Hiding from the devil!

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Guys...this FF will come to an end soon. A few more chapters and then it will be time to say goodbye to Aashiq Singh Raizada. I know it wont be easy. But I am just informing in advance. So that no one goes into cardiac arrest.😉

Khushi POV
From past 10 minutes I was trying to convince ASR ji to not sulk and accept the conditions of the rituals. But my dear Arnavji was in no mood to hear out the reasons why these customs are made. Who can convince my roaring fire breathing dragon when he is angry? No one.

"And you...Khushi you accepted the reasonings of your family? Why did you not protest when they mentioned about us being separated like this in the name of marriage rituals? How could you do this to me?"
Oh Devi Maiyya...my poor ears. I believe you did not like the sweets that I presented to you last week. Hmmm.
"Arnavji just calm down will you? And please stop pacing back & forth like this. You will make a hole in your bedroom floor if you continue doing the same." I said casually.
"I wont calm down...damn it! This is not happening...WAIT!?! How do you know I am pacing?...are you here somewhere? Khushi...Khushi where are you?" Uh oh. Instead of convincing him..I am giving him false hopes.

"No Arnavji...dont go to your poolside. Come back to the room. And I am not there believe me. I just know you very well by now. After all I am your future wife." I explained.
"Oh really...Khushi soon to be Raizada is very smart huhhh. I like it." Her replied.
"Hehehehe, that is very true Arnavji."
"But seriously Khushi, cant you do something to meet me. I mean. I just wish you were here today. If only for a while. But I guess that wont be happening. Hmmm. Anyways maybe we will only get to meet one another on the day of our marriage. Atleast we can talk to one another till then. Alright, I wont take much of your time. Its not easily to handle two weddings at home. You go and help your family."
"Arnavji...I..." I felt sorry for him now. I wish we could see each other too.
"Bye Khushi."
"Bye Aranvji."

Oh ho DM this is not fair. How can meeting Arnavji be bad for me? He is missing me so much and I cannot do anything for him. Please please do something. Anything that can make me go to Shantivan. Just make it a possibility please. I requested with folded hands.
"Khushi come here inside..." Amma called me loudly.
"Coming Amma.." I ran inside the house from the porch.
"What is it Amma?" I asked seeing her worried face.
"Bitiya your Babuji has gone to speak to the caterers. And your Jeeji and Buaji are busy with the guests. And I have to take care of the kitchen. But, here are the Kurtas which both Akaash and Arnav bitwa are supposed to wear for todays ritual. Who will take them to Raizada house now?" Amma asked.

Wow DM you are simply great. This is exactly what I needed. Perfect.
"What is the issue Amma? I will quickly go there and give them to Naniji."
I said casually.
"But Khushi how can you go there? A bride cannot go to the grooms house as per the customs..." Amma tried to reason with me.
"Amma these customs can be moulded as per our needs. I mean there is no one to go give these Kurtas to my in-laws. And by delaying it we are making things difficult for them. And I am not allowed to see the groom right? So the solution is simple. I will go quickly, meet Naniji and give her these. And will not see Arnavji at all. As it is he will be busy with his rituals."
I explained with a straight face.

And as per DMs wishes Amma approved of what I said. Finally I can go and see Arnavji today. This is great. I wont call him. This will be a surprise for him.
I quickly took the Kurtas and went outside to find a rickshaw ride. Within 20 minutes I reached my desired destination too. I wanted to see Arnavji but had to keep quiet about the same. I will pretend to hide from him in front of the family and as soon as the opportunity will arise I will rush off to meet him. Yeah. You are simply awesome Khushi. I patted my back.

Arnav POV
Crap..I thought getting married would mean getting more chances to meet Khushi. But it seems like I am in jail for a crime that I have not even committed. Ughhhhh. I hate these silly customs. Devi Maiyya since I have started believing in you..show me a proof that you magic exists. Do something to make Khushi appear before me. I looked up towards the sky from the poolside trying to show my determination to DM.
"Bhai...can I borrow your perfume..." Akaash interrupted my intense talks with DM.
"Yeah sure...let me help you.." I said after moving inside my room.

Khushi POV
"Naniji..I just came to give these Kurtas. I should go back. Amma wants me to follow the tradition of not meeting the groom. I should go now." I said like an obedient daughter in law.
"No no bitiya. Sit here and have some tea. I wont allow you to leave like that. Its good that you and Chotte are practicing this tradition. But dont worry he is in his room since morning. So you can sit here for a while. Let me tell HP to bring some tea for you..." Naniji ordered me and went towards the kitchen but Mamiji called her to her room for some help and she left all of a sudden.

Wow perfect time to meet Arnavji. I quickly walked up the stairs to meet Arnavji. But monsoon had started recently and insects had a mind of their own. From the glass doors besides the staircase  2 crickets came flying in my direction. And my biggest fear came true when they almost touched me. Without a thought I screamed and ran away upstairs rushing towards random directions. Only one thought in my mind. I have to SAVE myself from this DEVIL!!!

I ended up in Arnavji's room. But still felt scared. So I bolted his room and dashed towards his wardrobe. This has to be the safest place for me. Devi Maiyya please protect me.

Arnav POV
After taking a long shower I wore my casuals and stepped out from the washroom. My towel still wrapped around my shoulders. Hmmm. Where did I keep my aftershave...oh now I remember. I kept it in my almirah last week.
Hold on...my eyes noticed how my room was bolted. Did I do that? Ummm I dont think so. Maybe I forgot...yeah perhaps I did. Nevermind I thought.

I opened my almirah to find....

What the....

Khushi is in my cupboard...

Have I lost it....or something...no this is not possible...

Wearing a red suit, chanting Devi Maiyya and hands covering her beautiful face...

Is she really here...

"Khushi..." I said softly. I have seriously turned into a Romeo. Am I having hallucinations now..?

Slowly she removed her hands from her face and looked towards me with her adorable doe eyes. In seconds she jumped out of the cupboard and hugged me in a tight grip.

Woahhhh she is really here...my love is here. She is not a figment of my imagination. I locked my arms around her waist firmly and looked up to silently thank Khushi's Devi Maiyya. I can now say that she exists.

"Arnavji...help me...save me from those devils. They will kill me for sure?" Khushi trembled in fear now.

"What?? Who the hell is trying to kill you?!? Khushi whats wrong? Answer me?" I asked all worried for her.

She loosened her embrace slightly and whispered looking here and there.
"Arnavji those crickets...they were about to attack me!! There were 2 of them. Out of nowhere they came buzzing and fluttering so close to me. I ran away from the living room to save myself. And then when I came to your room I even bolted the door to be extra safe. But I was hell scared, so I hid in your cupboard. I wont go out of this room. They will attack me again...."

Aweee...my love is so cute. Simply adorable.
And again she hid herself in my chest trying to literally glue herself to me. Hmmm. This is practically heaven.
"Hey...dont worry Khushi. You can hide here as long as you want. I am here to protect you. Always and forever." I promised while kissing her head lovingly.

"Promise?" She asked with a pout.

"I promise love." I said softly.

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