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Chapter 12.

Chloe's POV :

Ricky suggests us to dance.

"Sure, but lets get as far away from here as possible." I say and pull him onto the floor. He laughs.

"Why are we so far away?"

"Guess who's here."

"Oh." After a while, we're just standing there in silence.

"You look beautiful tonight. I forgot to tell you when we were home." Ricky says. This makes me blush.

"Thanks. And you look handsome." I grin.

"Alright, get ready." He says out of no where.

"What?" He twirls me around and with our arms still connected, I feel like I'm being dropped. I let out a little scream. But he's still holding me. Ricky lifts me back to my feet and grins.

"You thought I dropped you." He laughs. I hit his arm playfully.

"Stop!" I laugh. He starts to sing extremely terrible.

"You're terrible." I remind him while giggling.

"Why, Chloe. I am very much offended." He says while still dancing with me.

The song ends and Ricky takes me back to our table with him.

"Eh hem. Does this thing work?" A teacher asked into the microphone. Everyone quiets down. "Good, it does. Who wants to hear the winners for prom king and queen?"

The crowd goes nuts.

"Ok, ok. Quiet down. Your 2014 Junior Prom King is... Nick Dobbs!" Nick comes running up to the stage to collect his crown.

"And your 2014 Junior Prom Queen is... Maddie Ziegler!" Just as I suspected. It would either be her or Brooke. Maddie strides up to the stage looking smug that she beat me.

I may have gotten a lot of popularity this past month, Maddie has way more by a couple miles. As does Brooke.

"Lets let our couple have their dance." Says the teacher. A spotlight goes into the middle of the floor and people clear the area for Maddie and Nick to dance.

Ricky and I end up dancing, too.

"Well, Nick got what he wanted. He's had a crush on Maddie forever, even though its impossible to even like that witch." He jokes. I laugh.

"Love is love. He doesn't control who he falls in love with." I say sweetly.

"Neither do I." He says right before kissing me square on the lips.


"Ah! OMG he kissed you!" Paige screeched after I told her the next day.

I thought she would have a different reaction since we're talking about her brother. I hoped that Ricky and I are dating now but I won't just go around blurting out that he kissed me and we're instantly dating. Of course, Paige had to ask if we were.

"I don't know. We just kissed."

"Just kissed? You didn't just kiss. Ricky may seem like a player but he doesn't go around 'just kissing' girls. It definitely meant something to him." This made me smile but Paige couldn't see.

"I have to go finish my homework. Bye." I say and wait for her to say bye before I hung up.

He must have told Nick and Brandon about our kiss and Nick probably told Maddie and she probably told the whole school. When I walk in some kids scowl at me, others smile and pat my back, but one was being held back by her friends, yelling,

"You can't kiss Ricky! He's mine, Chloe!" I was surprised at her snide remark. People don't usually yell at me or basically talk to me for all that matter.

The bell rings and I watch Josh fumble with his lock while people get to class.

"Wow. You've been here for a month and people are already dreaming of dating you." I say coolly. He slightly jumps.

"Oh, Chloe. It's just you."

"Just me." I repeat.

"Have you been hearing what people are saying?" I ask him. Ricky looks puzzled.

"About what?" I sigh. This isn't going to be easy; telling him about people talking about our kiss. But what is?

"About the thing that happened at prom." I answer.

"What thing?" Now I feel like he's just trying to be difficult.

"Our kiss! They're talking about our kiss! Did you tell anyone?" He shakes his head.

"Somehow the whole school knows."

"Maddie probably saw us and got jealous. It's no big deal, though. Right? I mean I don't care people know. I'm glad. And proud." He smiles.

Well that just made my heart melt. I smiled back.

"I guess it's not." How does he change my mind so easily?


Before school ended that day, something huge happened. At least for me.

Paige and I were sitting at lunch.

"Has he asked you yet?" She asked, bouncing in her seat. I grinned slightly.

"No." I see Ricky walking into the lunchroom with Nick and Brandon pushing him around.

"Uh, Chloe?" Ricky scratches the back of his net. I couldn't really hear him clearly; the lunchroom is too loud.

"I'm sorry, what?" That throws Ricky's confidence out the window. He starts backing up and turning to Nick and Brandon.

"Tell her dude." Brandon mumbles. Nick clears his throat.

"Hey! Shut up!" He yells. Everyone gets quiet. Josh clears his throat.

"Chloe, we've been friends for a while and we, ya know, kissed," he says then climbs onto our table.

He looks right down at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

"So would you like to be my girlfriend?" He says boldly. The lunchroom 'awes'.

I smile. "Of course."


Ricky gets down from the table and plops down next to me.

"Thank The Lord. I had to do that before lunch. Didn't wanna throw it back up." I laugh at his remark.

He eats his lunch then the bell rings signaling lunch is over. People scramble out of the cafeteria to get to their next class on time. In my opinion, they should give us a longer time period than four minutes to get our stuff and get to class.

Right before we part out ways to our separate classes, He grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze. The second I walk through the door I know my mother is home. The aroma of alcohol fills the house.

I try to back away slowly and quietly, but I slip on an empty vodka bottle and make a thud when I make contact with it. I hear glass snapping behind me. I turn my face and look at pair of black pumps.

Those pumps step on my hair and kick me in the head. I drag my bag behind me as I pull my head up. I can feel my strands of hair being ripped out of my scalp.

"Mom... I'm going upstairs to my room." I announce.

She steps closer to me, glass crunching under her feet like leaves on a fall day."You did not just say that to me Chloe Elizabeth Lukasiak. You will pay for that." Her arm swings but gets caught by someone else's arm.

"You will pay for that." They say as they drop her arm and slap her face.

She's shocked that someone would backtalk her and starts scrambling backwards.

"You ok?" Ricky asks me. I nod.

"I'm fine."

| The End |

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