✥IX✥ |Cold Blood|

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✠ Cold blood I ✠


(Name) asks again, pivoting to look at his direction completely. The teen scurries to his feet and begins stammering the words of 'I'm okay' as he dusted off his pants, wanting to dismiss the girl's worry with a warm smile.

She sighs in relief, happy to hear his reply before sheathing back her rapier.
Link stares with wide eyes, has she been carrying that weapon ever since she appeared?

He got a clear look of it before she was able to put it back in it's scabbard; it looks utterly seraphic to the eye, almost as if it was forged by the Goddesses.
It has a shine equivalent to that of the Master Sword's, and has a divine feel to it.

As if it's made for vanquishing evil.

"That weapon.." Link mutters, his eyes still staring at mentioned rapier. (Name) hums in confusion before chuckling, her hands carefully caressing over the golden hilt of the rapier. "Forged by my twin." she replies with a smile. The Hero blinks in surprise, questioning her further about it. The girl's smile turns into a mournful one, her eyes staring into the forest in a longing way.

When she didn't reply, Link immediately apologized-fearing that he had asked quite a personal question and is probably sorrowful to the girl. (Name) laughs at him, giving him a thumbs up as she said 'it's fine'.

After that, they begin to walk around the woods in silence. It's rather comforting, but not quite to Link. Poor teen still has his mind in a frenzy, and he needs answers.

He didn't even notice that they stopped in front of a tree house, it seems old, but it sure is sturdy. Considering it's style, it must be for children. Taking a brief glance at the girl beside him, he's surprised to see her solemn visage. Did he upset her or something? He lowers his head, saddened by the thought of upsetting the bubbly girl.

(Name) takes notice of this and gently lays her hand on Link's shoulder, assuring him that it's not his fault with a warm smile.

He doesn't know what the tree house is for, but she's sure that when the time passed by, his descendant will be the one living in it. She knows.

She was there.

"Come on up." she lightly giggles as she ascended the ladder, jumping inside afterwards. Link looks around, unsure if he should. He still has something to do, is there even time for sitting around? Although it is what he usually does, he has to take initiative as of now. He does need a bit of rest, though.

Ascending the ladder and entering the house, he sees (Name) dusting off the seats. He looks around, the interior of the house seems quaint. He doesn't know why, but it brings back the strange taste of nostalgia.

"Do you live here?" he asks. He can see her visibly tense, immediately halting her actions.

"No.." she replies calmly, setting down the duster as she sat down on the cushion, pointing towards the seat in front of her. Link takes a seat in front of her, noticing the cup of tea on the small table in in front of him, he gently takes it in his grip.

"(Name)?" he calls out in hesitance. Perhaps she holds the answer to his questions.

The latter looks at him, blinking innocently. It drew him back, she looks so sinless as of now.

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