Skater Girl ~ 4

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I woke up and came face to face with the sun rays streaming in from the open window.

I groaned and closed my eyes then looked around and realized that neither Kyle nor Isabella were on the bed so I quickly sat up and then stood up and ran out of the room and down the stairs until I reached the kitchen and stopped dead in my tracks.

Kyle was standing in the middle of the kitchen, behind the stove cooking something while Bells sat on a chair in front of the counter watching him.

I saw Kyle look up and a smile break out into a grin on his face.

"How'd you sleep?"

I shook my head and looked around the kitchen and saw that flour, eggs and milk covered most of the surfaces on the kitchen. "What happened in here?"

"Bells decided to play around a bit and I couldn't really stop her, don't worry, we'll clean it up."

"Really Kyle, what are you doing here?"

I saw him look my way and his words left me a little breathless, "Kylie, you’re staying home today anyways with Bells, it’s the least I could do to help out. Besides you need to relax a little so I don't mind watching her. K, you gave up your childhood the day you got pregnant. You need to have fun again. Go upstairs and get changed then we can spend the day together."

I looked at Bells and saw that she was already dressed. She was wearing a pair of faded blue jeans and a pink shirt with her pink sandals and her hair was done in little pig tails. I looked up at Kyle and saw that he was grinning at me.

"Did you dress her?"

"Now Kylie, does it look like I can't get Bells into clothes on my own?" I could tell he wanted to laugh.

I looked him over and saw that he was wearing a pair of jeans, and a white T-shirt he must have gotten out of the drawer of clothes that he keeps here at my house.

I turned from the two of them and made my way up the stairs and back to my room where I went into the bathroom and began to curl my hair.

Once I finished I walked into the closet and picked out a pair of blue skinny jeans and a light pink tank top and tossed them both on knowing that I would match Bells.

I made my way down the stairs and sat beside Kyle who was sitting on the couch watching Bells on the floor playing with her Barbie’s.

I looked over at his face and couldn't help but notice the awed expression he had.

"Mommy, I want to watch a movie!" I heard Bells voice break my concentration so I looked at her and smiled.

"Which movie?"

She got up on her two little legs and made her way to me and sat the Peter Pan case on my lap.

I smiled at her and nodded my head. She giggled and I got up and put the disk in and had it go straight to the screen where I pressed Play and the film began to roll.

Bell sat on the floor in front of me and I handed her a small princess blanket and she wrapped herself in it.

Halfway through the movie I had sung every song so far since Peter Pan had been one of my favorite childhood movies growing up and I was beginning to feel a bit tired.

I felt an arm drape itself around my shoulders and next thing I knew my head was situated on Kyle's lap and he was gently stroking my hair. I let my eyes drop for a second and didn't realize I would fall asleep.


I pressed my eyelids together when I felt some light coming in. I opened and eye and when I looked up I saw that light was streaming in through opened window curtains and I was lying across the couch.

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