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[ Life and Death ]

"It's a complicated relationship, life and death is. Oh the irony,
one won't survive without the other."

How many weeks have passed? No, he can't even count them anymore.

He's certain that it wasn't just weeks, though.

It was years past when he had began his grand journey, uncovered his past life—and freed someone he held close.

After those events, he desperately tried to make everyone remember who you are.

But to no avail.

Even the Goddess incarnate isn't aware of you nor your name. Everything went directly under what you mentioned. No one will remember the events but him. It tore him apart knowing that everyone doesn't know you, and it tore him even more that he won't be seeing you anymore.

After those things happened, Link, the Great Hero; had lost his charisma. He still smiles, but it's in a more solemn manner.

He still helps around, but it seems as if he's bland in doing it.

He seemed like a puppet.

Zelda took notice of his strange antics and confronted him about it, desperately trying to get some sense in him. For she knows nothing of who (Name) is. The only answer that she got from him is simple, yet she can feel his anguish radiating off of his form.

'It's not only you who wants to change their past life.'

He looked so depressed.

As if something was taken away from him by force, and he can't take it back.

Before she can console him about it, the sad Hero already left.

It had been years after this occurrence, Link began to claim his usual self once more. But his chest is still sore and hollow from the loss of someone important.

It's a normal day in Skyloft—or more specifically, early morning.

It's 3 am.

Link sits on his bed, his eyes housing boredom and dullness. This is pretty normal, even if he can smile around others, he reverts back to a depressed state whenever he's alone. He can't rid his mind of her; of you.

Over the years, his heart is still dedicated to the female who had stolen and broken it.

Nonetheless, his love didn't waver.

He and the others had grown and are matured, freshly at the age of twenty and above. They were no longer teenagers. They've come to pass by the horrid events that were unknowingly engraved into the back of their minds, with only the Hero knowing and remembering the truth behind the peace scattered about the world.

Link lowers his head with a frown. He misses her so much, why can't he just be with her?

Sighing, he decides to lay down again. Seeing that staying up so late is a bad thing to do—until something catched his eye. Atop his bedside on the small wooden table, laid a single, snow white coloured feather. It has a glow that seemed divine for some reason. With furrowed brows, he reaches for the feather.

Death's Embrace [Link x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now