Here I confess...

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Khushi POV
Gosh Khushi just quickly run away from here. Orelse this laad governer will make you confess everything this second itself. And I am not at all prepared for that. I mean atleast a good atmosphere can be expected right? Like a beautiful garden full of roses, light drizzling and salman khanjis music. Yeah exactly. Time to make a move. I won't admit anything in a store room full of files and AR designs. No ways.
I walked away towards the door and when I was just a step away Arnavji held my wrist to stop me from moving ahead. Oh Devi Maiyya now what? Cardiac arrest on the way.

" long are you planning to make me wait?" Arnavji asked smirkingly.
"Umm...I am sure Jeeji is waiting for me outside. So we should not keep her wating." I said without turning back. Knowing well how distractive his eyes are.
"Hmmm. Your Jeeji should not be kept waiting...but I am supposed to be patient huh?"
With that he twisted my arm behind my back softly and brought me closer to him. I gasped and turned totally breathless with his unexpected move.
" cannot.." I stuttered like a fool.
"I cannot what Khushi? Listen I am here till evening so we have lots of time to spend together. Take your time and say those words..I can wait for a few minutes no problem." He said naughtily and winked at me.
" you will keep me here imprisoned if I dont say anything the entire day?" I asked in a angry tone.
"Actually..thats a great idea. You know what you are both beauty with brains...a perfect combo for ASR." He winked.
I got away from his grip. And he let me go easily. Phewww. Distance feels good. This Dhak dhak is killing me today.

Arnav POV
Poor Khushi...she was turning red and blue every second. Blushing red sometimes and then getting all blue with anger in between. So adorable she is. I was about to tease her some more. When I felt a bit dizzy all of a sudden.
Crap I forgot my medicines.I missed dinner last night and breakfast this morning too. Not now Arnav...concentrate on Khushi.
I walked towards her and felt another wave of dizziness. She was getting quite blurry.
"Listen Mr. Arnav Raizada...I am Khushi Kumari Gupta and no one can force me from getting what I want. And right now I want to leave this place, which I will in a second." She declared and turned back again.

"Khu..Khushi.." I tried calling her but lost my balance. Everything was spinning for a while. But then I heard a sharp and loud scream of Khushi. She did not leave..she is still here.
"ARNAVJI!!!!!...Oh Devi Maiyya...WHAT is WRONG with you Arnavji. Arnavji can you hear me? Arnavji? Oh god! I should call the doctor immediately. should get Akaash Sir first. YES. NO. What should I do..water do you need water Arnavji? Tell me HOW CAN I HELP?" Her worried voice brought me back to consciousness.
"Swee...sweet...something sweet..." I said groggily.
" need something sweet...I..I..I have...Yes I have Jalebis in my bag. Wait a minute." She said in a rush. I could hear rustling here and there.

"Here eat these." I felt extra juicy Jalebis with syrup melting in my mouth in a few seconds. Slowly I finished the entire piece. A few minutes later things became very clear to me. I was lying on the floor, my back and head resting on the wall. And Khushi was hovering over me like a mother hen. Her eyes trying to scrutinize my every move. Hehe. My crazy Khushi.
"What happened to you Arnavji? Are you ok? Why did you faint all of sudden? Should I call a doctor?" She asked in a bullet train speed. I sighed at her questions.

"I collapsed because my sugar levels must have dropped. I missed my medicines and have not eaten anything since last evening. I am fine now. I am diabetic. This happens to me sometimes. Its ok." I tried to reassure her.
But then what happened next horrified me completely. Slowly one by one tears starting coming out of those hazel eyes. And then she started crying.
"Khushi..Khushi shhh..shhh. Relax. I am fine. It just happened because I..." she interrupted all of a sudden.
"It just happened because your mind was occupied by my thoughts. You just wanted an answer to your question. And I should have just simply answered rather than delaying and teasing you. I am sorry. I am so sorry. I was just feeling shy and nervous. But not anymore. You deserve to know how I feel about you." She said almost wailing now.
"Khushi shhh. You can take as much time...I am.." But I stopped in mid sentence when her hands cupped my face and those big doe eyes starred at my face lovingly.
"I gifted you that locket because you are more than a friend Arnavji. You are very special. You are close to my heart. Only you deserve that gift. You helped me at every second since I met you. Your so kind to me. And your eyes are filled with so much love for me. I just could not stop myself from falling in love with you. Your soul just pulled my heart to yours. I always wondered why I feel so restless without you? Why I feel my heartbeats go crazy with Dhak dhak when you are around? And today seeing you like this I just went crazy. Yes Arnavji. I love you..I love you lot." She said while smiling and crying simultaneously.

And I sighed with relief hearing her words. My eyes closed feeling light and peaceful. But then I reopened then again.
"You love me more than that...that...Salman Khan of yours?" I asked a bit rudely. Wanting to know her answer.
And then she stopped crying altogether. And laughed out loud. Even though my question was a bit silly still I felt a bit insecure.
"Yes. Much more than him." She said and laughed again. Making me join her as well. And here on the dusty floor of my office store room we found love and peace. Which was epic by the way. In its own way.

Khushi POV
I felt so much better after telling him about my feelings. All my proudiness vanished the very second I saw Arnavji collapsing with a thud on the store room floor. Jokes and pulling his leg is a different thing. But after almost loosing my heart watching him in a such a state I could not stop myself from admitting my love for Arnavji. He means so much to me. More than those silly flowery arrangement and drizzling that I was imagining about.
For a minute I thought that I will die. However when those chocolate brown eyes greeted me again I knew what DM was indicating since the beginning.

"Are you alright now?" I asked again anxiously.
"Yes. Now that I know that I have your love. Everything will be perfect." He said with his trademark smirk.
I blushed again but then thought.. why should I keep turning red?He is doing this on purpose. I wont let him win.
"Ofcourse. When Khushi Kumari Gupta is with you..nothing can go wrong." I said disregarding his teasiing words.
"Oh really? Is that so?" He said and pulled me in arms and touching his forehead with mine.
"Uhhhh...." I turned blank for a minute.

But then suddenly the store room door opened. And we moved away from one another. I saw Akaashji and Amanji walking towards us.
"Khushiji..Bhai...what happened?" Akaashji asked in a worried tone.
"Actually Akaashji Arnavji's sugar level dropped. He fainted a while ago. I fed him some Jalebis that I carried with me this morning."
"Bhai... oh my god!...are you ok?..come on let me help you." Akaashji helped Aranvji get up and we walked out of the store room. My hand never left his.
After sometime Arnavji was sitting in his cabin and Akaashji gave him his medicines. Payal Jeeji stood beside me as we made sure that he his fine.

"Bhai I have postponed the meeting. We are going back home. I wont allow you to attend any meeting now. And Di has also instructed me to get you back this instant." Akaashji stated.
"I am fine Akaash. Why did you call Di? Now she will be worried for no reason." Arnavji said stubbornly.
"Akaashji is right. Arnavji you are going home. As a fact we all will go together. Jeeji we should go their place right? Remember how everyone helped us in their house. Its our turn now. Come on Akaashji we are ready." I said with a double streak of stubborness. Jeeji nodded along with me.
Aranvji raised his eyebrows listening to my words. And in return I smiled at him which clearly said...just try and say no to me...

Finally all four of us headed towards Raizada Mansion in Akaashji's car.

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