Pathetic Excuses

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*in the throne room the Royals are glaring at Starlight Glimmer and Stellar who look in worry*

Celestia/Solaris- *serious* Why did you two attempt to steal StarSwirl's time spell?!

Luna/Artemis- *glares hard at them* Answer the question!!!

Cadence/Bolero- *glares hard* Well...

Shining/Gleaming- *glares hard* We're waiting...

Starlight/Stellar- *about to answer*

*Chaffer and Kibitz enter with Twilight and Dusk and Spike and Barbra*

Spike/Barbra- *screams at them* STARLIGHT GLIMMER AND STELLAR GLEAM!!! *hides behind Twilight and Dusk*

Starlight/Stellar- *smirks darkly* Because of those two...

Twilight/Dusk- *arches eyebrow* *smirks with playful grin* What did we do?

Stellar- *glares* You and your friends RUINED OUR VILLAGE!!!

Dusk- *serious* *glares spitefully* You mean this village *shows everyone Our Town and Cutie Vault* You mean the village where you had others give up their cutie marks but selfishly kept your own...

Twilight- *glares darkly* Forcing others to live under your rules WHERE THEY HAVE NO SAY SO WHATSOEVER!!!

Celestia/Solaris- *glares hard* IS THIS TRUE!!!

Starlight/Stellar- *admits* Yes...

Luna- That's in the past, WHY DID YOU TRY AND STEAL THE TIME SPELL!!!

Twilight/Dusk- *thinks* *realizes in shock* *glares at them with malice* You two are sick...

*everyone gasps in shock*

Starlight/Stellar- *glares at them* HOW DARE YOU-

Twilight- *glares at Starlight* You two were going to steal the time spell....TO UNDO THE RAINBOOM THAT DASH AND BLITZ CAUSED!!!

Chaffer- How do you figure that princess?

Dusk- *glares at Stellar* Simple, you two just so happen to appear at our lecture right while we were explaining the cause of OUR cutie marks...we're connected to Dash and Blitz's rainboom...

Twilight- *glares at both of them* And how did you two think to use time travel in the first place?

Starlight/Stellar- *realizes* You saw us...

Dusk- *serious* What you two realizes if you would have succeeded, you would have DESTROYED Equestria....

Starlight- *glares hard* Oh, please it's not like your lives revolve the safety of Equestria...

Stellar- *rolls eyes* Your just adding to your overblown egos at this point...

Shining/Gleaming- *glares hard at them* *snorts* For your information, those of the Wielders of the Element of Magic your talking too...

Twilight/Dusk- *teleports directly in front of them* Don't mess with lives you don't understand...

Starlight/Stellar- *glares at them* We can whatever we want...your highnesses...

Twilight/Dusk- *stares at them*

Starlight/Stellar- *glares at them hard* What?

*everyone is quiet*

Twilight/Dusk- *headbutts Starlight and Stellar hard knocking them out cold to everyone's shock* Take them to Tartarus for all we care... *shakes their heads*

Spike/Barbra- *shocked* How did you guys do that so easily!!

Twilight/Dusk- *unamused* We had plants, anvils, carts of hay, and a large piano dropped from the sky to our heads...

Celestia- *sighs* Twilight, Dusk this is no time for jokes...

Twilight/Dusk- *shows them get hurt by plants, anvils,carts of hay, and large pianos*

*the Royals are shocked and disturbed*

Dusk- *unamused* And not to mention we got rammed into a mountain by Tirek and Tirana...then they rammed us with their bodies...through the mountain...*shows them* See...?

*Shining and Gleaming look at each other in shock*


Dusk- *makes it disappear* Do what you will with them...

*Twilight and Dusk leave with Spike and Barbra*

*the Royals and Kibitz and Chaffer glare at a knocked out Starlight and Stellar*

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