Wondering About The Future

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*back in Ponyville*

*the four are walking back to the castle*

Spike: *confused* Starlight Glimmer and Stellar Gleam tried to get the time spell for what again?

Twilight: *serious* They just tried to use to prevent Dash and Blitz from doing the Rainboom...

Barbra: *worried* That's bad I mean we  heard they weren't very happy the last time you saw them.

Dusk: *serious* Forcing everypony in her village to have the same cutie mark wasn't right. We had to do something!

Spike/Barbra: And now they tried coming back for revenge but as always you guys saved the day...

Twilight/Dusk- *thinks* Yeah...

*as they enter the castle*

Spike: But I wonder what would have happened though if the twelve of you hadn't met and why you were chosen as the Element of Magic...

Twilight/Dusk- *chuckles* Don't think about it too much...

*they enter the throne room*

Barbra- *gasps* Guys look!!!

*they all look to see two ghostly spirits that are magenta by Twilight and Dusk's thrones*

Spike/Barbra- *scared*

Twilight/Dusk- *demanding tone* Who are you?

*the spirits turn to face them*

Both- We...are the essence of Element of Magic...we were sent by the Tree of Harmony, it needs your attention immediately...

Twilight/Dusk- *shocked* *teleports themselves and Spike and Barbra to the Tree of Harmony*

Spike/Barbra- *confused* They're's nothing wrong with it...

Twilight/Dusk- *walks up to it*

*the Element of Magic shines from within the tree*

Twilight/Dusk- *gets a spark in their eyes and walks closer entranced*

Spike/Barbra- *concerned* Twilight? Dusk?

*the two spirits come to the Tree of Harmony*

Enchant- *feminine voice** *above Twilight* *solemn tone* You both want to know what happens when the Elements do not come together...

Occult- *masculine voice* *above Dusk* *solemn tone* Then we will show you what happens...

Spike/Barbra- *worried* Wait!! What are you-?

*Enchant and Occult phase into Twilight and Dusk's bodies*

Twilight/Dusk- *eyes glow white and radiate in a magenta aura*

*the Element of Magic shoots a beam onto their chests*

Spike/Barbra- *gasps in worry* Twilight! Dusk! *touches them and their eyes glow white*

*a bright white light engulfs the room*

Now you will witness what happens when the Elements never come together and how strong your bonds of friendship really are to each other...

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