Meeting Nightmare and NightTerror/To the Cutie Map

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*in Nightmare and NightTerror's castle their guards surround them*

Nightmare/NightTerror: [laughing evilly] *flies down towards them* *serious tone* Tell us how you came by this magic to travel through time.

Twilight/Dusk- *glares hard at Nightmare and NightTerror*

*the two blue guards take off their helmets to reveal themselves being Rainbow and Blitz*

Rainbow/Blitz: *glares at them* The prince and princess asked you a question! And unless you wanna end up in the dungeon, you'll tell them what they want to know!

Nightmare Moon: *glares at them* *serious*  Nopony in our kingdom but us should possess a magic powerful enough to change time.

Spike/Barbra: *glares at them* Your kingdom?

Twilight/Dusk- *nudges at them*

NightTerror: *dark tone* *glaring at them* Who else?

Spike/Barbra: *worried* *smiles nervously* Um... Celestia and Solaris, of course!

*everyone is quiet*

Nightmare/NightTerror: [laughing maniacally] Our siblings have been imprisoned in the moon for years!

*Celestia and Solaris' mane colors are shown in the moon*

Both- *glares at them* But it is no less a fate than they'd sentence us to! *angrily* Now, reveal to us the source of this time magic!

Twilight/Dusk: *serious* ...Alright.

Spike/Barbra: *worried* Twilight, Dusk, no!

Twilight/Dusk: *looks at them* We have no choice. [to Nightmare and NightTerror] We can take you to it, but you'll have to get past the timberwolves.

Nightmare: *smirks*We are the rulers of all of Equestria.

NightTerror- *smirks* Do you think we can't deal with timberwolves?

Twilight/Dusk: *glares at them* No. We know you can.

Nightmare/Night Terror: *stares at them* *to the guards* Leave us... And if you were thinking of trying to escape...

[chains clinking around Spike and Barbra]

Nightmare/Night Terror: *looks at them* would be very unfortunate for your friends. *levitates Spike and Barbra with the guards*

*all the guards leave with Spike and Barbra*

Spike/Barbra- *scared* *looks at Twilight and Dusk about to cry* Twilight! Dusk!!

Twilight/Dusk- *looks worriedly but the doors shut* *closes eyes*

Nightmare- *chuckles darkly* Your both in quite the predicament are you not...

Night Terror- *smirks at them darkly*  How does it feel to know that your sun loving prince and princess are no more and Equestria is in pure darkness...

Twilight/Dusk- *realizes* But everything is prospering...

Nightmare/Night Terror- *arches eyebrow* We're not monsters Twilight Sparkle and Dusk Shine...all we wanted was respect and now we have it...and it will never be taken away...

Twilight/Dusk- *glares at them* Not if we can help it...

Nightmare- Which is why we have a proposition for you both...

Night Terror- *smiles darkly* Become our apprentices and we'll spare your little friends...

Nightmare- *serious* will tell us the time magic...

Twilight/Dusk- *gasps in shock*

Nightmare/Night Terror- *chuckles darkly behind them* *their manes and tails surround Twilight and Dusk* *stares at them with a dark menacing grin* *strokes their cheeks* You don't have a choice...

Twilight/Dusk- *looks at each other in worry*

*in the Everfree Forest*

[Nightmare and NightTerror blasts timberwolves destroying them]

Nightmare/Night Terror: *serious* *to Twilight and Dusk* How does it work?

Twilight: *serious* The map acts on it's own accord...

Dusk- So we couldn't give you the spell if we wanted's embedded within the map...

NightTerror- *studies the table* Drain the magic from the map itself...

Twilight/Dusk- *shocked* What?!

NightTerror- *puts a soundproof shield around the guards and a captive Spike and Barbra* *smirks sinisterly at Twilight and Dusk* Did you forget to take into account that we once wielded the Elements of Harmony AND found the Tree of Harmony...

Twilight/Dusk- *worried*

NightTerror- *chuckles darkly* And judging by your cutie marks, you both are no doubt the wielders of the Element of Magic...

Dusk- *worried* How did-

NightTerror- *grins darkly* You both will drain the magic from this map table and absorb the time spell...

Nightmare: *grins darkly* And then you will give this spell to us! With it, we will ensure that the Elements of Harmony are never found and our reign lasts forever!

Twilight/Dusk: *serious* But it won't.

Nightmare/NightTerror: *looks at them in anger* What?!

Twilight/Dusk: *determined* In our world, our friends and us found the Elements and used them to defeat you! *serious tone and glare* And we will do everything in our power to bring that world back! *activates their horns*

Nightmare/NightTerror: *lights their horns angrily* No! *tries to blast them but Twilight and Dusk teleport themselves and Spike and Barbra on the map*

*the map starts to teleport them*

Nightmare/NightTerror: Noooooo!*angrily transforms into mist and follows them in the portal*

*they land in piles of pony plush toys*

*they all see Discord and Eris in capes and crowns on unicycles spinning around Solaris, Artemis, Celestia, and Luna who all have afros and are in clown costumes with red noses*

*they all see that Ponyville has been turned upside down and chaotic*

Twilight/Dusk- *gasps in shock as they're teleported away*

Spike/Barbra- *worried* Twilight!! Dusk!!!

Discord/Eris- *snaps their fingers and gets rid of the unicycles and Celestia ,Luna, Solaris, and Artemis* *laughing hard*

Twilight/Dusk- *gets teleported in front of them and Discord and Eris wrap their bodies around them*

Discord/Eris- *laughter dies down* *looks at them with smiles* Well if it our...*leans closer with sinister grins* two most favorite ponies in the world...

Twilight/Dusk- *struggles* *looks at them in worry*

Discord/Eris- *chuckles evilly* This is going to be fun...

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