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I was happier than I had been in a long time. My relationship with my family was still strained as hell, though Lysander and I had a bit of a strain due to his tendency to fall prey to mother's wants.

But all was well and as I strolled down the boulevard passed the expensive stores that despite the fact I could probably buy out just by flashing my engagement ring, I refused to spend a dime in.

It was true I was happier than I had been in a while, but that happiness was just returning as just before I'd left the penthouse, Russ had managed to piss me off to the extremes.

I was late.

Not by very long as far as I knew, just two weeks... I think. But when I had tried to tell Russ about it, I hardly got the word 'Hey' passed my lips when he shooed me away for God knows what. 

I'd just peed on four different pregnancy tests, each by a different brand, and with thorough investigation, none of them expired or faulty.

And I'd left all of them in the bathroom as I left in a rage, taking Rowena and my temporary guard, Hunter, with me, and in my anger not even bothering to check if any of the tests had been positive.

Sebastian's sister had fallen in love with one of her clients she was a bodyguard as well. And she was getting married, therefore Sebastian was on leave for two weeks, as her fiance was apparently wealthy enough to afford an extended tour of a winery for their close friends and family, for the entire two weeks leading up to the wedding.

So as I continued briskly speedwalking passed two stores, Rowena following me with her arms folded across her chest, pissed at Hunter for yet another teasing, misogynistic, comment and Hunter was just a few paces behind her, holding what few shopping bags I actually had.

The two were obviously together, which was why Russ wanted to fire Hunter. He knew that in the unlikely situation that someone wanted to hurt one of us, then Hunter's attention would be split between Ro and I.

They were a sweet couple, so it was a pity he had the bad habit of telling her the dangers of doing a man's job.

I bit back a frustrated sigh as I removed the almost comically oversized sunglasses that I had on. Squinting as my eyes adjusted to the sunlight, I spotted something out of the corner of my eye a woman pinned to the wall of an alleyway by a man much larger than her and looking far too imposing for the situation to be consensual.

We'd walked closer to them, and by now I had noticed the man was holding a knife dangerously close to her throat.

Witnessing the event unfold before my eyes I surged forward just as the blade did, shoving the oversized man out of the way as the knife just barely grazed her neck, thankfully not drawing any blood.

Distantly I heard Rowena calling out to me, but before I could be pulled from my stupor long enough to check on the victim, the brute that I had just shoved away lunged at me. I turned to the side at the last minute, and winced slightly as the knife cut into my arm, but didn't dwell on it long as he tripped over his own oversized feet.

He fell and he would have hit the ground hard, if he hadn't hit Hunter first, and harder. Hunter stood looking positively murderous as one thickly fingered hand wrapped around the man's throat, catching him before he fell.

The man's eyes bulged and he gasped, trying in vain to get away. "Call the cops," Hunter growled lowly to Rowena. Though she rolled her eyes at his command, she spared no time in getting her phone out and dialing the number.

Shaking my head at them I finally turned toward the victim. "Hey," I murmured softly when I noticed she was crying. "Hey, it's okay. You're okay. What's your name sweetie?" 

Finally getting a closer look I noticed that she wasn't a woman. With thick black hair and dark eyes that accompanied rounded features, she looked as if she was barely a teenager.

"I-Ivy," she breathed between broken sobs, grabbing me in a tight embrace. Though her grasp was sudden and not unwelcome, it made me painfully aware of the throbbing cut on my arm.

Cringing slightly, I pulled back slowly. "Okay, Ivy. What's your last name? How old are you? What happened?" 

Before she had the chance to answer, several vehicles pulled up. Two police cars, an ambulance, several news reporters who'd obviously managed to find out that I was involved, and Russ.

I stifled my squeak of surprise as he bounded out of the black SUV, brushing aside the officers as Levi, who had accompanied him, explained the situation.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Russ growled.

I blinked, taken aback for a second. What's wrong with me?

"What the hell are you talking about?" I snarled back, feeling my face flush red with the force of my anger.

He now stood in front of me, his large frame towering over mine, forcing me to look up into his eyes. Rather than anger as I had initially anticipated, I found hurt, and worry, in his baby blues that were currently tinged red and brimming with tears.

"You put yourself in unnecessary danger! How could you do that?!"

"There was a little girl in danger and I couldn't jus—"

Russ's nostrils flared as he roared, "What about our little girl, huh? It's not just you anymore, Candy!"

I froze. It's not just me... I'm pregnant?


Hey angels... Welp, it's over. I'm starting to believe my emotionlessness makes me a shitty writer, but since I can never find the books that I want to read on the shelves, and you people seem to enjoy it, I'll keep going anyway. 🤗

I've grown a bit tired of this book and didn't update it for 3 weeks because of that. I'd already written this epilogue but stopped Chapter 25 where I did so that if I ever feel like it, I can add the end that I really wanted. But for now, enjoy this and the bonus chapter whilst I begin writing Dylan's story!

😚 ✌

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