Marriage - I

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Arnav POV
Words have failed me today. This morning everything is just simply beautiful. Now its just a matter of a few hours. After that Khushi Singh Raizada will be mine forever. Two months and seven days ago I saw an angel. And today that very angel will become mine forever and ever.
We will take sacred vows tonight. Vows which will hold promises of loving and caring for one another.

Moreover, from tomorrow onwards Khushi and I will be sharing my room. Oops. I mean our room. My happiness knows no bounds today. These moments will be remain in my heart for life.
The shrilling of my phone interrupted my train of thoughts. It was Khushi...
I quickly picked up her call.

"Hi Khu..."
"How dare you? How dare you do such a thing?" Khushi shouted in my ears.
I rubbed my eyes and tried to recall what went wrong this morning.

Khushi POV
Arnav Singh could you do this to me? Who gave you the right? Huhh. He was being so mean to me. Evrything was going smoothly till last night. But then I had this dream where Arnavji purposely dragged me to his terrace and married me in a rush. All angry and aggressive. Just because in my dream I was dancing in the rain. In the marketplace. Ughhh. How can he take my wish of an big fat Indian wedding away. As soon as I woke up I quickly dialled his number to give him an earful. He answered the call immediately.

"Hi Khu..."
"How dare you? How dare you do such a thing?" I shouted through the ears.
"What did I do Khushi..?" He asked all confused.
"You married me at your terrace that too forcefully. Just because I was dancing and enjoying in the rain outside my house. How dare you take away my dreams of a loud and happy wedding Arnavji?" I accused him.
"What?!!? Khushi when did I..? He asked in irritation.
"In my dream!! You forced me to marry you. Just because you got angry with me. Am I not even allowed to enjoy the weather now? If you even dare to take away my dream wedding from me today Arnavji...I will...I will...yes I won't speak to you...ever." I threatened him.

"Hahahahaha...." I heard him laughing.
" Singh Raizada...What is so funny about all this? Here I am so hurt by your act and you find it funny!?" I huffed in annoyance.
"I am sorry Khushi...but really...I never thought that my threat of punishing you 'if you ever dance again in the rain in a public place' would be taken so seriously by you. But its good to know that even in your dreams we are getting married." Arnavji replied.
"Umm..yeah..we are.." I said shyly.
"Come on need to be so shy...were you not scolding me a while ago for not letting you have your dream wedding? And now you are blushing." Arnavji teased me.
"Alright. Stop teasing me. And go and help Di and Jeeju in todays preparation. I will see you tonight." I declared.
"Hmm. Sure dear. I will follow Mrs. Raizada's orders from now on." And he cut the call making me blush yet again.

Later in the Evening...
Arnav POV
"Di please dont force me. I wont wear this Sherwani and all. I will only wear whatever I find comfortable to be in." I said stubbornly.
"But Chotte..." Di tried pursuing the matter again.
"No means No Di." I said with a smile.
"Fine. I will tell Khushiji how you rejected the Sherwani which she selected which so much love for you." With that she began to leave my room.
Oh NO...I cannot disappoint Khushi. Damn IT!!
"STOP. I am gonna wear it. Leave it here only." I said to Di.
And in return she just gave a knowing smile.
"As you wish Chotte."

Khushi POV
I was all dressed up for the wedding when Arnavji called on my cell phone.
"Yes Arnavji.."
I said while Amma left the room with a smile to give me some privacy.
"Khushi...I.." he stammered.
"What is it Arnavji?" I asked a little worried.
"Uh...Actually..we are getting married soon..." He said all nervous now.
"Yes Arnavji. I know. Is there a problem?" I questioned him again.
"Uhh No...but..Khushi this is the first time I am getting Married to someone. And I dont feels...are you not feeling nervous??" He finally revealed his worries.

For a minute I just wanted to laugh out loud. But then realized that he might be very sensitive right now.
"Arnavji. Relax ok. Take deep breaths. Sometimes one feels like this when a big change is about to happen. I do not feel nervous as such.  However, I feel like butterflies are fluttering in my stomach once in a while, since morning. So nothing to worry. You will feel like this till we get married. So just concentrate on the fact that from tomorrow onwards we will be living together with each other. A new life is waiting for us Arnavji." I explained calmly.
"Khushi....I...I Love You. We will be together...forever." He said a little bit relaxed now.
"I Love You too would be Hubby."

Sitting at the Holy Fireplace for their vows

You are looking very beautiful in this red and blue lehenga of yours. And that blush of yours goes with it perfectly Khushi.

By the way our mission of getting Payal and Akaash together is finally successful...partner. We make a good team dont we Arnavji?

Dear please slow are practically running around the fire. Never thought you will turn into Khushi Milkha Singh...wifey.

Everyone is teasing me so much. Please let go off my hand now. we are lawfully wedded husband and wife. No one will take me away from you. Ughhh now I am stuck with Chipku Singh Raizada for life.

Arnav POV
"Di now we are done with all the rituals and marriage function. No more forcing me into all this stuff. The deal is over now. So please, I am gonna go to my room with my wife. And you can play all sort of games with Akaash & Payal. Goodnight."
Saying that I carried Khushi in my arms while she looked all red and concentrated on her bangles.

I entered my room with Mrs. Raizada in my arms. She bolted the room without even moving a little away from me. We were simply happy being with one another. I heard her gasp and observed how delightful she looked on watching all the arrangements and decorations in my..our room.

"Welcome to our room, Mrs, Raizada."
I said while helping her stand on her feet. She fluttered here and there like a bee admiring all the work...which I  am sure Di and Jeeju did when we were busy with the wedding.
"Everything is just so beautiful Arnavji." She said with a bright smile. Lighting up heart to the core.
I kissed her forehead and replied...
"Not more than you wifey. Finally we are together."
"Yup finally..." She said looking lovingly towards me.

I held her hands and dragged her to our bed. We sat for a while just trying to absorb the happiness that was present all around us.
" got your big fat wedding. And I did not even marry you forcefully. So unlike your dream huhhh." I said winking at her.
And then we laughed hysterics....trying to imagine what more craziness is waiting round the corner for us!!!

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