Jealousy knows no bounds!

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Arnav POV
Everyone is super happy in the Raizada house. Nani is on cloud nine. She always had worries about me getting settled in my life. And now both the sons of the house were finally getting hitched. Even though I did not show it heart was content and happy knowing that pretty soon I will be starting a new life with Khushi.
I was in the office right now. Trying to finish my meetings as quickly as possible. At home Di and Nani have already spoken to Buaji about our marriage. And as per them Khushi and Payal's parents will arrive in another two days. Which means after some 48 hours we might get engaged to one another. If the priest gives a nod as Khushi said. God I cannot even sulk if the dates are postponed. Crap.
Khushi will be coming here in another half an hour. My girl wants to have an ice cream date this afternoon. And who am I to deny my sweetheart.
My ringing cell phone brought me out of my daydreams.
"Yeah Aman.."
"ASR our new model Sheena Sehgal is here. As per the cameraman she is fine for our next shoot. If you could just meet her once, it would be great." Aman said.
"Sure. Send her in my cabin after 10 minutes." I replied.
"Alright ASR." He replied and I cut the call.
Just another 15 minutes and I can see my Khushi. I smiled thinking about her.

Khushi POV
"Oho Buaji you dont worry. I will be back before evening itself. All I have to do is buy some good and fresh vegetables from the market. That is it. Now continue your meditation. Remember what Dr. Kapoor said. Meditation is very good for your asthma."
"Ok bitiya as you say Nandkishore. Anyways you are not my problem anymore. I am very thankful to Arnav babua for making such a great sacrifice for us." Buaji teased me.
"Hawwww. So now I am a problem for you. And your Arnav Babua is a great man huhh. Fine. But remember I am only getting married. I will keep coming to this house. This problem wont leave you forever. Got it." I winked and left my house.

Because of traffic it took me 30 minutes to reach Arnavji's office. And as usual the guards, who have become such good friends of mine greeted me as Bhabhiji. I also like it. Though Arnavji insists me to let them call me Maam but I hate such formal ways of talking. And he simply makes faces when I deny his word. He is so sweet.
After greeting and talking to almost the entire staff of ARD (apart from Raj Malhotraji which is obvious) I walk upstairs to Arnavji's cabin. In a rush of excitement I quickly walk inside his cabin....only to see a horrifying scene in front of my eyes.
A matchstick kind of model dressed in the most skin fitting short dress kissing Arnavji's cheek while he is tries to avoid her proximity. Oh my GOODNESS. DEVI MAIYYA!!!! HOW DARE THAT WITCH TOUCH MY ARNAVJI!!!! I felt anger boiling within me for a moment. And without thinking about anything I simply walked in and grabbed her shoulder harshly twisting her forcefully to turn back.

"What is WRONG with PSYCHOTIC MAN HUNTING WITCH!!! HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY ARNAVJI HUHHH????? Answer me you good for nothing idiot."
"What the hell...leave meeeeee.." the girl screeched sounding like a honey bee.
"Khushi...Khushi leave her. Its ok. Relax. Listen to me.." Arnavji tried to stop me.
"One minute Arnavji do not interfere. This is between me and her. How dare you???? You have no shame at all. Let me make one thing clear to you. YOU. ARE. NOT. ALLOWED. TO. TOUCH. MY. MAN!!!" I shook her wailing form as if she was made of nothing.
The girl practically ran out of the cabin looking pathetic and a weeping mess.
My breathing was still harsh. The boiling anger was reduced slightly. But not completely. Ughhh.
"Aadmi Churanewali Daayan...CHEEE" I muttered loudly.

Arnav POV
Oh god Oh my god!!!! This is hilarious. Like seriously. Khushi Kumari Gupta is one in a million. The way she walked in and saved me from Sheena Sehgal was so hawtttttt. Wow. My angry kitten can turn into a goddess of death too. But it was the last line she muttered in anger that made me fall on the floor with laughter.
"Aadmi Churanewali Daayan...CHEEE" oh my goodness. Its hilarious.
Hahahahahahahaaaa. Cannot even stop laughing. Oh my god. After I was done laughing I gulped in fear. There stood Khushi giving me evil eyes for laughing out loud on her.

"Uhhh. I am..sorry?" I said it like a question...not knowing what to say.
"SORRY...SORRY??!!? Really Arnavji...thats all you have to say." She said angrily.
"Khushi I did not think that she will try to kiss me like that. And this happens sometimes in my profession. So cool down will you." I said while standing up and facing her.
"Cool down?? Cool down?! Arnavji she tried to kiss you. And if this is what happens in your profession then from now on avoid them or stop them when thet try to come close to you. Because I dont like this at all." She said still in an angry tone.
"Ok fine. I am sorry. This wont happen ok. I understand what you are feeling. If our position were replaced then I would have gone all beserk on you. I promise to avoid such situations. Now please smile for me." I said while holding my ears and trying to look all cute. Knowing how she liked me this way. Even though I hate to be called cute.

She gradually smiled at me and removed my hands from my ears. And in seconds she hugged me. I too held her tightly in my arms. Holding her this way gave me strange kind of pleasure.
"Now cheer up ok. She was just a model for our shoot. I was supposed to meet her once to approve the shoot. But even I disliked her. She needs to have a good personality and not just a model figure to be in ARD." I stated.
"Hmmm. Ok. Lets go have ice cream now. Only chocolate ice-cream will make me happy now." Khushi said with a small smile.
"Alright. Lets go." We left the office holding hands like always.

Khushi POV
"Here have these. I know you cannot enjoy ice cream with me because of your diabetes but why not enjoy some nuts. Happyji gave these to Buaji when he came back from Bombay." I said winking at him.
" mean.." Arnavji said with a smirk.
"Hehehe..yeah Happyji has a crush on Buaji. But Buaji hates his guts. She even tried to throw away these dry fruits. But Jeeji and I hid them in the kitchen. After all this is a gift from his beloved." I said with a smirk matching his.
"Like your bangles right?" He asked sweetly.
"Exactly. And like your locket right?" I asked.
"Exactly." He repeated my words.

We left later in the evening after enjoying a walk together. And on our way back home my girl explained me a detailed version of all the rituals that will happen before and after our big fat wedding. Not to forget...her weird demands of big loud drums, trumpets and a baraat with me riding on a horse. I gave the okay for drums and trumpets. But drew a line at horse riding. Seriously?!?...Khushi is super crazy about weddings. I mean me ASR...on a horseback..really now..pheww.

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