- Morning Pancakes -

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Pairing : NamSeok

Genre : Fluff/just pure fluff

Bromance is the best type of romance there is


The pungent smell of freshly baked pastries filled the room. The atmosphere thickened with the sweet scent of chocolate and cream, making Hoseok steer his way to the kitchen to see what was happening that made his senses tingle so early in the morning.

As he dragged his feet lazily down the halls, Hoseok eyed the other member's rooms, only to find them still asleep.

Well, duh.

Who would be dumb enough to not stay in after a cold, rainy night. The weather was way to freezing for an early rise. Curling yourself under the covers seemed like a more preferable option.

But Hoseok couldn't sleep with all those clanging noises of pans and pots, not to mention the overwhelming smell of sweetness filling his nostrils. It was hectic.

So, Hoseok walked into the kitchen to find the source of the chaos.

There he saw Namjoon, clad in a pink floral-patterned apron - looking mismatched with his broad stature - fumbling with a steel bowl on his left hand, a spatula in the other. His clothes were a mess, cake batter dripping from his fingers as Namjoon awkwardly stir the mixture, not noticing Hoseok gapping at him from the kitchen doorway. The taller pouted his lips, a habit of him, as he struggled to keep the bowl from slipping his grasp.

"Namjoon-ah," the bowl almost flew from his hands as he flinched but Namjoon barely managed to keep it from cluttering to the ground.

"What are you up to so early?" Hoseok asked, his eyes half opened. There was an obvious hint of annoyance in his tone, probably due to his slumber being disturbed unexpectedly.

"Jesus, Hobi! Don't scare me like that! You could've gotten us both in trouble." Namjoon whispered loudly, subtly reminding Hoseok about Jin's peculiar rules of forbidding the kitchen from getting dirty, not even from a single speck of dust. Yet alone, a whole party of flours, eggs and milk. Namjoon could only imagine the wrath Jin would show.

Their oldest member is quite picky on sanitation and Namjoon, the one nominated as the messiest, was strictly prohibited from setting a foot on the holy grounds - the kitchen itself.

Being caught red handed by Hoseok was enough to keep Namjoon on his toes, eyes scanning for the frightening sight of Jin. Seeing as how Hoseok was alone, Namjoon relaxed from his tense and went back to his stirring.

Hoseok raised a confusing brow at the younger's behavior. Namjoon had blatantly ignored his question. So, he tried one more time only to be disregarded. Again.

"I asked you a question, Namjoon."

"What the fuck does it look like I'm doing, Hoseok?"

Scrunching his face in chagrin, Hoseok walked closer to Namjoon, staring at the bowl in hands, filled with what seemed to be some sort of mixture. To be honest, it didn't look appetizing to the least; maybe eggs thrown in with some flour and poorly stirred. Hoseok choked out a laughter as he realized what the younger was planning.

"Cut the bullshit! You're making pancakes, aren't you?" Multiple hits were thrown on Namjoon's back. Hoseok was practically roaring while he obnoxiously slaps Namjoon by the shoulders.

"Keep it down, okay? I don't want the others to wake up before I'm done."

Namjoon winced painfully before pulling away from Hoseok, heading towards the counter for the frying. He grabbed a small bottle of oil from the cupboard and began to heat up the pan. His estimations were never in the best coordinates, so Namjoon ended up pouring almost half the bottle.

Another set of cackle escaped Hoseok. Suddenly his drowsiness was washed away just at the sight of Namjoon. Amusing enough to make him forget about going back to bed and continuing his sleep.

Instead, Hoseok grabbed the pan from Namjoon's grip and poured most of the oil into a small cup. There were some left on the surface and Hoseok let it sit for a while before pouring the batter into the pan. A crackling sizzle popped, indicating the slow process of the pancake cooking.

While waiting for it to turn to a golden brown, Hoseok looked over to Namjoon questioningly, "Why all the trouble? You could've just wait for Jin-hyung to wake up or order some from McDonald's or something." A few seconds of silence passed before he continued, "This isn't like you, Namjoon."

"I just... Thought it'd be nice to surprise everyone with something." A pink shade formed itself on Namjoon's cheeks, his eyes frozen on the floor, too embarrassed to look at the older, "Everyone's been working extra hard this week, especially with the comeback and all. I thought, maybe, some pancakes could cheer you guys up."

Something inside Hoseok melted at the sight of Namjoon caring about the members, more specifically, him. Hoseok felt loved and wanted, like his existence meant the world and he knew he was exaggerating, but god, Namjoon was adorable. Covering his mouth, Hoseok let out a squeak as he pinched Namjoon's dimples teasingly.

"Aww, our leader is so nice! So cute!" A frown carved on Namjoon's face, annoyed that Hoseok was making fun of his efforts. He glared at the older, swatting away his hands. But he would be lying if he said the cooing didn't make his cheeks doused with a soft haze of pink.

"I suddenly regret being nice. Especially to you."

"But you love me."


Both of them spent the whole morning chattering under the dim fluorescent lights of the kitchen, making burnt pancakes for breakfast.

When the sun finally rose, Jin had the shock of his life and Namjoon, along with Hoseok was sentenced to a two week punishment of toilet cleaning.

Hoseok would say it was worth it.


Im shit

Also namseok is so underrated why

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