The True Meaning Behind Harmony

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*in Ponyville*

Spike/Barbra- *running to Sweet Apple Acres*

Applejack/AJ- *sees Spike and Barbra running to them* *confused* Spike? Barbra?

Spike/Barbra- *frantically* Twilight!!! Dusk!!! Tree of Harmony!!! Spirits!!!! HELP THEM!!!

Applejack/AJ- *hoists them on their back* *runs off*

Spike/Barbra- We have to get the others!!!

Applejack/AJ- On it!!! *rushes to SugarCube Corner*

*at SugarCube Cube*

Pinkie/Bubble- *selling cakes happily*

Applejack/AJ- *rushes in* Pinkie!!! Bubble!!! Tree of Harmony!!! Now!!! Twilight and Dusk are in trouble!!!

Pinkie/Bubble- *seriously nods and runs out with them*

*at Carousel Boutique*

Rarity/Elusive- *rushes out with Spike and Barbra on their backs*

Spike/Barbra- *sends a letter to Celestia,Solaris, Luna, Artemis*

Rainbow/Blitz/Fluttershy/Butterscotch- *flying in step with them*

*Pinkie, Bubble, Applejack, AJ run in step with them*

*they all run to the Tree of Harmony where they see Celestia, Luna, Solaris, Artemis, Discord, Eris are with them*

Celestia- *concerned* Spike, Barbra take us to them...

*they all enter to Twilight and Dusk twitching in pain and screaming in fear*

Mane 5/Colt 5- *rushes to them in worry*

Twilight/Dusk- *grins maniacally* *turns to them with a maniacal grin* *eyes turn black* *speaks in demonic echoed voices* We're going to destroy them...*laughs manically* *they let out an echoed gasp as their eyes turn back to pure white and return entranced*

Mane 5/Colt 5/Spike/Barbra/Royals/Discord/Eris- *gasps in horror*

*back in the alternate present magic blasts are being set off*

Twilight/Dusk- *panting and running from Chrysalis and Metamorphosis who are blasting at them* *about to blast them but slips on a soapy ground* What the-*gets blasted by Nightmare and NightTerror*

Nightmare/NightTerror- *laughs maniacally*

Discord/Eris- *slams Twilight and Dusk into a wall* Whoopsie...when did that get there *grins*

Twilight/Dusk- *groans as they steady themselves*

*Sombra and Obscura attack them from behind grinning darkly*

Twilight/Dusk- *dodges and shoots a magenta beam from their horns*

Sombra/Obscura- *shoots a red beam at them*

*the beams collide on impact creating a beam struggle*

Twilight/Dusk- *ears flatten as they glare hard and concentrate*

Chrysalis/Metamorphosis- *shoots a green beam adding onto Sombra and Obscura's red beam*

Nightmare/NightTerror- *shoots a cyan beam adding onto their beams*

Twilight/Dusk- *sweating and grits teeth* *their beam starts to get overpowered by the villains*

Discord/Eris- *thinks* *smirks* Oh what the heck!!! *shoots a yellow beam adding onto the villains beams*

Twilight/Dusk- *shuts their eyes in pain* *ears flatten*

Nightmare/NightTerror- *smiles darkly*Twilight Sparkle and Dusk Shine, you fight battles that are not your own...

Discord/Eris- *smiles darkly* Your just Celestia and Solaris' go to support so they're not responsible for cleaning up their own messes...

Chrysalis/Metamorphosis- *smirks* You both do all the hard work while they sit on their thrones and do nothing...

Sombra/Obscura- *smirks darkly* These aren't your fights nor your wars...

Twilight/Dusk- *breathes heavily in exhaustion* *struggling*

Nightmare/NightTerror/Discord/Eris/Chrysalis/Metamorphosis/Sombra/Obscura- *malicious tone* So STOP FIGHTING *strengthens their beams which overpower Twilight and Dusk's*

Twilight/Dusk- *snap their eyes open in shock as they get hit by the beams*

*at the Cave*

Twilight/Dusk- *scream in agony and pain*

Fluttershy- *scared* Is there anything we can do?

Discord- According to those spirits their stuck in there until they can figure out why the Elements chose them...

Rarity- *scared* That's simple it was because of our friendship...

Eris- *sighs* Yes, but this is the Element of's more complex...

Mane 5/Colt 5- *seriously glare at Discord and Eris* Can we do anything?!!!

Discord/Eris- *looks at the royals* Do you four have any input on this...

Celestia/Luna/Solaris/Artemis- *shocked at what Spike and Barbra told them*

Spike/Barbra- *crying hard* We just want them back!!!

Twilight/Dusk- *stop screaming and breathes slowly* *their eyes close in unconsciousness*

*everyone looks at them in worry*

*back in the timeline*

Twilight/Dusk- *lay on the ground slowly losing consciousness from the blast while the villains prepare their final attack*

Eris- *thinks* Wait!!! Before blasting them to bits...Ewww...I have a better idea

Chrysalis- *rolls eyes* Is it chocolate rain or popcorn related...

Eris- *unamused expression* No...*grins* *smirks with a half-lidded gaze at Dusk* *to Nightmare, Chrysalis, and Obscura* I was thinking why don't us ladies have fun with the handsome Prince...while the gentlemen take care of the beautiful Princess...

Twilight- *sees NightTerror, Discord, Metamorphosis, and Sombra grin evilly at her before she blacks out*

Dusk- *sees Nightmare, Eris, Chrysalis, and Obscura grin evilly at him before he blacks out*

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