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I cried as Russ finally let me go the next morning. Either he had been drugged, or he feigned sleep as I writhed and moaned next to him.

I struggled to contain my orgasms and in the end became numb to all sensation. I didn't sleep a wink. Hardly breathed as my pleasure turned to orgasms that nearly burned.

Once Russ awoke, giving me no explanation but a simple, 'oh shit ' he released me, letting me wiggle away so that he could stretch.

I moaned in relief, instantly flicking the vibrator off and slowly pulling it out as my swollen insides were almost grabbing at the toy, trying to keep it in.

I felt a rush of liquid leave my core once the toy popped free, with an obnoxious squelch.

Muffled moans, nearly screams escaped me as I attempted to stand up, resulting in me falling. I groaned, resigning to crawling on my wobbling arms, dragging my legs behind me as I did so.

I crawled to the bathroom, dragging myself into my shower. Failing to reach the knob, I let out a small grunt of thankfulness as Russ climbed in behind me, turning on warm water.

He sat on the floor, dragging me on to his lap in the same position he'd had me in last night. My head lolled back on his shoulder as his back rested against the tile as he washed me, and then himself before drying the both of us and dressing us as well. He even took the time to brush my teeth for me.

He then began rifling through my closet, coming back with several outfits and a suitcase. He also picked some casual clothing from my drawers and go a couple pairs of shoes and jewelry.

He didn't bother with much underwear and when I made a confused grunt, he said I wouldn't be needing them. He took pictures of all my hair products before finally zipping the suitcase.

"I'm not sure if you can even say no right now, and I probably should've asked before packing your bag, but I want you to stay with me. We'll come back for the rest of your things once you're comfortable."

I gave what I hoped was a nod of agreement before Russ swooped down and picked me up. I squealed as he held me against his front like a toddler.

He supported my legs with his hands as they would've fallen without support.

"What do you say, you wanna go out for breakfast?"

I growled low in my throat as Russ strode through the house, carrying me with ease. He quickly deposited me in the back seat of the waiting car. Sebastian sat in the driver's seat, while Rowena dozed in the passenger seat.

"Hello Miss Charlotte," Sebastian greeted.

I gave a slight wave, knowing he could see me in the rearview mirror.

"Rough night?" Sebastian smirked just as Russ climbed into the car, having placed my bag in the trunk.

I glared at him, leaning my head against Russ's shoulder, desperate to get the sleep I had missed out on. Russ wrapped a muscled, yet still soft, arm around me and placed his chin on top of my head, perfectly content to snuggle with me.

. . .

I woke up a couple of hours later, nearly jumping out of my skin at the sight of myself in Russ's mirrored ceiling. I sat up, groaning at the feeling of my still empty stomach. Russ's spot was empty, though the sheets were wrinkled, indicating he's been in the bed. His laptop rested on his pillow, the screen open to an online article showing two images that appeared to be from this morning.

The photos showed Russ carrying me, the first out of my house like a giant baby, and the second into his, bridal style. Though I must have been asleep then, I was thankful that when he dressed me, Russ didn't forget my mask, as there was also a small close up of my face cuddled into his neck as I slept.

The headline read, "Russ Mercer's New Girl: Permanent Thing, or Just A Fling?"

Just as I was scrolling through the crappy article, with little actual facts, Russ walked out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel, that was hanging precariously off of his hips.

Water droplets licked their way down his abs, and I couldn't help wanting to follow their trail with my tongue.

"Hey Candy? What do you want for lunch," he asked huskily, eyeing me curiously before walking into the closet to get dressed.

It was then that I remembered, the general consensus of the article was that I would be gone in another week. Stifling the urge to reveal my identity to the world, and rant about how happy I was, I gave a reply that I thought would soothe my catty thoughts.

"You. Covered in chocolate."


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