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"Forbes, Cosmo, and the other one aren't really fond of you, but you've won the affection of the public so far. Still, you two need more exposure. After you left his penthouse with Tim and Dewey they don't think Mercer actually gives a shit 'bout you," grumbled Mr. Grimes.

Pulling the phone away from my ear, I childishly stuck my tongue out at the device before returning it to my ear.

"We're not exactly on good terms right now Dennis. And my guard's name is Sebastian, not Dewey," I corrected, scrolling through the search results on my laptop.

Thank all that is holy for my landlord and neighbors who hadn't revealed to the media my identity.

If it weren't for the fact that I was hiding from the possibility of my mother finding me, I'd simply give up my identity.

Of course, she'd find a way to get involved in my romantic life, and likely manage to turn Russ and everyone else against me.

"Tim said that was his name," Mr. Grimes replied, chewing noisily through the phone.

I grimaced at the noise and forced down the bile rising in my throat.

"Oh, and um, keep wearing your hair curly. They love that. They're all about curly hair these days. And you're lucky you've got a lot of it," he practically shouted with his mouth full of whatever he was eating.

"Yeah," I muttered, gaping at my computer.

Along with the original photo, there were pictures of me plastered nearly everywhere. Mask on, going into Russ's building, head held confidently high as Tim led me inside.

I truly was a mystery. There was nothing identifiable unless someone has been studying my hair, hats, and previous outfits.

"And post photos. At least once every few hours. Do cute things. Get matching watches, dress the same way, or something. Just get all the good attention you can on the two of you."

"Listen, Dennis, we're not really talking, so you think you could try telling this to the other person in this relationship too," I snapped, beginning to feel a bit annoyed.

"I did. He's agreed to let you return, provided that you apologize," Mr. Grimes chuckled, sucking at his teeth.

"What? No—"

"Yes," he patronizingly dragged out the word.

"But he's being such a ba—"

"Look Chantae, that was three weeks ago and you people have unfinished business. And while I'm sure you have a story about a mean old boyfriend who told all the football players he slept with you and brought 'em your bra, but you're a grown-up. Be blunt with him like you are with me, and get over it," he said nonchalantly, still smacking noisily on his food.

His words made me tense, almost freeze as I realized he could possibly be right.

"Huh. You know Dennis, you're not that bad of a life coach if you take away the sound of KFC in my ear," I yelled the last part and smiled.

"Oh, I was a guidance counselor at a school. Kids aren't exactly susceptible to advice," he revealed with a chuckle. "Only now, you literally have to listen to me, and the pay is much better. Get to smooching, Charlynn."

. . .

"Russ," I called softly, stepping into his penthouse, simultaneously removing my mask that I had thankfully remembered.

Though the paparazzi did get a bit of an eyeful with my outfit. Just an oversized sweater and some thigh high boots. Very Ariana Grande-esque, but also very sexy in a way that's not too revealing. My hair was in a high ponytail and I had reluctantly chosen to forgo the sunglasses.

From somewhere in the apartment I heard rap music, along with the grunting of a male. Which wouldn't have been shocking if it weren't for the sound of multiple males.

Shocked and inwardly disturbed, I crept towards the sound, recognizing this as the direction to Russ's workout room.

Peeking around the corner, my jaw dropped as I was met with the drool-worthy sight of four very beautifully sculpted men. And Russ.

Holy fuck, I thought to myself. Or perhaps aloud as all four men turned around to look at me.

Squealing with embarrassment, I turned around and pressed myself to the wall beside the door. Feeling myself turning puce I waited silently for a sign that they had seen me.

"Candy, get your ass in here," Russ called, causing my heart to plummet. Damn it!


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