✥V✥ |Truth's Slumber|

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Truth's Slumber

"Say, what are you doing down here?"

(Name) asks as she walk alongside the Hero, who keeps looking around the area for some reason.

"Oh. Well, Skyloft had a sudden earthquake and Zelda won't wake up." Link replies with a solemn sigh, he can't help but feel so responsible about this. Everyone's depending on him, and the least thing he wants is for them to be disappointed at him. The female raises both eyebrows in question, "Zelda?" Link nods at her as he replies once more, "Yeah, a childhood friend of mine."

(Name) looks down with a silent hum as they resume walking to who knows where, it wasn't long after they met each other in the forest and the girl decided to stick around. Link won't deny it, but he is pretty suspicious about her.

Where did she come from?

He's certain that there aren't any villages in the Surface, he only came across, well, Impa. Other than that? No one else.

It's surprising to see someone walking along the Surface, and not only that-but she has no weapons with her, whatsoever. If anyone should know a bit of the land below Skyloft, is that there are monsters lurking around everywhere. All those, and this girl; (Name), is empty handed herself. Come to think of it..

There surprisingly aren't any monsters around.

He furrows his brows in confusion as he looked around, the (c) haired girl already a few meters in front of him. She seems to take the lead, as if she knows where to go. He stops in his tracks upon seeing a moblin.. behind a tree.

'What?' he thinks in surprise. His eyes never leaving the enemy hiding behind the tree, he turns around, and his eyes only widened. Monsters, they are all hiding behind the trees.

'But.. why?'


His gaze snapped forward towards (Name), who is looking at him in worry. "Is there something wrong?" she asks. The brown haired teen hesitantly looks at the trees once more, only to find out that the monsters aren't there anymore.

'What the..'

He must be hallucinating, yeah. He shakes his head rapidly before picking up his pace and stopping by the girl's side, plastering a half hearted smile at his lips. "Nah, I'm fine." he assures her. The girl seemed to bought it, too. They resumed walking afterwards, but that didn't lessen Link's suspicion. From his peripheral vision, he can still see the monsters hiding. But why? He doesn't have the Master Sword with him, why are they avoiding them?

"I'm surprised you haven't heard. But then again, you were at Skyloft that day.." (Name) speaks up, slicing through the silence that threatened to stay for the time being. Link blinks in shock, "Ah, I'm sorry, what?" he asks. The strange female only looks over her shoulder and states a fact that is enough to cause horror to him,

"Skyloft is going down quite literally."

Link immediately paused in steps. His mind beginning to process the words that came out of the girl's lips, her (c) eyes circling with what seems to be apathy. Her visage masking it with a concerned look.

Not giving him a chance to ask, or to question her how she knew this, she beat him to it.

"It was a legend passed down by my ancestors. I thought you need to know it, considering you live in the floating lands." she explains with a solemn look, walking forward afterwards.

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