An Office Romance!

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Khushi POV
It was 5.30AM in the morning, and I was wide awake. I did not sleep at all. Ever since a few hours ago Arnavji came to meet me, things changed so drastically. One minute I dismissed him...calling him a coward for not answering my questions and in the next minute he confessed everything. He practically poured out his feelings for me. He said that he loves me. Oh Devi Maiyya here I was planning to delay my confession to him and look how he turned the tables on me.
I had always dreamed about Salman Khanji. He was everything for me. In my mind I had even married him. But now...everything feels different. After Arnavji's confession of his feelings for me...I dont think I can get a chance to be with Salmanji. After all my heart has lost the battle to Arnavji. And how wonderful it feels to loose ones heart to the one who is your beloved...

Devi Maiyya...nothing is hidden from me. I have always felt strange around him. The butterflies, the Dhak Dhak, the acidity, the breathlessness. All are a clear indication of what he is to me. His gifts, his special treatment, his care all for me. One cannot not fall in love with such a beautiful soul. Yes I have fallen for him. Its pretty obvious. And now that I am aware of his heart is not in control anymore. I am supposed to reveal my love as well. However, the question remains...How am I gonna say those 3 special words to him?

" woke up so early today?" Jeeji asked in a sleepy voice.
What should I tell you Jeeji? That I did not even blink my eyes, since Arnavji left last night.
"Uhh yes Jeeji. I just felt well rested today." I lied to her.
"Khushi..I was thinking after the morning prayers, we should go to AR Designs today." Jeeji suggested.
"WHAT?!?...Why?" I said feeling all nervous now.
"Why are you shouting so loud Khushi? Relax. Yesterday Akaashji left his pen in the temple. I kept it with me. It looks pretty expensive too. I think we should return it to him. He might be looking for it. I dont know where is his office....but you do right? Remember you said you once met him there. So why dont we go together?" Jeeji asked me.

Oh no I cannot say no without giving a solid excuse now. And no matter how shy I feel...Jeeji deserves to meet Akaashji. Maybe she feels something for him and is not yet aware of it. Just like I once was...hmmm...
"Khushi...are you feeling hot? You look flushed..all red?" Jeeji asked me again.
" Jeeji. I am fine. It must be the weather And you dont worry. We will head to Akaashji's office after the prayers ok."
I assured her quickly. Devi you will embarass me in front of the family with these blushes and nervousness.

Arnav POV
Oh Khushi...I feel so whipped. And this is all your doing. I wish I could meet you today itself. I just want to hear those 3 words from your mouth. I want you to tell me that you too are in love with me. Hmmm. I cannot leave my office today. There is an important meeting after lunch. No chance of missing it.
I kept recalling the moments I spent with her last night. One thing is for sure I will always remember that wooden bat of hers. Hehehe. My girl can protect herself if needed.
While I was completely drowned in her thoughts the breeze suddenly changed altogether. What??? This usually means one she here or something? I quickly got up from my chair and tried to look for her from my glass door cabin.

Khushi POV
I all of a sudden felt the breeze caressing my face. This always meant that Arnavji is closeby. Jeeji dragged me to the reception area...and I stood beside her like a fool. Full of anticipation about what was gonna happen soon.
"Oh hello Khushi bhabhi. How are you? You are here to meet ASR right?" The lady with her make up face greeted me.
Oh GOD!!! Now Jeeji will know everything. She will realise what is actually going on between Arnavji and me. Ughhh. How did I forget about this fiancee thing?

Jeeji turned around to face me with her questioning eyes accompanied by a wide was clear what she was asking me...Is it so Khushi?
"Jeeji I will explain everything later ok. Excuse me please can you tell us where is Akaashji's cabin? We are here to meet him." I said in a rush.
"Sure come with me." She took us upstairs.

Arnav POV
I was trying to hunt for her like a mountain lion looking for a deer. Thats when Aman knocked at my door.
"Come inside Aman..." I kept looking out of the glass walls.
"Uhhh ASR...I just saw Khushi bhabhi walking with another girl towards Akaash's cabin." Amans words made a turn around quickly.
"What?!? Khushi is here? But why did she go to Akaash's cabin?" I questioned both Aman and myself.
" idea. I saw Sim coming upstairs with them a minute ago." Aman said.
I quickly left after hearing his words. Damn it. Khushi why are you hiding from me? You are supposed to come here my room. If you wanna play hide and seek then lemme tell you...I am a pro at it since childhood.

Khushi POV
When Jeeji went inside Akaashji's cabin I made an excuse of using the washroom. Gosh where should I hide now. I am sure now the entire office is aware that in Asr's fiancee is here.
I looked left and right and then found the perfect place to hide. There was a sign indicating that the store room is at the end of the floor. Pheww. Awesome hide out. But poor me.. in my excitement I forgot to check behind me. And that is what turned out to be a big loophole in my perfect plan!!!

As soon I entered the room...I turned around to lock the door. But what stopped me was a big leather shoe blocking the door from being shut.
Uhhh oh! I took one step back and then two and from the other side Arnavji revealed his presence. Dhak Dhak...Devi Maiyya...I am dead. He kept walking forward while I walked backwards.
"Arnavji..I you...I..why are you walking forward like that? Stop smiling? And dont come any closer? Are you listening? I will..I will.." I failed to stop him like always.
"You will what Khushi? Will you confess what you feel for me if you like my proximity that much?" He said while taking the last few steps and backing me against the wall.

Arnav POV
I backed her to the wall. Her wide eyes and breathlessness were a clear sign of how I affected her. Hmmm. My girl goes a bit beserk when I am closer to her huh.
I trapped Khushi by pressing my palms on either side of her head.
"Khushi..." I said.
"Yea..yeah." She stuttered and even hiccupped. Hehehe.
"I am standing right in front you. So close to your heart. I am not missing you at all. Then why the hiccups?" I teased her a little.
"Not..nothing." She said. I kissed her forehead and moved away to get some water for her without missing the loud gasp of hers. I quickly filled a cup from the filter and held it out to her.
"Here love." She stared back with wide eyes at my endearment. And quickly drank the water in one go.
"Relax Khushi...I am not gonna eat you up silly."
I said with my trademark of a smirk.
"Uhhh. Jeeji must be waiting for me. I should go outside." She declared with her head held high. Yeah sure baby. Try walking out of the door. I sarcastically thought in my mind.
"Sure Khushi. Go ahead dear." She looked at me suspiciously but then decided to move towards the door. And I simply smiled at her foolishness. Lets see how can you go out of this store room without answering my questions my love. I thought to myself.

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