- Pretty People -

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Pairing : NamJin

Genre : Fluff / slight Angst


The dark alleyway was empty. The only sounds that echoed were the honkings of cars and bustlings of the city. Dim lights flickered over the passage, shedding the pitch dark ever so slightly. Still, the ambiance was cool and calm and it was the perfect spot for a little smoke break.

Seokjin flicked out his silver lighter and lit up a cigarette. He took a long draft - slow and taking in the pungent smell of tobacco - before huffing out the smoke, enjoying the warmth. After mindlessly wandering around for a few hours, he had ended up here, on this lonely street.

Seokjin leaned against the cold walls and went in for another draft.

A buzz emitted from his left pocket. He took out his phone and checked the ID.

It was his father.


Namjoon was lost.

He didn't know how or why but there he was, cluelessly standing by the busy sidewalk. He watched as people go by, ignoring his ask for help.

Sighing in defeat, Namjoon decided to get out from the suffocating crowd. He slipped past them easily (thanks to his lanky figure) and found himself at the entrance of a dark alleyway.

As he walked through the puddled roads, Namjoon couldn't help but wonder why these occurrences always happen to him.

Was he that unlucky?

Namjoon eyed the street for any signs, anything to indicate where he was but there was literally nothing. Clasping his hands together from the cold, Namjoon (not so) silently cursed Hoseok for giving him such ridiculous directions:

"I'm at some bar across a saloon. Just walk straight from the city hall. It's on the left. You can't miss it!"

Namjoon was about to say that he was going to miss it. Knowing himself, he would be on top of the building he was looking for and still not find it. But he couldn't. His phone died.


He didn't even get to ask for the bar's name. All he's got to go by now was a few dumb instruction by his dumb friend because of his dumb idea to have some fun at a dumb bar.

Wow, that was dumb. Why did I even listen to him this time?

Namjoon began questioning himself as he trudged through the alley. He didn't even notice the young man leaning against the walls beneath the shadows, clearly under some sort of distress. Because he was crying.

The man let out a sob, barely audible but enough to alert Namjoon in the dark, empty and quiet alley. He flicked his head to the source of weeping and struggled to make out the mysterious figure under the pitch black. All he could see was a person hunching their back while covering their face, tears heard but not seen.

"Umm. Sir?" Seriously? Sir?

The man didn't seem to hear it (thank god) so Namjoon tried one more time, raising his voice slightly.

"Dude, you okay?" He cautiously walked towards him. Namjoon stanced himself in a firm position, preparing to run if something was to happen.

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