The dynamics of Chaos!

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Khushi POV
Okay. I can do this. What is so difficult about this? All I have to do is walk in this building, ask for Mr. Raj Malhotra and have a word with him. Once I have put forward my points, I can leave with a satisfied mind from this place. Simple.
With full on determination I walked inside the AR office. There was a lady at the reception who was looking like that big cake, I see regularly inside the famous Chandni Chowk Bakery. The one with too much decoration.
Even our mechanic Happyji does not have that much amount of grease on his face after working for hours in the garage. Hehe. The thought made me laugh.
"Excuse me....I would like to meet.." I asked her when she stopped me in mid sentence.
"Oh god Pam!!! Look how gorgeous I have turned using this makeup product. Want to take a selfie..?" She ran away from me without even listening to what I was saying.

This place is really weird. And Buaji wants me to marry someone who works in this weird office. Huhh. Khushi Kumari Gupta is not so easy to crack.
"Yes ma' can I help you?" A kind man asked me.
"Actually I came here to meet..." and yet again I got interrupted.
"Oh no the AC repairers are here. Come inside quickly guys. I will take you to ASRs cabin. He will be arriving by tomorrow. You should complete the repair as soon as possible. Orelse you know how strict and particular he is regarding these things." The man stated with a scared look. The other repairers nodded.

Who is the element ASR? Hmmm must be a devil kind of boss. Sounds very stern huhh. Well what is it to me...anyways just need to find Raj Malhotra and then I am all gone from here.

I was about to hunt for that man. When accidently I eavesdropped on a conversation between two guys.
"So you are finally getting married huh? I thought the girls family will have an issue with her being younger than you?" 1st guy said.
"Well the Buaji got convinced easily. I just want someone who will do all kinds of household chores for me. From cooking to washing clothes. And if the person is beautiful as well then its icing on the cake right."
The 2nd guy said and both laughed like Hyenas.

Hawww!!!! So this is Raj Malhotra. And he wants a maid not a wife. And I am not ready to be any one of those. What does he thinks of himself? Now I will teach him a lesson for life. He wants to take advantage of Buaji's love and affection towards his family. Wait and watch Mr. Malhotra. Just wait and watch. What to do? What to do? Think think Khushi..there has to be a way to teach him lesson. Some trick so that he gets scared and apologizes to me as well. Hmmm.

"Oh no the AC repairers are here. Come inside quickly. I will take you to ASRs cabin. He will be arriving by tomorrow. You should complete the repair as soon as possible. Orelse you know how strict and particular he is regarding these things."
Flashback ends...

Yes!!!! Ofcourse. I should have thought of this sooner itself. Perfect. Now I know how to make this guy cry. That kind man had said clearly that this feared boss of theirs will arrive by tomorrow. This is the time for revenge Khushi Kumari Gupta dont think about anything else. I will pretend to be ASRs secret what an idea! It will be perfect to scare him away. And in this way he will realise how I can get him fired by one complaint to my would be husband...hahaha...great. And nobody will know anything about it. There is nothing wrong with the plan. One small lie and this creep will cry like a baby for his job. Ok time to set the plan in motion.

Arnav POV (at Delhi Airport)
"Yeah Aman...yes. Yes I am aware. Listen I have to discuss something very important with you, we will talk in the office itself. My meeting got preponed yesterday. Send my car to the airport. And be quick. I want this personal issue to be finalized at the earliest. This information should not leak. We will talk in office. Bye." Arnav Singh Raizada cuts the call with his trademark stare.
This thing needs my full attention. Today nothing should go wrong.

Khushi POV
"Mr. Raj Malhotra. Sorry to bother you. But I am Khushi Kumari Gupta. I need to have a word with you." I said with a smirk.
The creep smiled and walked towards me.
"Hi Khushiji. What are you doing here in the office? Oh I see Buaji must have sent you here with some tasty lunch for me and my friends right?" Raj said in return.
I will make sure that by today you suffer with acidity and diarrhoea Mr. Malhotra. I muttered to myself.

"No. I am here to tell you that you should take back your proposal immediately. Sicne I am least interested in this alliance." I stated.
"But your Buaji has already accepted the proposal Khushiji. We should sit somewhere and talk about this Khushiji." He said with his oily expressions.
"No. For your kind information Buaji's acceptance does not matter in this case. You should be worried about ASR your boss here. Yes your boss ASR. My would be husband. I think you are not aware of the fact that I am his secret Fiancee..." I said haughtily.
"Fiancee. are ASRs SECRET FIANCEE..."
Raj Malhotra shouted so loudly that the entire office gathered around us. OH Devi Maiyya. Things are not going the way I thought. Please save me...

Everybody started whispering...
"How can she be ASRs fiancee...?"
"She looks so LS for that.."
"Just look at her....she and ASR no ways"

Aman POV
What is this girl saying? How can she be ASRs  secret fiancee...? I have to throw her out before ASR arrives. I was about to move forward when something stopped me. I remember she came to me a while ago...

"Yes ma' can I help you?" I asked
"Actually I came here to meet..."

And then ASRs words on the phone a while ago.

...Send my car to the airport. And be quick. I want this personal issue to be finalized at the earliest. This information should not leak...."

Oh no. She saying the truth. This must be ASRs personal issue for sure. He did not want to leak this info. Oh my god. I need to take care of this. This Malhotra guy is causing problems for Sir and Maam. I need to take care of Maam first. I should make her sit in ASRs office.

Khushi POV
"I.....actually......I...." everyone is staring at me like a night owl. DM help.
"Everyone stop this nonsense right now. This lady is ASRs fiancee. She is telling the truth. And I am aware of this fact. I suggest all of you stop talking about her orelse be ready to face his wrath. He will be arriving soon enough." The kind man to whom I spoke a while ago informed us.

Oh No Devi I was trying to scare away Raj Malhotra...and I got stuck in this situation. All because of my full proof plan. What will happen when ASR will arrive? I should just leave this place asap. Yeah.
"Hello Ma'am I am Aman ASRs manager. What is your good name?" He asked.
"Hi Amanji. I am Khushi Kumari Gupta. You are very polite by the way. Are you from Lucknow?" I asked
He smiled kindly.
"No Khushi Ma'am. I am from Mumbai actually. Come on why dont you come and sit upstairs in ASRs cabin. We can talk and wait for him there. And all of you, say sorry to Khushi ma'am right now. And this information is a secret keep it under wraps." Amanji replied.

Oh No!!!...wait a minute howcome Amanji is in favor of my lie...whats going on? And I dont want to go that cabin. God Khushi today you will die for sure. And then Kamlesh Khabriji will make a news out of your unfortunate death. I did not even get the chance to watch the new promos of Salman Khanji's BiGG BoSS -11. This is not fair DM.
"Ma'am...shall I order tea and snacks for you...or any sweets?" Amanji questioned me.
Hold on!! He said snacks. I will have some tea and Jalebis first. Then my brain will start working for sure. Yeah that will do.
"Yeah why not. I want some tea and Jalebis. Lot of them huh. They are my favourite sweets." I said dreamily thinking about Jalebi's...

And soon enough we were in a huge cabin made of glass walls. Hmm. So this is where this ASR works. Looks like a huge den. And I imagined him roaring at everyone like a firebreathing dragon. Why not enjoy some Jalebis before leaving. This is Delhi...and due to heavy traffic it will take him sometime to arrive till then I can think of something to leave this place. DM will take care of the rest.

The plan is still under control...yeah..all is well!!!

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