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We walked through the center of a small town. People stared at us, and pointed. I imagined we looked strange to the people of Midguard, what with armor and weapons.
Subconsciously, I glanced down at my blue and silver armor, at the twin swords strapped to my belt. Looked pretty normal to me. I saw a familiar man standing in the large glass of a building.
"There!" I took the lead, the others following me to where I caught a glimpse of Thor.
We came up to a large glass door. Naturally, Volstagg banged on it. We all grinned. The humans dropped the cups they were holding.
"Found you!" He said. Thor looked at us, shocked. Volstagg opened the door and we entered. The others hugged Thor while I stood off slightly to the side. Then he noticed.
"Erin!" He said, engulfing me in an embrace and kissing my forehead.
"Oh, excuse me." I heard Volstagg say. "Lady Sif and the Warriors Three. The girl Thor's hanging on is Erin."
"My friends." Thor broke away from me. I noticed a woman watching me, an odd look in her eyes.
"I have never been happier to see anyone. But you should not have come." Thor said. We all laughed uncomfortably.
"We're here to take you home!" Fandral exclaimed. Thor forced a smile.
"You know I cannot come home." He said. "My father is dead because of me." Thor's eyes locked with mine, and I crinkled my eyebrows in confusion. "And I must remain in exile."
"Thor." Sif said. "Your father still lives." Thor crinkled his eyebrows.
"Didn't...didn't Loki..." I trailed off when he gave me a hard look.
"Oh yes. This is Jane Foster, Erik Selvig, and Darcy. They are friends." Thor said. Each waved, then looked past us.
We turned. The Bifrost was transporting something.
"Was somebody else coming?" Darcy asked.
"No." I said. "The Destroyer." I muttered. I turned to the others. "I'll do what I can to keep it from getting to the town. You focus on clearing out the humans."
"Good plan. And Erin." Thor clapped a hand on my shoulder. "Be safe." I nodded, then pulled my swords from my belt.
I watched as the Destroyer appeared in front of a car and men in black suits. One of them stared up at the Destroyer.
"That one of Stark's?" He asked. I crinkled my eyebrows. Stark. Odd name.
"I dunno. That guy never tells me anything." Another, obviously the leader, said. He then spoke into an odd machine that made his voice sound louder, but just hurt my ears.
"Hey, you!" The first called. I looked down at him. Landing, I saw the leader looked at me.
"Are you another one?" He asked.
"I do not know what you mean by that, but I am Erin. Of Asgard." I said. "Who are you?"
"Agent Coulson. Do you know what that thing is?" He gestured to the Destroyer. It readied to fire.
I pushed Coulson out of the way. "That's the Destroyer. My brother sent it to...well to kill Thor." I explained rapidly.
"Oh great." Coulson murmured.
"Stay out of the way. Trust me." He nodded and moved behind a car. I took a deep breath and stepped out from behind the car. A car near us had been roasted. I shuddered and raised my swords. I made them freeze to a temperature that would harm the Destroyer.
I ran towards the warrior and slashed into its abdomen area. It flew back, then shot fire at me. I raised my hand and a wall of ice took the heat.
"Crap!" I yelled as the Destroyer ran for the town. I caught it halfway and stood across from it, my hands raised to show peace and my swords in my belt.
"Loki. I know you can hear me." I said. "I know you didn't want me to leave. I'm sorry. I...I'm just scared. I don't know who to trust anymore." I looked up at the sky.
"When I get home, I'll make things right. We'll be a real family, you and me. But do me a favor." I smirked. "Kick some ass back there for me." I nodded to the town. The Destroyer walked away.

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