Engagement or not?

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Khushi POV
Yesterday night I had a great time dreaming about Arnavji. We were together and enjoying our lives with a baby on the way. And till this morning my happiness knew no bounds. My engagement was supposed to happen by tonight. And all the preprations had begun with full on enthusiasm and fun.

Until the unexpected happened...

And now I am worried. Extremely worried. I have no idea what to do. I am in a dilemma. I have to choose. And both the choices are equally important. There is no chance of postponing the engagement. And there is no chance of postponing this event. Hey Devi Maiyya...what will I do now. I can neither disappoint Arnavji nor my friends. What to do? What to do?...
No I cannot choose anything. I am super confused. I have to speak with Arnavji. He is such a good businessman he will definitely help me out.
I quickly called him on his cellphone.

"Hi Khushi...missing me so much huh?" Arnavji teased as usual. But today my mind was elsewhere.
"Arnavji...I am in a big problem?" I said immediately.
"Whattt?!? Whats wrong Khushi? Tell me...is everthing alright? Speak up Damn it!!" I shifted the phone a little away from my poor ears.
"No..no I am fine. Its just that. I am in a very big problem and cannot decide what to do?" Finally...I blurted out.
"Khushi Kumari Gupta...start speaking now!" He ordered in his ASR tone.
"Uhhh..Arnavji. Munnu called this morning. Our team needs me. And I have to support them today. But I am also getting engaged tonight. What shall I do Arnavji. I am in a huge dilemma. Please help me out." I explained.
"What??? Khushi who is Munnu? And what team needs you? I cannot understand anything?" Arnavji asked exasperated.
"Uhh...remember when we met I told you about my hobby of playing cricket and khokho with our neighborhood kids. We...as in me and my bacha party have our local cricket match this afternoon. Laxmi Nagar vs. Sarojini Nagar. I am the team captain. And our team cannot play without me. Even if I excuse myself because of the engagement...my team would not be able to score well with my substitute. So what shall I do Arnavji? This is a huge problem. I cannot miss any of two. Suggest something please?" I gave a full on explaination and waited with bated breath for his answer.

"Hello Arnavji...can you hear me? Is the network issue back on my phone..?Hello Arnavji..are you listening?" I tried to be as loud as possible.
"Khushi..." Arnavji responded...pheww finally.
"Yes.." I replied.
"This is....a really huge problem. You are right. Ummm. Engagement and cricket match both are equally important." He said.
"Exactly!!!...but Amma and Buaji are not ready to listen. They are already mad because I suggested about playing the match today. They think I am being irresponsible towards our marriage. Is it wrong of me to want both the things. Am I not being irresponsible towards my team this way?" I sighed sadly.
"Khushi. Do not be disheartened dear. Its just that...your family wants you to be devoted towards this alliance. And you are right in your position as well. Alright I have an idea. The afternoon match wont last till late evening right?So you play with your team and get back before 8pm. And we will get engaged by 9. This way you get to do both the things?" He suggested.
"Oh...wow. Yes!!! You are right. Absolutely right. I can do that easily. But...who will listen to me. Buaji wont agree Arnavji." I complained.

"Idea...I will speak to your family right now. As a fact I am free doing nothing at home. I took leave from office for our engagement. I will go with you....support you and we will get back together. You can get ready for the sagaai at my house. So...what do you say?" He asked in his smirking voice.
"OH MYYY GODDD....Arnavji!!!! You are the best. This is a great idea. Seriously!!! I mean...I will play so well with you cheering for me and my team. And I will introduce you to my bacha party. Great. You are awesome. Okay now you call Bauji and speak to her. I will cut the call. Thank you so much Arnavji. I love you!" I cut the call saying that.

Yuhooooo. I shouted in my mind and then winked at DM who was sitting on my night stand with a smile on her face.

Arnav POV
Hahahaha...I just...I just cannot stop laughing. I mean come on. When Khushi called me up a while ago saying that she was in a huge trouble I felt the earth shaking under my feet. Her words scared me. And then when she revealed her problem to me I felt like kissing her there and then for being so adorable. Gosh I totally forgot about her love for playing sports. Well I have not been to see a local cricket match for ages. I think its time to show some team spirit. My goodness. Khushi Kumari Gupta...you are impossible. With that thought in mind I rushed out of my house.

"Chotte...where are you going? Its your engagement today. You promised. You wont be leaving for office again are you?" Di asked with a deep sigh.
"Uhhh...no Di..actually Khushi called. I need to help her out with something." I tried to explain but failed miserably. I mean how do you admit this fact to your sister that your beloved has a match today on her engagement day. Funny.
"Akaash is also here. So if he can take leave so can you. Do not make excuses in the name of Khushiji." Di ordered.
"Di..listen..I gotta go ok. Khushi really needs me. She has her cricket match today. She and the neighborhood kids will loose terribly if I am even a little late. Time to support my future wife. I will be back with her by the evening and we will get ready for the engagement. Okay. See you soon."
Saying that I rushed out only to hear a loud echo of laughter from the house. Ughhh. This girl has got me wrapped around her fingers.

Khushi POV
"Nandekishore you are seriously a sankadevi. You are not only going for your cricket match but have also managed to get Arnav bitwa's support in this matter. He must really love you to do this. Seriously who goes out to play a local match on the day of their engagement." Buaji scolded me.
"Buaji listen to me..." I tried again. But then Buaji's Arnav babua came inside dashing in full speed. He quickly greeted Buaji, Amma and Babuji and promised them to get us back home safely before the scheduled engagement.
"Come on Khushi. No time to waste." He said with a smile and together we held hands and rushed outside to get inside his car.

All along the ride I explained Arnavji all about our cricket team, experiences, frequent matches and the verbal fights. I am sure he will get a glimpse of some of these things in todays match. And we will win for sure. Jai Devi Maiyya ki.

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