✥VII✥ |World of Time|

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World of Time

[ Time's Loss ]

"Oh, Hero." a guard says as he takes a step back in bewilderment, bemused to find the Legendary Hero standing before him.

Immediately, he bows down as if he's some sort of royal. Which he technically is.

"Princess Zelda is in the throne room, she would dearly like your visit." he stammers, hastily removing his spear that blocked the entrance way towards the open doors of the castle. 'Zelda?' the green garbed teen thinks in surprise, but nonetheless nods at him with a miniscule smile as he entered the vicinity of the magnificent castle. Everything seemed out of the fairy tale books Zelda had used to read back then. It's miraculously enchanting to be inside such a beautiful place. Alas, he had entered a grand hall wherein a carpet of magenta laid. The pillars were pure as snow, with the lower portions a tint of gold. At the very front of the room were a couple of carpeted stairs leading to a grand throne, where the princess is sitting.


She stands up from her seat, dismissing the guards' protective stance with a wave of her hand. She walks down the steps, her royal dress flowing behind her gently as she approached the Hero who had successfully saved her life and all of Hyrule.

She smiles gently as she stops in front of him, giving him a warm greeting.

Link, however, stood dumbstruck.

This.. isn't the Zelda he's looking for.

This princess is far different from her, he can easily tell the differences. This Zelda has her hair in the colour of ginger, her clothing is indeed foreign to his surprised eyes, not only that, but she wears a crown and a few armour; specifically, golden pauldrons. Something that the Zelda he knows doesn't wear at all. The only similarity that they have is the same pair of blue, gentle, kind eyes. And for the record, she's still probably unconscious up 'till now. Goodness, he hopes that she'll be able to wake up soon.

"Is there something wrong?" the wise female questions, a frown etching upon her rosy lips. Her cerulean eyes continue to search him, staring as if the teen is nothing but another predator to her eyes. Link begins to stammer, oh, if he is to explain where he actually came from, he doesn't even know if the princess will believe him!

"No, there's nothing wrong at all." he replies reluctantly, unsure of himself and the entire world for the matter. He can see how the princess' frown deepens upon his answer. "You're lying," she states bluntly, the triangle in her hand glowing an unearthly blue colour. Link gulps, not replying further. Zelda sighs at this, "I know when you are saying the truth Link, if you choose to keep it to yourself, then I won't force you." she says, lowering her head in the process as she walks towards the hallway at her left. Lightly disheartened of the Hero's sudden distrust in her.

He isn't going to deny it, he did feel some guilt but it isn't that strong. After all, this place, this Zelda.. is new to him. If there's one thing about her, then she's someone fake in his eyes.

Link walks away as well, feeling the need to exit the castle as soon as possible. The situation got even more awkward than it was before, the princess acted as if she knew him so well and here he is, not having a single clue of determining who she even is. All he knew is that she's probably an ancestor, or a successor of the Zelda that he knew in Skyloft.

The confused Hero exits the gates of the castle in a goofy manner, as if he had just witnessed something hilariously embarrassing. Link runs around the town, continuously wearing a look of confusion in his stoic features. He had heard a few villagers greeting him in adoration, to which he automatically thanks them in return. He had remembered someone saying that his 'horse' is seen outside the town, to which he asked (quite in an idiotic manner but who can blame him?) them about the so called 'horse'. Mainly of what it is and what it's like. The villager can only stare at him shocked, before explaining it to him hesitantly. Not long after that, he resumed his stroll in the place, nothing but a single thought engraved into his mind.

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