The Ride to Laxmi Nagar!

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Khushi POV
"Come on lets go downstairs. If I reach home late then Buaji will definitely kill me today."
"Wait Khushi. Dont you want to teach that Malhotra a lesson?" Arnavji asked.
"Yes ofcourse. I so want that to happen." I said
"Why dont we continue our pretence then? This will give you the chance to say whatever you want to that creep. Lets hold hands together. We will go down and you say whatever is on your mind ok?" He said offering his hand to me.

"Yes. This is such a great idea. A united front to scare the enemy...perfect. Lets go." I took his hand and held it tightly. I felt a shiver run down my body.
His touch did a weird thing to me. I looked at him. And saw an intense look in his eyes. Strange. Devi Maiyya what is this? His eyes...its like they are trying to say something.

Dhak Dhak
Dhak Dhak...

Now what is this new problem? Acidity? But why? I eat Jalebis everyday. Maybe they were my nervousness I must have ignored the taste. Hmmm.
"Lets go Arnavji..." I said and dragged him down with me till we reached the cubical of Mr. Raj Malhotra.

"You...Mr. Raj Malhotra...listen carefully. Tell your family to back away from this alliance today itself. Got it. I dont care what excuse you give to Buaji. But this marriage is not happening. Arnavji is my fiancee. And I am a one man woman. I cannot even think about another stranger. Not for the next 7 lives. And forget about cooking and washing. You are insulting a woman by making her a maid in the name of your wife. Dont you dare think such stuff about women. Todays women have capabilities which are beyond your capacity as a man. Mark my words. You will achieve nothing in life if your thinking does not change. And you dont look literate enough if such thoughts exist in your mind. Thank you for your time." I turned to walk away when I felt the hold on my hand tighten.

By now the entire office was watching this drama unfold. Arnavji walked towards him and stated his opinion as well.

" I hope you will memorize the words of my fiancee Raj Malhotra. Forget about your proposal. By tomorrow things should be back to the way they were. Stay away from my Khushi. And yeah I have no place in my office for those who cannot respect a woman. Apologize Now!!"
"Sorry Khushi Ma'am. I will not repeat this again. I am really sorry."
Mr. Malhotra was shaking with fear now.
"I want your resignation tomorrow morning on my table. You are fired!!!"
With that both Arnavji and me left the office building still holding hands.

"Oh Devi Maiyya...hehehehe. Arnavji did you see his face. He looked so scared. From now on he will never disrespect any woman." I declared proudly.
" You are right Khushi...he wont." Arnavji said.
"But I just wanted to scare him. Please dont fire him from his job." I said looking at him.
"But why Khushi?!? You said a second ago he disrespected and now you yourself want him to continue this job." Arnavji asked angerily.
" Yes. I did not like his attitude. But for that I cannot punish his family. This job is his financial stability. I cannot take that away from him. DM will never forgive me. Please I dont want to make him suffer like that." I pleaded.

Arnav POV
This girl will drive me crazy. Her innocence and kindness reminded me about Di. She is so much like her.
"Alright Khushi. I will not take away his job from him. I promise. Dont worry." I said.
" Ummm...Arnavji...we are outside the office now. Can you let go of my hand?" She asked looking everywhere but me.
Hmmm so this girl feels shy too huhh. Her red rosy cheeks look so edible. I wish...control Arnav!!! Landmine landmine. Not so soon. I quickly left her hand and guided her to my car.

We were driving towards Khushi's place in Laxmi Nagar. When I thought about what she said. Lets try and figure you out my baby.
"So said to Malhotra that you are a one man woman, you cannot even think about any other man and you will remain with me for 7 lives? Is it true? So technically I have claimed you as mine..And you agree with it right?" She turned all red hearing my words. My poor fiancee. You have no idea how your words have affected me.
"No actually...I just...I just said said that to make him believe that our engagement is real." She stammered.
"Hmmm. I see." I said. But her words did something to me. My inner beast felt great satisfaction in knowing that once I make Khushi mine she will with me forever.

