❈XX❈ ~ Reminiscential Elegy ~

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Reminiscential Elegy IV

The very moment he appeared at the cold desert and everything basically cleared itself with surprising clarity, determination grew inside him. Although it's night time and he certainly is tired, he decided to push things farther. He won't rest 'till he's able to claim the sentiment in the desert, only then will he give himself some sleep.

Link trudged his way around the desert, keeping his tired eyes wide and open for any floating orbs or shards. The sand sunk below his boots as he continued walking, the night is deathly cold.

He can see something relatively huge a distance away, flickers of blue and white along with the chilly wind coming about. It has the shape of a camel. But he didn't mind that, he's in search of a sentiment, not a large animal. He disregards this with a shake of his head, his thoughts transferring elsewhere.

Despite many possible thoughts and other things to think of, a specific one popped into his mind. His former life. Zelda was able to find out hers rather quickly along their journey at the Surface, wherein Link found out his by collecting someone else's sentiments. Although it was evident that he indeed was the Goddess' Knight, the memories showed that he spent a lot more time with a girl-(Name). Who she was to him back then, he didn't knew. But he is aware that she is someone significant to his past life, then and now. When his mind began to think further, he eventually came to the part wherein she was in disguise. She was a lighter counterpart of the person who had planned the destruction of Skyloft and the plan to wind back time.

This brought back his hollowness, it grew and scattered in his chest, almost as if it's contagious.

The thought of loosing to someone who held such power and superiority over him, it's frightening. Everyone is depending on him, probably not anymore. He wondered if someone ever found his body, lifeless inside the temple.

As if sucking all of his motivation,
Link sighs as he helplessly drops to his bottom. How can he find something in the middle of the night? Yes it's surely better than searching in mid day (considering the desert's heat), but if this search is futile, then all's basically for nothing.

He pulls his knees closer to his chest as he grumbled silently to himself. Sure, he can call out for the Goddess for help, but that's embarrassing.

He sighs once more, "It's pointless." he mutters. All the determination within him a while ago had vanished rather quickly, but his courage retained.

As if someone, or something, was listening to his hopeless words, the pendant glowed (c). Symbolizing the first bearer's power. Link stared down at it in shock as a beam flew out of it's gem, horizontally shooting out to somewhere across the desert. The Hero immediately gets the hint and stands up, although reluctant. He tumbles gently on the first few steps, beginning to follow the ray of light that came illuminating from the gem. This was.. (Name)'s power. The ray seemed endless and stretched forever as Link followed the beam. It seemed to avoid the large camel like structure, as well. Perhaps it's dangerous? He didn't really know.

After minutes of walking along the sand, he sees a large town in the distance and the ending point of the beam.

He grins to himself as he began sprinting, the ray vanished immediately as he neared a floating orb.

Ah! The next one!

The pendant really is useful for these things. It simply guided him towards the sentiment!

He can feel his grin limiting itself to a smile as he takes it in his hands, letting it go through his fingertips and enter his mind without a second thought. He've grown accustomed to the memories entering and exiting, so he didn't bother. The pain held by it was no longer there as well.

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