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Chapter 6.

Chloe's POV :

I wake up Monday morning with all my joints still sore from my beating on Friday night. I've been having on/off headaches, my left eye is almost swollen shut, I have many bruises all over my body, and a few cuts on my face. My new excuse: I was playing with my younger cousins in the woods and fell. It will be believable, most people will believe it.

Except for Ricky.

I'm still hoping he hasn't told anyone.

I slide my glasses onto my nose and creep downstairs, grabbing a hot pocket after I heated it in the microwave. "Hot...hot!" I hissed as the heat burnt my hands. I wrapped it into a couple napkins and walked to school. People, again, asked what happened to my face. I explain my lie and, of course, they believe it.

"So, um... you okay?" Ricky asks when I get to my locker.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. I avoided her for the rest of the weekend." I whispered so only he could hear.

There's kids at their lockers all around us, and I don't want to be made fun of. I see the most blinding thing to my eyes. Ricky, giving me the kicked-puppy look.

"No!" I said, smiling a bit.


"You're giving me the 'look'."

"The 'look'? What's that?"

"The one where you look at me like I'm wounded. Quit staring."

"Alright, okay." I'm still laughing.

If this was anyone else, I would be running and hiding. Why is it different for him? What's special about him? Well, he's got amazing hair, bright, beautiful eyes.

He's kind and caring, even though we've known each other for about three weeks, he's just perfect. Oh no! Did I say that? Get this out of your head, Chloe. Even if you've got a slight, little crush on him, he will never like you. For now, just trust him about the abusing thing.

"So Ricky, you've been here for a while, gotten to know some people. Have your eye on anyone yet?" Nick asks at lunch. Ricky smiles.

"Ye-yeah. There's this girl who's in some of my classes and she's SO beautiful. It sounds weird, but I could stare at her forever." He gushes.

I feel like my entire heart fell from it's spot and shattered into a million pieces. This feeling is worse than getting abused. But I play along with him.

"Ooh, Ricky Garcia got a crush! Do I know her?" I take a sip of my juice.

This is a stupid question: these people at my lunch table are my only friends. But I do know who people are.

"No, but I think she's in your second period class, Paige."

"Hey! I'm in that class, too!" I protest. So this girl, who's beautiful, is in one of my classes. I'm gonna find out who she is.

"Oh. Didn't know that."


When school ended, Maddie approaches me with some fierce look on her face.

"You're pretty close with Ricks now, huh?" Maddie asks.

"I-I guess." I stuttered, putting my books into my locker. She slams my locker shut.

"Well stay away from him. We're almost dating. He's mine."

"We're just friends. And why would you think I would date him if you guys were dating? Aren't we friends?"

"Apparently not. You've been hanging out with those twins and Nick and Brandon. You've been avoiding me." I re open my locker.

"No. You've been avoiding me. At least I'm not lonely any more. Thanks to 'those twins'." I smirk and close the door. This angers her.

She pulls my bag off my shoulder and slams me against the locker.

"Don't get sassy with me. I'm practically your entire life." Maddie says through gritted teeth. She raises her hand and slaps my left cheek. That gave me a couple of flashbacks through the times when my mother raised her own hand and brought it upon my face.

"Stay away from my Ricky." Is the last thing Maddie says before releasing me and I slide to the ground. She gives me one last kick then leaves me. I never thought she would do this, what is this? elementry school ugh.

I get up, collecting my things and take off for the main doors. I hear a couple people talking so I stop.


"Why won't you tell us?" Someone whines. I think it's Brandon.

"Because I know you'll tell her. I don't want you guys scaring her away." Says, I think, Ricky.

He's talking about his crush. How she's beautiful, and he can't stop staring at her. The thought makes me sick to my stomach. Ricky, liking another girl and kissing her if they started to date. Them, going on dates, showing the whole world their together.

"We won't. Promise." Says Nick's voice.

"Fine, it's..."

By now, I've had enough. Even though its killing me to know who he likes, it would ruin me. I run the other way, passing Maddie and Brooke.

I bolt through the doors and head to my favorite place:

the woods. I sit on the edge of a cliff and start talking to my late family. I've finally had enough with this; with life.

Mother abuses me, Maddie ditched me, and Ricky likes some other girl. I stand and take a deep breath.

As I hold out my arms and lean forward, I whisper, "To Never Land." But my plan fails. Strong arms wrap around my stomach and pin me to the ground.


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