- True Poet -

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Pairing : NamGi

Genre : Smut I guess

Babies u are now about to witness a lame attempt on some kinky filth



Sometimes, even geniuses like Min Yoongi face irrelevant and ridiculous crisis during their daily lives. He was human. And human make stupid mistakes.

This one in particular, would probably be marked as one of Yoongi's best one yet. He was dumbfounded, slightly amazed at his own capability to create himself such a mess. But let's not to say he regretted it this time. In fact, Yoongi was sort of glad he messed up. Even if he had the chance to rewind, he wouldn't change a damn thing.


"Umm, Yoong- I mean, Daddy...?"

A soft whisper was heard, reeling him back to reality. He flicked his gaze down to the sight beneath him, cracking a smile to the one under.

"What is it, baby?" Yoongi ran his fingers on the other's cheek, which had grown red from the playful nickname. Flustering, the submissive man sheepishly grabbed Yoongi's travelling hands under his shirt and halted its movement. That made Yoongi raised his brows in confusion.

"What's wrong, babe? Don't you want this?" The other nod his head uncertainly but still kept his grip on Yoongi's hand from roaming even further. He gathered enough courage to finally level his eyes to Yoongi's.

"I do. It's just that..."


The silence took over for a few seconds. But it was enough to choke Yoongi by the balls. Yoongi held his breath, awaiting his partner's response.

"This daddy kink of yours is actually a huge turn off."


Hoseok was hysterical. He's been laughing for the past 3 minutes, slapping his knee and clapping like an idiot. He was flushed all over. Still, it was nothing compared to how beet red Yoongi was turning.

"Quit laughing, asshole. It's not even that funny." Yoongi swatted his music sheets at the younger. Hoseok dodged it, eyes wet with tears.

They were in Hoseok's studio, all cramped up in one room. Although discussing their new album was the main intent, Yoongi couldn't remember how he had ended up telling the younger rapper about his horrid experience.

"Oh man. Oh man, Yoongi-hyung. That was priceless." Hoseok whined out, breathless from the laughter. He took a moment to compose himself before finally trying to find the right words for the older's situation. Yoongi had come to him for advice, after all.

Which was weird in it's own way. Not that Yoongi doesn't have any other members to talk to. But it was rather odd for him to be seeking for Hoseok, who never got himself engaged in that many sexual relations whatsoever. Deep down, Hoseok figured it was because of Yoongi's own insecurities of his peculiar interest and one of the few that (unfortunately) knew about it was Hoseok himself.

"Look, hyung." Hoseok began his coaxing though his grin didn't fully disappear yet, "What's funny isn't about your daddy kink," he giggled at the word. Yoongi shot him a piercing glare.

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