The match, engagement & kiss!

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Arnav POV
"...and then we were out of breath, with absolutely no hope at all. However Khushi Di was determined to win. So even after getting hurt, she played with her bad leg and we were able to bring the small trophy home."
I heard everything with keen interest. Munnu Khushi's best player was explaining to me all about their adventures during the previous matches.

Right now all the players were taking a break after playing for one and an a half hours continuously. I had cheered for Khushi pretty loudly when she had made so many runs with a lot of sixers. And watching her run around in the makeshift field was quite sexy. Her knotted hair, tied dupatta and the red head band made my insides churn with love. Hmmm...I could actually imagine a mini Khushi running around in a similar way and me cheering her for her future matches. A father daughter bonding.

"So Jeeju....will you be joining us in the next match? It is to be held in the winters..." Munnu interrupted my train of thoughts.
" I...dont think.." I tried to explain.
"Jeeju...did our rivals bribe you or something. If that is the case then dont give in to their demands. They just simply fool potential players by offering them free passes of State level matches. Later on they wont even show you their faces." Munnu explained in exasperation.
" No I was not bribed...the thing is that I am busy with work at times. So..I...I can always come to support Khushi. But nothing more than Munnu." I tried to deny the offer as kindly as possible. Huhh. Bribed? Really now. ASR cannot be bribed so some free passes. I cannot even explain much about ARD to them.

Few hours later after the match

"We won again Arnavji!! Can you believe it? We did it. Me and my bachcha party nailed it." Khushi screamed while running towards me.
And watching her excitement I could not stop myself from grabbing and lifting her off the ground. I twirled her while she held on to me tight. Our eyes met each others. And it mirrored equal happiness.
"You were awesome Khushi. Really you aced it. I am impressed. Future Mrs. Raizada is a great player. And I am glad that you are in my team for the rest of our lives." I whispered softly to her. And on cue she blushed and turned all red. Making the ASR within me immensely happy.

"Come on Arnavji. We should rush home now. We need to excel in getting engaged as well. What do you say?" She teased me. This vixen will kill me one day.
I simply brought her close to me...making our foreheads touch each other. Her wide eyes made a great come back. Hehehe...
"Your demands are increasing day by day Khushi Kumari Gupta. But dont worry once I make you a Raizada you will have to fulfill some of my demands as well." I winked at her and left her to gather herself while I said goodbye to all the kids.

Khushi POV
"Wow Khushi bitiya you always manage to make Lucknow proud of you. I am very happy for you. But now go quickly to Anjali bitiya's room. She will help you in getting ready ok?" Nani voiced out.
"Yeah Naniji for sure.." I replied.
"HHBB I am worried Sasuma...if this is how Khushi bitiya plays then we all will be accompanying her in the future. Imagine all the Raizadas cheering our bahuriya. Khushi when will a match happen near Shantivan? Inform me next time." Mamiji asked me.
"Ofcourse Mamiji. You all are always invited. And I will let you know about the next match. I will go to Di's room and get ready now." I hastily replied and left from the living room.

In Di's room
"Khushiji I cannot really understand how you did it...but you have changed my brother for good. I remember there was a time when even talking seemed to be a huge thing for my Chotte. But now just by looking at him anyone can say that your love has given him a rebirth or something. And I am glad to know that my brothers bride is someone like you...Khushi Bhabhi." Di got very emotional after saying these words to me.
However I felt like being on cloud nine after hearing her words. Is it really true? Has my presence in Arnavji's life acted like a blessing by DM for him? If thats the case then I will be forever thankful to her. She blessed us both by doing so.
"And I should thank your Chotte too Di. Since it is all because of him that today I am getting engaged to the love of my life. I never imagined that I would get a life partner like Arnavji in my life. Also it is all due to him that I have met such sweet people like your family. Having a Di like you is a gift. And I am happy to share this gift with Arnavji. Devi Maiyya is really great." I told Di. In return she hugged me tightly while giving me a beautiful smile.

