A Time of Chaos

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Twilight/Dusk- *struggling in their grasp*

Discord/Eris- *smirks at them* It's useless to struggle...

Twilight- *glares at them* What do you want with us?!

Discord- *boops her nose* Such hostility...shameful...*grins* Look at what we did to your precious Ponyville!!!

Dusk- *glares* We can see that now Change It Back!!!

Eris- *smirks* Um...you two may be a prince and princess but we're a king and queen... so we automatically out rank you two on the royal status which means...*smirks darkly* You listen to us...

Twilight/Dusk- *glares* In your dreams...*teleports out of their grasp* *flies off*

Discord/Eris- *watches them fly off* *rolls eyes* Great...now we have to work... *teleports*

Spike/Barbra- *sees them* Twilight!! Dusk!!

Twilight/Dusk- *lands on the map* *serious* We need to go now...*activates their horns*

Discord/Eris- *teleport in front of them* Now I don't think you should do that...

Twilight/Dusk- *uses magic on the map* Your opinions don't matter...

*the map glows bright sending them through a portal and a bright light shines*

Discord/Eris- *grins darkly* We'll see... *teleports before the light shines*

*back in the Cave of Harmony*

Spike/Barbra- *gasps as their eyes return to normal* *worried* *sees Twilight and Dusk's eyes still white* *tries to touch them but nothing happens* *scared* *runs out of the cave*

*in a different present*

Twilight/Dusk- *opens eyes* *eyes shrink in horror at the scenery*

*the scenery shows that Equestria is a barren wasteland*

Twilight/Dusk- *worried* *looks around* Spike!!! Barbra!!! *sees the two caterpillars* *confused*

Voices- See we told you two that wasn't a smart idea but no...

Twilight/Dusk- *turns to see Discord and Eris behind them* *worried* How did you-?

Discord/Eris- *sighs* We can destroy the fabric of reality...*grins darkly* Your reality...

Twilight/Dusk- *charges horn angrily* *hears changeling wings* *turns to see Chrysalis and Metamorphosis smirking darkly*

Chrysalis- *smirks darkly* It wasn't hard to shapeshift into caterpillars to follow you through time...

Metamorphosis- *chuckles darkly* Quite easily...

Twilight/Dusk- *glares at them hard but start to see a mix of blue starry mist and pure black shadow surrounding them* *worried* Impossible...

*the blue mist transforms into Nightmare Moon and NightTerror Nebula grinning darkly*

Twilight/Dusk- *eyes shrink in fear* No...*they back up into the shadows*

*the shadows transform into King Sombra and Queen Obscura*

Sombra/Obscura- *grins sinisterly* *whispers in their ears* Oh, yes...

Twilight/Dusk- *looks at all their villains in worry*

Discord- *smirks* What happened to those confident looks when you both talk about friendship and how it's worth fighting for...

NightTerror- *smirks darkly* Or that friendship is the most powerful magic of all...

Chrysalis- *grins darkly* If that's the case...where are your little friends...

Twilight/Dusk- *regains composure* *glares at all of them* We defeated you all once, we'll do it AGAIN!!!

*the villains start laughing*

Eris- *breathes* Chrysalis makes a good point...you guys had your friends...but it's just you two

Obscura- *behind Dusk* You call yourselves the Prince and Princess of Friendship...but you have no friends to back you up...

Twilight/Dusk- *horns glow magenta in anger* *serious tone* *blasts at the map...but nothing happens* *eyes shrink in shock*

Sombra- *sinister tone* It would seem you've used that trick one too many times...

Metamorphosis- *grins darkly* No where to run Prince and Princess...

Twilight/Dusk- *teleports away from the map and tries to fly away but gets caught by Discord and Eris' magic* *gasps*

Discord/Eris- *slams them to the ground hard* *grins darkly* Now that's no way to play a game...

Twilight/Dusk- *yelps in pain* *sees the villains tower over them with malicious*

Nightmare- *to them* Let's see what happens when Magic breaks shall we...

Twilight/Dusk- *eyes shrink in fear*

Nightmare/NightTerror- *inches closer to them while grinning maliciously with their eyes glowing white dangerously*

Discord/Eris- *inches closer to them while grinning maliciously with their eyes glowing yellow dangerously*

Chrysalis/Metamorphosis- *inches closer to them while grinning maliciously with their eyes glowing green dangerously*

Sombra/Obscura- *inches closer to them while grinning maliciously with their eyes glowing green dangerously*

Twilight/Dusk- *looks at each other in worry*

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