The Uneasiness.

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Khushi POV
Sometimes even if Jalebi making is your perfect stress buster... still you find it difficult to feel peace and calm. And thats what exactly I have been going through from past 1 hour. Jeeji and I had arrived in Laxmi Nagar this morning. I practically ran from Shantivan without even meeting Arnavji. My heart was doing somersaults since last night...his words kept ringing in my mind.

"The reason why you gifted me your most important possession is only friendship...or are we more than friends?"

Ugghhh. What was the need to ask such a question? Arnavji could have let it go. But no this man likes to see me all flustered and out of control. I have absolutely no clue of how am I gonna meet him for Teej...especially after last night. Now I understand why everyone in AR office go all crazy around him.
This man will be the death of me.
"Khushi...did you make lunch for all of us?" Buaji's loud voice made no difference to me.
"The reason why you gifted me your most important possession is only friendship...or are we more than friends?"
"Khushi I am asking you something have yo....? What is this? Now what has got you so tensed that you making mountains of Jalebi's yet again? I told you to prepare lunch and this is what you do? Oh us from this crazy girl...Payalia...Payalia...take away this SankaDevi she has gone all mad."
Buaji pushed me away from the stove and Jeeji took me to our room.

"Khushi what is the matter with you? I think you have not recovered completely. You still need rest. Is something bothering you? Wont you even tell me Khushi?" Jeeji asked me.
Her questions brought me back from my stupor. Oh god. I need to break away from his thoughts. Come on..change the topic fast Khushi...say something...
"Actually Jeeji..I was just worried about Teej. You know I wanted to fast for this festival. It will be my first fast. So I was just worried about not having food in my body all day." I said hastely. Pheww. Thanks DM.
"Oh yes ofcourse. This year both of us will keep this fast. We will go to the temple together for the prayers as well Khushi. And you dont worry I will keep your mind distracted throughout the day. You just stay with me ok?" She said.
I wish you could distract me from Arnavji's thoughts as well Jeeji. But that possibility expired long ago. Devi Maiyya this is all your doing.

Arnav POV
I know my question is gonna keep bothering you for days dear. But you gave me no choice my love. If I had taken a slower pace then your family might have gotten you married soon enough. And thats not happening since your groom is sitting here in Shantivan. Haha.
"Bhaiiiii...bhai what will we do now? Do you know I tried to befriend Payalji but she is so shy that I had no choice but to hold my tongue from confessing my undying love to her. What is the progress with Khushiji? What is our next plan?"
Akaash was practically in my face with his over enthusiasm. God can love make a silent guy a chatter box so soon? Are you not crazy about your Khushi and dream about her every second of every day? The ASR in me asked. Thats different. Like totally different. Or not?

"Relax Akaash. Take deep breaths. And please slow down. Everything is under control. No need to worry when ASR is here. We both are on the same stages I suppose. And as far as our next step is concerned...Teej is day after tomorrow. Be prepared. We are meeting the Gupta sisters at the temple. No family. Full privacy. Alright?" I said calmly.
"Oh. Wow. Thats great news bhai. Thanks a lot bhai." He hugged me all of sudden. Ummm. Hugs...really brother.
"Ok. Fine." I tried to let him know that I was uncomfortable. He caught it quickly and let me go. And rushed back out of my room in seconds.
Hmmm. Really now.

On the day of Teej @DM temple....

Khushi POV
I hope Jeeji forgives me for lying to her. Actually I did not lie as such. I only hid this fact that Raizada brothers will be here with us in a while. Yeah. No worries. All is cool. Right?
"The reason why you gifted me your most important possession is only friendship...or are we more than friends?"
Oh god. How will I face Arnavji now? This is going to be extremely difficult.

" my mind playing games? Or are those Raizada brothers standing at the steps behind us?" Jeeji's words made me go all berserk.
Omg Arnavji is here. I quickly turned around and found the one because of whom my heart was beating like a hummingbirds wings right now.
He looked so handsome in black. Such a dark color and still it looks fabulous on him.
"Come on Khushi we should go and greet them. They were so nice and hospitable to us. Its bad manners to just stand here." Jeeji dragged me along with her. And Arnavji's smirk appeared in full swing watching me come closer to him.

"Hi Akaashji..Arnavji. How are you both. How is everyone in the family? Are you guys here for Teej fest?" My eyes involuntarily met his naughty ones.
"The reason why you gifted me your most important possession is only friendship...or are we more than friends?"
Oh no no. How shall I escape now. DM help.
"Yeah.. Payalji. We are fine and the family misses you. We are here for the Teej prayers too. Exactly." Akaashji said with a straight face and I could not help but smile at his words. Arnavji too gave half a smile with a face turned away from Jeeji.

"Ok lets do the prayers then. All four of us should go together. Right Khushi?" Jeeji asked me. Oh how I wish I could just say yes. But to make Jeeji aware of Akaashjis feelings I had no choice but to reject her.
"Actually Jeeji I was thinking that I...I should go and sit down for sometime. The fast is not making me feel good. Why dont you and Akaashji do the prayers. And Arnavji and I can sit near that?" I pointed to the closest tree downstairs.

"Khushi but if you feeling sick then.." Jeeji tried to suggest again but I stopped her.
"No Jeeji. Dont spoil your Teej. You go and pray. I am fine. Ok." Finally and reluctantly I managed to convince Jeeji. And in seconds both she and Akaashji disappeared from my sight.
I kept looking here and there. I was a jittering mess.

Suddenly Arnavji held my wrist and took me downstairs.
"Arnavji what are you doing? Everyone is watching us. This is a temple. Arnavji?"
He was in no mood to listen to me it seemed. Hey DM what am I gonna say to him now? His hold remained the same and only when we reached the tree he let go off my hand. With arms across his chest he stood leaning against the tree and observed me for long with a smile on his face.

"Khushi Kumari Gupta? You made me wait too long. And I am not a very patient guy. If I remember I asked you a question not long ago. So I need my answer right now. Without any delays. I am waiting. So speak up." He demanded in his all ASR mode.
"Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada this is not your office. And neither I am your employee. Firstly, you are talking to Khushi Kumari Gupta, so learn to have patience and lots of patience. Secondly, I dont remember anything from our last conversation? What question are you talking about? got it. You better. I am done. Bye bye." She smiled and waved..then walked casually towards the temple shops.

Arnav POV
She..she....she will kill me one day. For sure. I mean come on. Here I had planned to get all the answers easily from her. And she totally gave me earful on my demanding tone and walked away casually with no care in the world. Hahhh. This girl. However, you are dealing with ASR my love. I will get you you to confess your feelings for me sooner than later.

"Khushi that is not the answer to my question." I simply told her as she checked out some bindis.
"Oh really. I see. But I dont know what you saying." She passed me a smile again and moved to another shop.
I thought of another way to tease her then. In a loud voice I said...
"Give me these red bindis will you? Dont worry about the price...since I want to get them for my beautiful fiancee. You know the one who is looking so pretty in her orange dress."
This made her rewind her steps in mere seconds. She looked absolutely horrified at my words. She quickly grabbed my hand and took me a little away from the shops.
"What are you doing Arnavji? Do you know what you just said to that shopkeeper? He is going to think that we are really engaged. And my family and me are regular devotees of this temple. What if they get to know about all this? Hello? Arnavji where are you lost?" She looked like a wild kitten to me.

"So let them think again. Does not everyone assumes the same in AR designs. And remember Khushi it was you who said it first. So my dear office is like your marital house right? So then in that my in-laws as in Gupta family should also know about it."
And declaring that I smiled and walked back upstairs to get Akaash.
Tit for Tat Gupta!!!

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