The fight...

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Khushi POV
Yesterday evening after making sure that Arnavji was feeling better...Jeeji and me came back home. Or should I put it this way...Akaashji insisted on dropping us home and even got the opportunity to meet Buaji. He managed to form a great impression on her. And for the first time I observed certain changes in Jeeji's behaviour. Her downcast eyes, red cheeks and absent minded attitude is a clear sign of her feelings for Akaashji. And I am sure it is just a matter of time now. Once they both confess their love, things will definitely progress.
Right now I was trying to iron clothes but Arnavjis thoughts kept my mind occupied. Hmmm. He must be busy in the office right now. But he can spare me a few minutes right? And loving Khushi Kumari Gupta is not a piece of cake. Huhhh.
I quickly dialled Arnavji's number and waited for him to answer my call.
"Hello love." Arnavji said huskily. I shivered but then thought about doing the same to him.
"Hello Arnav." I said copying his husky tone.
Hahahaha....from the continued silence from his end... it is obvious I won. Good going Khushi. Poor Arnavji. See how it feels to be teased.
"What happened Arnavji? What did you think only you can tease me?" I asked.
"Wow Khushi....I hope you are aware of what you just did. When you call my name like that...I feel like kissing every single inch of your beautfiul skin." He replied. And this time he succesfully made me fluster and all red.
"What happened dear? What did you think? That it is that easy to challenge ASR?"
"Ok fine....stop distracting me Arnavji. I called for an important reason. So focus." I said loudly.
"Alright Khushi. What is it?" Arnavji asked.
"I was thinking when are you going to take me out? I have watched all bollywood movies. Once a boy and girl say I Love You to one another they go out and enjoy a lot. Now singing songs and dancing in gardens is not a possibility for us...I mean I can do it. But you wont be comfortable. However, eating lunch together, going for a walk or watching a Salman Khan movie... are a few options still left for us. So when are we going out for a date..tell me?"
"Hmmm. Is it so Khushi Kumari Gupta? I must say you have analyzed this situation of ours very thoroughly. Fine we will go out on a date. But cross out dancing and Salman Khans movie. Both of them are not happening. So how about lunch? Shall I come and pick you up?" Arnavji asked.
"Whatt?!?! Are you mad?! You will come here and pick me up? If Buaji will see us together then you have any idea what is gonna happen? She will make make sure that I leave for Lucknow today itself. Then you will forget all about these dates of ours." I stated the fact.

Arnav POV
Red thats all I saw for a minute. LUCKNOW?!? She will leave for LUCKNOW? No way Khushi Kumari Gupta!!! I wont allow that. How dare you? I felt anger boiling within me. I will have to make a few things clear to this girl.
"Khushi...I am a little busy with office work. Come to my office in an hour. We will go together then."
And I cut the call saying that. How could she even say that to me? This girl will definitely drive me crazy. This date will happen Gupta...and I will make sure that you will remember it for the rest of your life. But before that you will have to understand the dos and donts of being Arnav Singh Raizadas girl. I quickly made a few calls to make arrangements for our date.
"Aman cancel all my meetings for today...and dont disturb me till tomorrow it." I hung up on him as usual.

Khushi POV
Hawww...that..that..ASR!!! How could he just hang up the call?! I am coming Mr. Raizada..I am coming. I need to teach you a few things about being a good boyfriend. Huhhhh. But first...time to look exceptionally beautiful. I will have to make sure that he gets all bothered by my appearance. Come on Khushi its time to make him flat as a pancake. And I winked at DM who was sitting on my table.
Oops...I will have to come up with a solid excuse for going on my date. Think Khushi, think. What will convince Buaji? Come on come on....oh YES!!! Ofcourse. Wow DM you are simply great.
"Buaji guess what? Anjaliji and Naniji have called me for a satsang at their house...I tried to deny their invite but they are refusing to hear anything...what can I do now?" I said casually, knowing very well how Akaashji's latest impression had worked on Buaji. 3..2...1.
"Titliyaaa....Why did you deny it? Its Akaash bitwa's family... dont even think about saying no. Those people are so kind and this is the way you behave. Dont even think about making any excuses and quickly get ready. I will make sure that you attend their satsang." Buaji declared in her 'never mess with me' tone.
Hehehe thanks Buaji. You are the best.
"Ok Buaji. As you say. I will get ready then." I said agreeing half-heartedly in front of her.
And then I ran away to my room to get ready for my first date with Arnavji.

Arnav POV
It had been almost an hour since I spoke to Khushi. God this girl finds great pleasure in torturing me. Uggghhh. Come on Khushi Kumari Gupta...I dont have the entire day to wait on you.
I was about to walk out of my cabin when time stopped for a while. Khushi with slow and calculative steps came to stand at the door of my cabin. But what made me hold my breath was her figure clad in a green saree. She looked absolutely mesmerizing...even in a simple looking saree she managed to make my heart splutter. Her milky white skin glowed in green. But what attracted me the most was the fire in her eyes. She looked like the angel of death. Hold on a minute..its me who is supposed to be exhaling fire right now. This girl will drive me nuts. For sure.

One second we were standing a few feet apart and in the next second she was so close to me that I felt breathless. Her hands were holding the lapels of my suit and her eyes had a madness in them.
"How dare you Mr. Raizada?! How dare you? Who gave you the right to cut the call when I am talking to you? We were having a conversation...a full fledged conversation..are we not in a relationship? And you forgot the first rule of the normal human beings. I am not going to teach you this every day alright? You better remember this for the rest of your life!!"
Khushi huffed and pulled my lapels again to get her point across.
"Are you done?" I asked with anger laced in my tone.
"For now..yes." She said with a hint of attitude.
"Good. Because its my turn." I declared arrogantly and my arms locked around her waist tightly. She looked down and then back at me confused. In seconds I turned us together which made her move back only to realize that she hit the wall. Now my forehead was touching hers. And she looked towards me with wide eyed and crimson eyes.

"What..are.." She tried to ask. But I stopped her in mid sentence.
"Now hear me very carefully Khushi Kumari Gupta. Dont you ever dare to use Lucknow as a threat towards me. What were you thinking? Tell me? Huhhh? Get one thing clear in your head Khushi. YOU ARE MINE!!! And NO ONE...meaning no one can separate you from me. The day you decided to fall in love with this practically signed a never ending contract of being mine for Infinity. You are Arnavs Khushi...remember that always. And as far as my telephone manners are that you are with me...I will correct my ways soon enough. Anything else?" I asked harshly and boldly.

And for the first time chatter box of a girl just shook her head saying no. And in return I rubbed my nose with hers. To stake my claim on her.

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