✥I✥ |The Presence of Death|

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• Suggested to read with Dark/Night theme for ... creative purposes lol •

The Presence of Death

"It's not only you who had a past life that you want to change."

Everyone thinks that death is cruel, a simple curse that had fallen among humans. But then again, death is the only gateway to the heavens.

You were no exception to the said 'curse', in fact, you carry it along with you with every step that you take.

Today is probably no different than the other days; dull, and overall? Boring.

You fly upon the sinfully beautiful land called the Surface, avoiding every piece of nature. If there was anything that you give respect to, it would be nature. Stopping at a clearing, you turn your head towards the sky to look at the white fluffy clouds.

You narrowed your eyes, glaring intensely at the lands floating above the said clouds.

Ever since that time had passed, you held nothing but malice.

Your hatred for a certain someone had been the source of your power, and this power was enough to make you live an immortal life. Not only that, but even the so called Goddess have granted you this enchantment.

Well, it was more of a curse.

Either way, you loved it.

Good or not, blessing or curse, you didn't give a damn to it.

You live your own.. 'life', so why let someone bother you?

They're only putting their own lives in the line just crossing paths with you. Which is something that often happened whenever you meet those boastful demons.

Everyone knew you. Or not.

However, your presence is always aroundㅡyou're everywhere. And that simple thing is a fact.

As you fly to a certain place in the Surface, you were greeted by a rare sight that made a smirk rise to your pale features. You drop down upon the cement, the long garment of your clothing dangerously flicking in tune with the wind. You fold your arms as you stop in front of the stone steps, an old woman sitting amongst them.

"Well, well." you drawl out with a giggle.

The woman lifts up her gaze in a tired manner, and such little action is enough to cause her to pant.

"If it isn't Impa." you huff sharply.

You disliked her and how she acted upon the journey of the reincarnated Hero and the reincarnated Hylia. You scrunch up your nose in disgust, just thinking of her name makes you gag.

The woman laughs hoarsely, and with your increased visionㅡyou can basically see her life force. Her life span, it was similar to an orb; and its shine is fading away, indicating the near event of her passing.

"My, I didn't expect to see you in my final moments.." she replies with a raspy chuckle, shaking her head as if to ignore your presence. You raised your eyebrow, amused.

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