Chapter Two

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Scared for his alpha, Jin tried to hid himself in a corner. "Stupid little omega." Namjoon shook his head. "Do you really think that would help?" A crack was heard, soon after those words and a scream followed after the crack. Namjoon just broke his arm. More screams were heard and every now and then you heard another crack.

Finally, after what felt like hours, Namjoon stopped. He grabbed Jin by his hair and pulled at it, so Jin was forced to look at him. "I hope you learned you lesson." Blood was streaming down Jin's face. He didn't care anymore. The only thing he wants right now is to die. So he did something what just a few people dared to do. He growled at him and spitted in his face. He got a a furious growl in return. "Do you have a death wish?" Namjoon said to the omega with a warning tone in his voice. "Yes." Whispered the omega.
"Well, I can make that wish come true." Namjoon put a hand around Jin's neck and started choking him. "Look me in the eyes and I will kill you fast." Jin did what he said while he was trying to gasp for air. As soon as the two made eye contact, their wolves went crazy and screamed the word 'mate'. The pressure on Jin's neck disappeared and Jin fell on the ground. To shocked for words, the two stared at eachother. Regret was seen on Namjoon's face. He shook his head. "I-I'm sorry." And he ran away. Jin was left behind in the cell, laying on ground and trying to control his breathing. Why? Why am I the mate of the heartless alpha. Jin thought.


"Why are we here again?" Taehyung asked his best friend. Hoseok shrugged. "Something about the humans I guess. I didn't really listen."
"Neither did I." Taehyung shook his head. "Alpha is going to be real pissed when he sees us."
"Indeed. We are going to be in a lot of trouble. Why didn't you listen anyway?"
"My wolf is restless. Something is about to happen. I don't know if it's going to be good or bad. Now tell me why you weren't paying attention." Hoseok shrugged again as answer. Before Taehyung could say something they bumped into two guys. "Watch out." Hoseok said a little iritated.
"Sorry." One of the guys said. Suddenly Taehyung's wolf started to purr. He was confused for a second but then looked up. He looked straight in the eyes of his mate. His mate is a human. He immediately knew that his alpha won't accept his mate. His alpha has a deep hatred for humans. But Taehyung didn't thought about it twice. The only thing he could think was that his mate is made for him and that he would never reject him. Not even when his alpha would force him. He prefers to die then to reject his mate. "I'm Taehyung." He introduced himself. "And this is Hoseok." He said pointing to Hoseok.
"I'm Jungkook and this is Jimin." The guy responded. "Nice to meet you." Jungkook said and stuck his hand out for Taehyung to shake. What he gladly did. Immediately when they touched, he felt the sparks. Jungkook looked a little shocked. That probably ment he felt the sparks too. "Jimin and I were on our way to the beach. Do you guys want to come with us?" Taehyung looked at Hoseok. Hoseok nodded. "Sure, but we don't have swimming gear with us." Suddenly Taehyung's phone went off. "Uhm. I should probably take this." As soon as he accepted the call he heard his alpha say: "I want you and Hoseok at my office. Immediately." And with that the line went dead. Taehyung sighed. "Well, apparently Hoseok and I can't join you guys to the beach. We have some unexpected business. Maybe we can exchange numbers and meet another time?"
"Sure." Jimin said. He gave Taehyung and Hoseok, his and Jungkook's number. "See you another time then. Bye!" Jimin waved to the guys, while they walked away towards the forest. "They seem nice." Jimin said to Jungkook.
"They do. But they are also hiding something. And I'm curious what."


''We came as fast as we could alpha.'' Taehyung said when they entered the office. He and Hoseok looked a bit shocked at what they saw. Their alpha sat there with his hands in his hair and looked defeated. ''Alpha, what happened?'' Namjoon sighed and looked at his beta and delta. ''What I'm going to tell you is not something you can speak about with the whole pack or with anyone. It's a secret between you and me.'' They both nodded and looked curious at their alpha. ''I met my second chance mate.'' Hoseok and Taehyung looked at eachother and they both didn't know what to say. Hoseok was the one who broke the silence. ''But that's great right?'' Namjoon shook his head violently. Again the beta and delta looked clueless at eachother. ''My mate is an omega.'' The two looked at their alpha with a questioning look in their eyes. ''It's the omega who got locked up yesterday and I beat him up real bad.'' Namjoon inhaled deep. ''He will probably reject me as soon as he sees me again.'' They both looked at Namjoon with worry. ''Where is he now?'' Taehyung asked. ''At the hospital and a packdoctor is treating his wounds. You guys think I should go to him. Don't you?'' They both nodded. He sighed and shook his head, but eventually he went to the hospital. When he was about to ask the girl behind the desk where the omega was, the packdoctor appeared. ''He's going to be fine. Just a few broken bones but that should heal in a few days. Although, his wolf is weak. So the healing progress will take a little longer. If you want to make sure he heals properly, you should let him stay in your packhouse or keep him in the hospital. He is at the second floor, third door on the left.'' Namjoon nodded and went to Jin's room. When he entered the room he saw Jin sleeping. He looked peaceful but at the same time very bad, because of all the bandages. ''Why?'' He heard a voice whisper. It was Jin. Namjoon looked up and looked at him. ''Why am I your mate?'' Namjoon shrugged and walked closer, but stopped walking as soon as he saw that Jin flinched by every step he took closer. ''I don't know.'' He sighed. ''You can reject me now.'' Namjoon said in a soft voice. Jin looked at him confused. ''What do you mean? Aren't you supposed to reject me.'' Namjoon shook his head. ''I would never reject my mate. I'm not sure if I would survive another rejection. I understand it if you don't want to be with me. No one wants.'' Jin looked at Namjoon and asked himself if the person in front of him was really his alpha or if it was just one big joke. Namjoon shook his head again. ''Please make the decision fast. I'm sorry for hurting you. I really am.''

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