my breath, I took a second to look at the specimen in front of me. Pale skin, blonde hair, and a nearly naked body with only a pair of briefs shielding the little him from the world.

Lust coursed through my veins at the sight of his chiseled chest, and I immediately knew that forcing Grimes to give me this job may turn into a bad idea due to a conflict of interest.

Clearing my throat, I prepared to introduce myself when Mercer's rough and swoon-worthy voice questioned, "Candy?"

What have I gotten myself in to?


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