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*in the Cave*

Celestia- *serious* From what you two told us, the Tree of Harmony granted their request to know what it would be like if the Elements of Harmony didn't choose you or Rainbow Dash's and Rainbow Blitz's sonic rainboom...

Solaris- *looks at them* So you all went back in time to where our your adversaries were victorious as opposed to here of their defeats...

Spike/Barbra- *in Rarity and Elusive's hooves* Yes...

Luna/Artemis- *looks at Twilight and Dusk sadly*

Applejack/AJ- *worried* And there's nothin' we can do?

Spike/Barbra- *shakes their heads no*

*they all look at the Tree of Harmony in worry*

*in the alternate timeline*

Dusk- *opens his eyes to see he's in a bed chamber* *rubs his head* *realizes in shock* Where's-?

*the female villains are face to face with him smirking at him*

Dusk- *eyes shrink in shock*

All 4- She'll be fine...

Dusk- *worried*

Twilight- *slowly wakes up to find herself also in a bedroom* *gets up too quickly and nearly collapses but someone catches her*

Discord- *catches her* *smirks* Well good morning Sleeping Beauty...

Twilight- *eyes shrink in shock* *about to scream but Discord shows her memories*

Dusk- *looking at his memories* *concerned* Why are you showing me these?

Eris- *has popcorn* *grins* It's like a movie Dusky!!! In which I'm going to there was a Prince and Princess who always relied on their students...

Discord- *eating popcorn* Because they couldn't get the job done themselves...

Chrysalis- *next to Dusk* *smirks* The students fought hard and bravely...

Metamorphosis- *whispers in Twilight's ear while smirking* But at a cost...

*the memories show bad things happening to Twilight and Dusk*

Twilight/Dusk- *ears flatten*

Discord/Eris- *touches Twilight and Dusk's horns while smirking darkly*

*Nightmare's mist and Obscura's shadows wrap around Dusk*

*NightTerror's mist and Sombra's shadows wrap around Twilight*

Nightmare/NightTerror- *smirks darkly* They got hurt...while the prince and princess did nothing...

Twilight/Dusk- *starts to fall under Discord and Eris' discordant spell as they look in sadness*

Sombra/Obscura- *strokes their cheeks* They never cared about you...

Twilight/Dusk- *eyelids lower as they get hypnotized* *monotone* They...never...cared...

All 8- *dark hypnotic tone* Yes...

*at the Cave*

Twilight/Dusk- *their bodies start to turn gray*

*the others gasp in shock*

Rainbow- *worried* We can't just sit here!!!

Blitz- *serious* We have to do something!!!

Pinkie- *thinks* We're connected to the Elements too, so what if we connect to our Elements and help them?

Discord- A nice theory Pinkie, but...*points to the Element of Magic*

*the Element of Magic is starting to turn gray*

Celestia/Solaris- *in horror* No...*starts to panic* We need to do something NOW!!!

*everyone is taken aback at their outburst*

Spike/Barbra- *crying*

*back in the timeline*

Twilight/Dusk- *looks at the memories dully*

Villains- *grin darkly* That's it...

Discord- *smirks* A shame that we had to do this to you two...

Eris- *admits* Yeah, you both were worthy opponents...

Chrysalis- *admits* Everyone was too caught up in wedding plans but you two...

Metamorphosis- *chuckles darkly* It was enjoyable toying with you both...

Nightmare- *smirks* When you both lit your horns against us...

NightTerror- *chuckles* Foolish...but brave and admirable...

Sombra- *looks at Twilight* You both still kept going and fighting...

Obscura- *admits* Even learned the arts of dark magic in order to find the Crystal Heart...

Twilight/Dusk- *looks at them with a determined smile* That's...the...point...of...the game...isn'

*the villains are in shock*

*Twilight and Dusk's prisons break and they return to normal and conjure up a chessboard with black and white pieces*

Dusk- *smirks determinedly at them* Think of our lives as a chess game you try and defeat us, we try and defeat you and it keeps going...

Twilight- *smirks* If either side wins we all start over...

Villains- *thinks hard*

Nightmare- *smirks at them* And your fine with being pawns?

Twilight- *smirks back at Nightmare* Yes...because no matter how many times you all manage to capture me and my friends we come back, defeat you, and a new villain arises and the cycle starts over...

Dusk- *serious* We all keep going back into our roles again and again and again...

*everyone is silent*

*the villains start to glow*

Villains- *before disappearing* Touché Princess Twilight and Prince Dusk...*they disappear*

Twilight/Dusk- *breathes* *looks at each other with sincere smiles and nuzzles each other affectionately*

*a bright light shines engulfing them*

*in the Cave of Harmony*

*the Tree of Harmony starts to shine brightly as the Element of Magic gets its color restored*

*everyone looks in awe*

*the beam disappears from Twilight and Dusk's chests*

*everyone gathers around them worriedly*

Twilight/Dusk- *opens their eyes and sits up groggily* *rubs their heads* What happened? *sees that all their friends are nearly at tears and they jump on them*

Mane 5/Spike/Barbra/Colt 5- *crying happy tears and smothering Twilight and Dusk*

Twilight/Dusk- *turning blue*'t...breathe...*gasping for air*

Celestia/Solaris- *levitates everyone off of them*

Twilight/Dusk- *breathes slowly and sees that their literally in Celestia and Solaris' shadows* *lays their heads on Celestia and Solaris' chests*

Celestia/Solaris- *warmly lowers their heads*

*everyone joins in on a group hug*

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