First Kiss - Barry Allen

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You knew what Barry did for a living and that he would have to be called away to go to the police station for last minute assignments. Didn't mean you liked it, when you got to spent some time with Barry he also bursting with uncontained energy and as soon as he gets gets a call he quickly apologises and runs off.

It was one of those days when you are walking through the park with Barry at your side, you were laughing at a joke he told when he got a call. The same thing happened a quick kiss to the head and an apology before running off.

You sighed and continued to walk through the park until a TV on a burger van caught your attention. It was the Flash and two other guys, one with a flamethrower and the other was firing ice everywhere. The Flash was running around them trying to confuse them but the one in the parker got a direct hit straight to Flash's side. He tumbled over and was knocked straight into a car. The two men advanced onto a injured Flash but a gunshot ran out and the one with the flamethrower flinched as a bullet tore through his shoulder. They realised that the police had arrived on the scene and made a quick escape. When the camera returned to where the Flash was last, he was gone.

A tap on your shoulder made you turn away from the TV to see Barry standing there heavily breathing. You smiled at him and he dragged you into a hug, kissing you hard and desperate. He pulled back from the kiss but continued to hug you. You looked down to see his shirt was raised slightly to see an angry red mark, ringed with ice and when you blinked in was gone.

You stood there in shock...

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