Meeting Zecora and Zircon/The Butterfly Effect/The Camp/The Changelings Attack

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Twilight: *worried* We're not changelings!

Dusk- *worried* We're ponies! And their dragons!

Pinkie: *glares* A likely story!

Bubble- *points a spear at Spike and Barbra* Do something dragonish!

Spike/Barbra: [belches fire in their faces]

Pinkie/Bubble: [wheezes] That works! *backs off*

Fluttershy: *glares hard* The servants of Chrysalis and Metamorphosis will do anything to save their evil skins!

*the ponies are about point their spears at Twilight, Dusk, Spike, and Barbra*

Zecora/Zircon: *yells* Stop! *goes to the center glaring at Twilight and Dusk* If they are changelings we'll soon see. Though I think they're not what they appear to be.

Twilight/Dusk: *worried* Zecora! Zircon! Please, you have to listen.

Zecora/Zircon: *walks to them* Beneath this salve, no changeling hides, for it reveals the truth inside. *puts the salve on them*

*the four of them start to glow*

[ponies gasping and backing up]

Zecora/Zircon- *thinking hard*

Pinkie/Bubble: *concerned* What does it mean?

Zecora/Zircon: *solemnly* The meaning is far worse, we see, for it is we who should not be.

Twilight/Dusk: *serious* I think we can explain.

Zecora: *serious* I'm sure you two can, but let's not talk here.

Zircon- *serious* Chrysalis, Metamorphosis and their army will soon draw near!

*they all follow Zircon and Zecora*

*two shadows possess Twilight and Dusk's shadows and have pure green eyes*

*while in the forest*

Zecora: *serious* The changelings took over not long ago.

Zircon- *serious* Though we'll wager in your world that isn't so.

Twilight Sparkle: *concerned* Chrysalis, Metamorphosis and their army tried to take over Canterlot, but our friends and us stopped them.

Zecora: Those friends as you know them are not here, alas. But tell us how all this came to pass.

Dusk: *serious* We were sent here by a mystical power that sent us to the future...where our friends never met

Zircon: *arches eyebrow* And it is these friends you have in life that keep Equestria free from strife?

Twilight/Dusk: *serious* Yes. But this is the second time we've come back and this world is even worse than the last one!

Spike/Barbra- *concerned* How could the present be so different?

Zecora/Zircon: *smiles calmly* *stops by a stream* Ah. Time is a river, where even the tiniest changes seen can lead to a cascade of effects downstream. *they keep moving*

Twilight/Dusk- *thinks hard*

*they come to an area*

Zecora/Zircon: *solemn* This part of the forest is dark and damp, but it's done well to hide our camp. *they reveal a camp of villagers*

*the adults look at Twilight, Dusk, Spike, and Barbra with unsure faces*

Spike/Barbra: *to Fluttershy, Butterscotch, Pinkie, and Bubble* This is cozy.

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