- Mean -

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Genre: slight-angst

Pairing: MinJoon


"I'm sorry for being mean."

Oh God. Namjoon was crying. He never cries, ever. Except when he's had too much Gin and Tonic to drink for the night and spent the whole midnight binging on cat videos -- but Jimin had always deemed it a credible act. He would've bawled his eyes too if a kitten fell off a couch after a failed attempt of hopping toward the other side of the sofa only to go up the peak for another try.

But this time it was Jimin. He'd made his boyfriend cry. His beautiful angel. His soft (granted, not small) baby.

God, he felt so shitty.

Jimin scurried over the now-slumping man, shoulders hunched over unnaturally low from his usual self -- Namjoon was confident, certain and his self-assurance was what made him stood tall and proud from any crowd. Jimin loves that in him, but then he loves everything about Namjoon. The shorter boy reached out a hand to cup his face, directing their intentions together till he had no choice but to lock gazes; Namjoon's eyes were glimmering with sadness and tears and a once lit fire, Jimin had to bit back the urge to cry as well. Had he caused this?

He ran a thumb at the porcelain skin, tracing a faint line across Namjoon's lips.

"You weren't mean." Jimin pulled him into an embrace, finally. It had felt so good to have this again, to have the other in arms like they used to. Although it hadn't been that long, Jimin wished they never had to pull apart in the first place. But having this second epiphany that made them both realize they wouldn't want to end it was all the more helpful to keep their relationship stronger.

"No," Namjoon sniffed, "i was bad." He delved deeper into the hug and cradled Jimin's shoulders with his own. It was endearing. Jimin liked seeing Namjoon giving in like this -- he thrives off it, reminds him that in spite of his rough-tough bad boy exterior, Namjoon was really just a giant softie at heart.

Although this time, his voice was weird, the younger noticed. Almost whining, and maybe just a pitch higher than normal. Namjoon doesn't like whining and definitely does not tolerate high-pitched voices, even his own. "They're embarrassing," he'd annotated.

that's when Jimin knew what was going on. Although a smaller part of him was still a little overwhelmed by everything, jimin shoves it all away just in the nick of time to totally engulf himself in the bliss threatening to make him keel over dead on the floor, extremely pleased to realize what he just did; Namjoon was submitting.

And that means a lot.

By some dumb and unfortunate luck struck, it was unofficially established that in the supposed hierarchy of their relationship, Namjoon was the man of the two (outer appearances play the part, jimin noticed. His lover's debonair-ish charms seemed to authorize him the privilege to be nothing but that) and unfortunately he, by fault, was the woman.

Despite clearly not agreeing to it, jimin does have to admit namjoon was a wonderful dom before anything else. He takes good care of both of their time together so well; gentle and ginger around their love-making -- often time Jimin finds himself accepting to have Namjoon lead the way down nor up. Not because the younger couldn't do anything about it (Jimin gets what he wants when he wants it, no doubt in that), but because he wants Namjoon to feel empowered; to let him feel strong when he's the one doing the protecting.

Not to say that Jimin needs the protection all that much, he is an adult man worth fearing despite his small figure ("fun-sized" actually, as Namjoon once corrected) and a few justified lessons from Jeongguk regarding some basic Jiujutsu is enough to make him a danger to any threat. Really, Jimin is always contradicting to the public eye. A perfect example of a book being judged by its sweet and adorable cover, with the contents depicting a rather fatal story.

But he loves Namjoon. So, so much to the point where his refined and well-toned biceps he'd worked long hours on would instantly turn into goo and melt under the older's simple touches. Just a peck on the lips and another flash of that sinful set of dimples (they remind Jimin of craters on the moon he'd once seen on TV, so deep and curved into oblivion -- he wants to drown in them) and boom, gone is Park Jimin, exploding into a mess of blushing and heartbeats.

What else was there for him to do but to surrender? It hurt his ego to easily give in, but with his impossibly adorable lover practically begging him to disintegrate into a melted pool of mush with each kiss, he could not muster the courage to fight back.

A time will come when Namjoon will be the death of him. Jimin was well prepared of the consequences of that -- he'd be the happiest man to die then. Perhaps it was today.

"Hyung?" Jimin drew out slowly, barely whispering and felt the taller man shifting closer to nudge cutely at the back of his head, his nose noticeably drinking in his own aroma, tasting his scent like a kitten, hungry and ravish. He gulped nervously.

Namjoon lazily kissed jimin by the ear and laced his arms around his neck -- giving over most of his weight but he knew it was nothing jimin couldnt handle. His eyes drooped under the dim lights and possibly letting his lack of better judgement at the moment took the better of him -- he breathed out a hot waft of air, followed suite by a whisper just enough to send jimin stumbling over the edge.

"Punish me, won't you?"

Jimin almost passed out right then and there but he learned over time how to steady himself (dealing with these situations requires research and he'd been practicing a lot in his mind lately) and quickly latched on the olders waist for (his own) purchase.

He took a long, deep breath. 'Steady', he exhaled.

Jimin placed his fingers, taut and stout, over Namjoon's spine -- enunciating his dominance. He'd waited for this.

"Of course, baby. Whatever you want."


I honestly forgot about this book bcs i mostly post drafts and prompts now on the other book. It's easier.

Also this draft was from that book too so

I reckon y'all focus on that one since i've updated a lot there already

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