✥VI✥ |Lost in Time|

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Lost in Time

"You heartless, insolent brat!"

Din rages from her place, flames burning in her pupils. The vines that grew and scattered across the walls were scorched, leaving behind nothing but dark ashes in their place.

You spin around to giggle, lightly nudging the unconscious Hero with your foot. The Master Sword colliding with the ground with a loud, audible 'clang!'.

"I really wouldn't say that.." you tease as you turned to look at her, licking your lips in a hungry fashion as your eyes flickered dangerously with what seemed to be lust for death. Snickering, you point your index finger at the enraged Goddess.

"To someone who can easily steal your life~" you cooed in a sickly sweet tone, your voice combining with complete mockery and mischief.

Your sharp pupils dilated, heightening your vision. A thin thread of crimson struck out of your finger and pierced through Din's life force (the orb), and you began to pull your finger back with a cruel laugh.

Din wheezes and coughs in pain, shortly after, her breath was taken away. It seems as if she's choking in thin air.

"D-din!" Farore cries out from the sidelines.

Before the redhead knew it, the pain doubled. It's so immense, as if something is getting sucked out of her in a forced manner. Her chest threatened to rip itself apart from the pain. A split second after, everything disappeared. Her breath came back and it made her a panting mess, her body weakened, sending her collapsing to the cement.

"I told you so." you mock with a cocky grin, nothing and no one goes against you and what you do. Not even the so called Goddesses can do a thing, they can't just remove you out of the place too, because you weren't made by them in the beginning.

You were created by the people, themselves. How? Hm.

That's a story for another time.

Contented with the turn of events, you tap your foot on the ground. Carefully repeating your plan in your mind, yes, everything will go smoothly according to 'fate'.


You hum as you swivel around to look at a depressed Goddess of Courage, the contrast to her positive personality. You watch her clench her fists, you cross your arms in amusement. You can see her inner turmoil as she tried to get a calm grip of her emotions, when you met her a while back, she was the only one who acts similarly to that of a mortal. Unlike her sisters, who stuck through their title; only being calm and composed.

"Why are you doing this?!" Farore exclaims, the heavy feeling in her chest not planning to subside at all. You weren't going to deny it, you were taken aback slightly.

"I have no intentions of telling you." you respond bitterly as you averted your gaze.

Your feet leading you forward to the fallen body of the Hero, who showed no signs of waking up at all. You didn't want to do this to him, but you have to. Unable to contain the cruel grin, you hunched over his form, laughing monotonously. You look back over your shoulder, staring at the two standing Goddesses with bloodlust before stating.

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