Arnav POV
I was about to walk downstairs towards the hall when suddenly the lights flickered. In seconds there was darkness all around the house. And then I heard a loud scream from Di's room. I dashed to her room since I recognized Khushi's scream. I banged the door open and witnessed something that gave me goosebumps. Di and Khushi were standing at a distant from the mirror. The lights that surrounded Di's mirror gave away sparks and in moments caught fire.
I screamed loudly for Khushi and Di. And then the entire family had come to the room. Jeeju quickly grabbed Di while I pulled Khushi in my arms. Akaash and Mamaji quickly took turns and put off the fire. Suddenly everyone was talking at once. Asking Di and Khushi if they were ok, how did this happen etc. But I could feel her. Khushi was trembling in my arms. Her big doe like eyes looking here and there all tensed and in shock. Her increased palpitations and the way she hugged me to her in a tight grip.

The lights came back. HP came running into the room explaining about some short circuit issue. Everyone moved out of the room. But I held Khushi in my arms. Fear enveloped me. I kept rubbing her arms. Trying to come to terms about the fact that the situation could have taken a dangerous turn.
"KHUSHI...KHUSHI!!! Are you alright? Answer me? Khushi my love? You okay?"
I tried to get her attention and succeeded when she looked at me with teary eyes.
"Arnavji..I.." She tried to speak. But I stopped her.
"Shh Khushi...relax. Come here and sit. You drink some take it. Are you okay? Love just take deep breaths huhh. Oh GOD!!! I should have been here with you. I was unable to protect you. What if something bad had happened to you? What if we all did not come on time? My goodness. How did this happen..." I was in full panic mode right now.
"Arnavji...shhh. Its ok. Its ok.  I am fine. Everything happened so quickly. I was just in a little bit of shock, thats it. I am fine see...nothing is wrong with me. Everything is alright." She tried to calm me down.

"What if I lost you Khushi? What if something had happened to you? Khushi what would I do then...I..I...would have...Khushi I cannot loose you like my Mamma. I will always keep you safe. I just cannot..I..."
And unknowingly two teares rolled down my eyes. My biggest fear of loosing a loved one came in front of me today.
"Arnavji. I am here okay. And I am safe. Nothing can happen to me if you are there with me. And you will never loose me. I promise you wont loose me like your Mamma. Please dont do this to your self. Shhh. Its ok."
Khushi consoled me while trying to wipe my tears. As much as her hands allowed her to do so. Since my grip on her was still tight. I shut my eyes trying to remind myself that she was safe here with me.
And then I heard a soft whisper...
I opened my eyes to see her lips almost touching mine. And in a moment they touched mine. For the first time I just closed eyes and tried to feel her. Her kiss said it all. It was a promise of love and forever. After a few minutes we opened our eyes and looked at one another. Her one act brought a huge smile on my face. I just realized that we shared our first kiss. Khushi was looking towards the floor all shy and red. I tried to make her look at me but then I heard Nani's voice calling both of us outside. With smiling faces we walked out of Di's room.

Khushi POV
When we came out the entire family was waiting for us. Naniji, Jeejaji, Di, Mami, Buaji, Amma...everyone asked..if we were ok now. We simply nodded our heads. After the kiss we shared in Di's room I had no words to say to them. My brain went on shut down mode. I could feel Arnavji's eyes on me but did not have the courage to look at him.

Another few minutes passed and then the engagement ceremony started. Me and Arnavji exchanged rings. But this time when he held my hand to put the ring on my finger I looked up in his eyes. And I saw the same fire and intensity in them which I once witnessed in his office while we were in a close proximity.
And I could do nothing but look here and there to avoid his steamy gaze.
We shared another look...and he suddenly mouthed I Love You to me. I looked around to see that no one took notice of it. So in return I too mouthed those 3 special words to him and added Hamesha. And a beautiful smile adored his face.

You Gave Birth to ASR - Aashiq Singh RaizadaWhere stories live. Discover now