❈XVIII❈ ~ Reminiscential Elegy ~

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Reminiscential Elegy III

Link trudged through the grassy terrain, often meeting a couple of monsters along the way. Everything (almost) cleared itself to him, especially the things happening with the monsters. When he first met (Name), every monster in sight took refuge behind the trees, not wanting to approach. It took him this long to realize that it's because (Name) is Death, of course monsters tend to avoid at all costs. He came across monsters that he is unaware of, some are even coloured silver-which is deadly for he got injured a lot. It's a good thing that he managed to whisk a potion along the way. There's also a merchant who he came across, he's kind, but is rather a bit talkative.

The Hero in green arrived at a lake, he had taken longer than he expected. The merchant earlier claimed that if he wants to go to the domain of the Zoras is to go to the west of Kakariko Village, which he had seen yesterday but didn't go there. Thus, he ended up in a longer route. It's a nice feeling to venture out, though, so he won't really count himself stubborn if he enjoyed the scenery.

After a few more minutes, he had successfully climbed a tower. The surroundings around him immediately changed, everything is like the colour of the calm ocean. Well he wouldn't have it any other way, the Zoras, he learnt, basically is a part of the sea. No wonder everything's almost a shade of blue.

Atop the tower, he can see the beautiful landscape and the route leading towards the domain. Link looks up skyward, ah, it's raining. He closes his eyes as droplets of water delicately fell down, gently framing his cheeks and running down his chin. It's so peaceful here, almost as if nothing bad is happening. This faulty Void is the very source of peace, itself. Perhaps if nothing bad is going to happen, he'd abandon everything and live here instead. Who would want to throw away the chances of living in such a peaceful place in solitude?

Looking around the top of the tower, he finds himself standing in front of a floating orb. He doesn't know where it came from, but he's positive that it wasn't there before.

Oh well.

Link smiles to himself and takes the orb in his hands, well that was easy. He watched as the item did it's usual thing, diverge into particles and disappear into the gem in his pendant.

Looks like claiming all the orbs in the place wouldn't be such a hassle considering that he already found the first one in the area. It literally just appeared before him. Although this was easy, of course it had a catch. His mind filled with pain, similar to when he tore down the Vessels and reclaimed the sentiments. An orb for a memory, perhaps. Although this time, he accepted the memory instead of fighting it off. There is still a bit of pain left, but it didn't hurt like the ones before. He closed his eyes as images began to play in his mind, letting the coldness embrace his spirit before his vision blackened considerably.

❈ Love ❈

I opened my eyes to the faint sound of someone calling my name. Fully opened, I see someone above me-someone who I am not expecting to meet ever again. It made my chest flutter and fly, my stomach filling with butterflies. I'm certainly not expecting to feel this way, as well.


Her (c) hair shone vividly and her eyes sparkled brightly with life, in contrast to the dull ones that I saw throughout my journey in saving Skyloft and venturing through different worlds.

"You're awake!" she smiles in relief before backing off.

I sit up automatically, looks like I'm not in control of my body. Probably because this is only a memory and I'm present in my past self's form.

"What's the matter, (Name)?" I ask while yawning, rubbing one of my eyes to rid myself of the weariness. Her smile grew soft and so did her eyes, "The Goddess Hylia has been searching for you." she states gently as if to make sure that I wouldn't get too surprised. I blink in surprise, so the Goddess had been conversing with the Hylians in the past. I look around and notice one thing; I'm in the Surface. Looks like that our ancestors lived beneath the clouds, the opposite of where I'm currently living. It's all so fascinating, these contrasting facts about the past and the present.

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