You might feel you are a kid and not ready for marriage yet, but I will make you aware of the fact that you are a beautiful vixen who has done the impossible. Without any plan or manipulation, just with your beauty and innocence you have succeeded in claiming ASRs heart. Khushi Kumari Gupta  I will make you Mrs. Khushi Singh Raizada. This will be the best and toughest hurdle of my life. But I am prepared. Well prepared.

Khushi POV
"There is so much to do at home. Buaji will be waiting for me with her rolling pin for sure. When it comes to our safety and security she leaves no stone unturned. And as usual Jeeji will protect me from her scoldings. It has always been this way. I am a little outspoken and always end up doing more than required. So getting in trouble is nothing new for me. If not Jeeji, then Amma and Babuji are there to defend me. My Amma & Babuji are in Lucknow right now. We are basically from Lucknow. But after completing school both me and Jeeji joined Buaji here in Delhi. Buaji is very sweet though. Sometimes her personality seems a bit rude but she loves all of us a lot. Even when I will reach home today, she might scold me for coming home late but she will also be the first one to make sure that I eat and rest well. What about your family Arnavji? Do you have any siblings?"

"Hmm interesting Khushi. Good to know that your family cares for you so much. And as far as my family is concerned...yeah I have a big family. My Di, Jeeju, Nani, Mama, Mami, their son Akash and my cousin NK." Arnavji said while looking at me.

"Wow that is great. Such a big and happy family. May your family be protected from all the evil eyes. Ummm...Arnavji. Now that we have taught that Malhotra a lesson..I think you should let your staff know that this engagement was just a drama, a lie. It is not good to lie. Babuji says that lies create difficulties in life." I said proudly.

"Oh is it...and what if I dont want to inform everyone about this truth of ours. Whats so wrong in being my fiancee?" Arnavji said with a smirk.
Oh DM his smirk can be fatal. Save me from this weird ASR. His anger would have been a lot better than this...
" is wrong. We are lying to so many people. Its morally incorrect. And if we were actually engaged I would have asked you too, to take back the proposal." I said with a smile.
"Oh really? Why so? Because this is your age to play around with kids huh?" He laughed saying that.
"No! Because I am already to committed to someone else. In this life I belong to him only. So fake or real no engagement is possible for me." I said shyly.

Suddenly the car came to a stop. I was shocked. Thinking that we banged a car or something, I looked towards Arnavji. But he had a wild and intense look in his eyes. I couldnt really decifer it. And out of nowhere he grabbed my shoulders and brought our faces closer to one another. What is he trying to do? Devi Maiyya what is wrong with him. And why am I shivering?Acidity attack again?

"What. Did. You. Say. Right. Now? Who are you committed to? What do you mean you belong to him for the rest of your life huh? Who is that CREEP?"
He eyes were mad with anger.
"Let me go. Leave me. What are you doing? Are you crazy? Yes I belong to him. And how dare you call my Salman Khanji a CREEP?! Listen Mr. ASR if you even think about doing anything to him then I will show you the real Khushi Kumari Gupta..your anger and arrogance is nothing in front of it?" I said while holding his shoulders with double force.

His anger turned into shock, disbelief and then a smile which finally turned into a full on laughter. He let go off my shoulders in joy. Wow his laughter is so beautiful. I too left his shoulders. But instantly missed his touch.

"Hehehe..Salman Khanji really Khushi? Seriously I am not allowed to harm him? And what did you will be be more angry and arrogant in comparison to me? I am scared Khushi Kumari Gupta. Please forgive me." He said laughing again.
I could not stop myself from being vocal about my thoughts.
"Your laughter is very beautiful Arnavji. Keep doing that always." I said softly while staring at him. He became aware of my gaze and kept staring at me with a smile.
"As you wish dear." He said with a smile.

We continued our journey and after a few minutes reached our destination.
When my house came into view I told him to stop. I politely thanked him and started moving out when he stopped me.
"Khushi give me your number. I dont want Malhotra to cause anymore trouble. We should stay in touch." He said.
After exchanging our numbers I said goodbye and ran to my house. Save me from Bauji DM.

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