- One's Grief -

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Pairing : MinJoon

Genre : Smut / angst


May contain triggering materials to certain readers. Mentions of rape / abuse.


" I love you. "

" Do you really mean that? "

" Of course, love. "

" Then fucking act like it. "

The clock strikes twelve. A loud chime echoed the halls. Namjoon jerked his head up from the table, his chin stained with traces of drool. Rubbing his eyes, the young man yawned lazily as he scanned his surroundings.

The library was dead quiet. The only light that shed was from a single fluorescent lamp hanging above him. Piles of books lay by Namjoon's sides, half of them still untouched.

Seeing as how the empty space meant that he had overdid his nap, Namjoon packed up his books and papers in a rush. He fumbled with his jacket as he walked out the barren halls.

No one was in his line of sight. The only sounds filling Namjoon's eardrums were his own footsteps. But amidst them, he could hear a distant tapping trailing behind. His paranoia seeping in him, head constantly turning to see if he was being followed.

Namjoon couldn't tell whether he was still delusional from his nap, but he was sure someone was there with him, in the supposedly empty halls of a closed library.

His shifts started early noon and it ends by 10 at night. Namjoon would usually spend a couple of hours in the small booths of the far corner of the library to read after work.

His sanctuary was there, beneath the shelves of books as he drowns himself in the addicts of fiction. Namjoon had founded the perfect getaway for his problems as he sits and read, be it for hours and hours.

So, when his usual calm routine was disturbed by an unknown figure lurking behind the shadows, Namjoon felt more than anxious to find out who.

He slowed his steps, halting to a stop when he reached the exit. Black wooden double doors with a golden handle loomed over the entrance.

Namjoon waited for several seconds before he decided to call out the mysterious culprit of the stalking. He was tired and the only thing Namjoon wanted was to end the night.

"Hey! Whoever's out there, you can stop playing now! The library's closed a few hours ago." Namjoon's voice resonated, occupying the wide lobby of the library. Namjoon sounded worn off and tired, his throat still sore from napping.

"Sorry about that. I didn't notice it was getting late." A voice replied, chuckling at the end.

Out from the shadows emerged a man slightly shorter but nevertheless Namjoon was taken aback by his appearance.

Sleek black hair shone under the lights, pulled back with a few strands falling out the sides. A set of dark and full eyes pierce through like sharpening knives. The man's lips were carved into a smile, but Namjoon felt no genuine vibe of sincerity from it.

Though his figure was clad in an oversized black coat, Namjoon could tell the man's muscular body was hidden underneath. A cloud of dominance seemed to surround the small man, giving him a dangerous aura.

A conscious in Namjoon told him to be aware of the man, no matter how tempting he seemed.

"Well, I'm closing up now." Namjoon shifted awkwardly under the man's stare, hands jiggling the library's keys. "You should probably go home."

Another smile crept up on the man. "Of course." He bowed slightly as he walked out the door.


Namjoon flicked the switches, locked the doors and was walking down the stairs to his car when it happened.

"Don't scream."

Then it went black.


He woke up to the piercing buzz of flickering lights.

"Good morning, darling." A soft voice cooed sweetly on Namjoon's ear. He groaned, head swirling and body sore from laying on the cold, dusty ground.
A surge of panic flow through him as Namjoon noticed his handcuffed wrists.

The pitch dark spread across Namjoon's view, nothing but black. He moved his legs, struggling to stand only to find out they were shackled as well.

As the helpless feeling of vulnerability starts to engulf him, Namjoon felt his breath hitched when a pair of strong arms grabbed his shaking face.

"Aww, darling. Don't be afraid." Slowly, Namjoon felt the fingers of the unknown man tracing his lips with his thumb. "It's me. Jiminie."


The name lingered around Namjoon's mind but only for a moment. His attention turned back to the man before him as the dangling lights of the small bulb shed over him, revealing the same face he had seen a few hours before.

"You?" He whispers weakly. Namjoon let his tears fall out of weak.

Jimin cupped Namjoon's pale cheeks. His huge eyes never leaving Namjoon's own dark slits as he muttered quietly,

"I'll take good care of you, Kim Namjoon."


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