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Chapter 8.

Chloe's POV :

"I got you!" Some kids exclaim around the corner. I change directions and head that way. I shoot my paint balls out and two hit a boy with brown shaggy hair.

"Ha." I smirk and he shamefully drops to the ground to patented. I climb over bodies with neon splatters on them. I check the scoreboard and only me, Ricky, and two other kids were left. This was basically every man for himself; me and Ricky are against each other. I hear two kids whispering and I press the trigger to splatter paint on them.

"Aw!" One whines.

"You're out!" I hiss and they drop. Now to find Ricky. Better plan: let him fine me. If I stay in one spot then he'll be roaming around. I'm competitive, if you haven't figured it out yet. I crouched down next to a wall and waited for him to come.

After what felt like a half hour, I decide to just get up and find him. Until I hear him jogging around the corner. I lift my fun and shoot him in the face.

"Hey! You can't do that!" He exclaims.

He's right; I can't. So I aim lower and hit his chest.

"Out." I shrug and go to the front desk to claim my prize.

"You can pick anything on this wall." Says the cashier, gesturing to a blue monkey, a giant bear, a duck, and a yellow bunny. I chose the bear.

"For you." I tell Ricky in the car and hand him the bear I won.

"Hey, I'm the guy; I should be the one winning this for you." He protests.

"Then I'll take Phillip back." I say, pulling it back to me. "Phillip?"

"Phillip. You have a problem?" He shakes his head.

"But now I want it because of his exquisite name." He takes it and kisses Phillip's nose. I laugh.

It's 6:18.I have about four hours before my mother comes home.

"You're turn." I say. He picks to take me on a tour of Heinz Field and the Park.

"This... is where history was made," he exclaims when we get to the entrance. While he's talking, I glance over my shoulder at Stage AE.

"Hey, paying attention?"

"Oh, yeah. Keep talking." I assure him. We go through to see everything and we even race on the field until the guards kicked us out.

"That was fun." I breathed. He agrees.

"C'mere." He takes my hand and leads me to a bench. Butterflies squirm in my stomach and my hand tingles from his touch. He just has this kind of effect on me.

"This looks beautiful." He gazed in awe at the beautiful lights in the city.

"I know." I smile as he puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me closer to him.


By the time Ricky drops me off, my mother isn't home yet. I thank him for driving me and say I have an exciting place to go for my turn. Even though mother isn't home, I still sneak in. I decide to clean since there's still bottles of her alcohol and my blood everywhere. I almost step on a piece of broken glass when I try to clean up Clara's picture frame.

Once I finish everything, I head upstairs and lock my bedroom door. My room isn't very big; it has one twin sized bed, two dressers, and a small TV that my mother no longer pays for. I still kept it in here, though to have something that's still normal.

I hear my mother open the front door and flop onto the couch. I'm so hung up by my "date" with Ricky today, and how we're having one tomorrow I don't even realize my doors unlocked. I run downstairs to lock the front door and turn all the lights off before going to sleep.

"You're turn." Says Ricky the next day after I take a seat in his car.

"Breakfast at IHop."

"Really? Don't you wanna do something else?"


He drives towards the restaurant and opens my door for me.

"What a gentleman." I say as he takes my hand.

"I'm one of the best guys you'll ever know." He smirks.

"Table for two."

"Right this way." Says the waitress. We get a seat by the window that overlooks a garden patch. Some kid must have asked his girlfriend to go to prom with him because it said 'Prom?' in the flowers. I wish Rickywould ask me to prom, no one ever chose me for something like that , even if we're just going as friends.

"So has your mom done anything to you lately?" Ricky asks with a mouthful of pancakes.

"No. I've been avoiding her." The waitress comes back to ask if we need a refill on our drinks.

"No, we're good." He says.

"Are you guys on a date? I'm sorry I'm just really curious and girly." Squeals the maybe early thirties woman.

"Haha, no. We're just friends." I say.

"Oh, well you two would make a cute couple." She walks away and I look at Ricky.

"I know aren't we the cutest?" He says, pretending to be a girl. I laugh.


even the waitress agree's on this ship (;

thank you all for reading ! vote and comment. stay rad and amazing *:・゚✧

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